Kingdom of Heaven// Orlando Bloom, Eva Green, Edward Norton

宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
打印 被阅读次数
當時應該是"天主教" 不是"基督教", 兩者是不同的喔

我個人的最愛, 裡面的對話充滿神意

"Only individual life and freedom are the most precious treasures"
The synopsis

"Kingdom of Heaven" is a historical epic directed by Ridley Scott and set during the Crusades. The film follows Balian (Orlando Bloom), a village blacksmith who, still grieving the loss of his wife, joins his estranged father, Baron Godfrey (Liam Neeson), on a journey to Jerusalem as a crusader. Upon arriving in the holy city, Balian becomes entangled in the political intrigue of King Baldwin IV's court (played by Edward Norton), which is plagued by dissent orchestrated by Guy de Lusignan (Marton Csokas), a treacherous nobleman seeking to wage war against the Muslims for personal gain.

As tensions rise and alliances shift, Balian finds himself navigating a complex landscape of loyalty, honor, and betrayal. Along the way, he forms relationships with key figures such as the noble knight Tiberias (Jeremy Irons) and the enigmatic Queen Sibylla (Eva Green), while grappling with questions of faith and morality in the midst of religious conflict.

Against the backdrop of stunning cinematography and epic battle sequences, "Kingdom of Heaven" explores themes of courage, redemption, and the quest for a better world amidst the chaos of medieval warfare. With its rich historical detail and powerful performances, the film offers a gripping portrayal of one of the most tumultuous periods in human history. [Kingdom of Heaven] @12:55/3:09:33 "What is the point of a man who doesn't conceive of a better world?"

The kindom of heaven is not in Jerusalem nor in Israel. It's in your heart, its in your soul. When you start to feel the love of God in your heart, know then that summer is coming.

This one of my most favorite Movies of all time! For me personally; I see the Goodness that can come from Men of very different backgrounds working together, and reaching for a better life! Then also the opposite; the Evil Man is very capable of! It has Trajedy, Death, Hatred. It has people achieving a better Life, Honor, Loyalty, even Love! A lesson We should all learn from!


The Fact That The Movie Gives An Insight Into Religious History And The Names of The Characters Were Real Men Who Walked And Sailed The Roads Of The Crusades Makes It A Great Movie

"Kingdom of Heaven" is a historical-themed film directed by Ridley Scott and starring Orlando Bloom, Eva Green, Edward Norton, and others. The film was released in the United States on May 6, 2005.
85% liked this movie


Still in grief over his wife's sudden death, village blacksmith Balian (Orlando Bloom) joins his long-estranged father, Baron Godfrey (Liam Neeson), as a crusader on the road to Jerusalem. After a perilous journey to the holy city, the valiant young man enters the retinue of the leprous King Baldwin IV (Edward Norton), which is rife with dissent led by the treacherous Guy de Lusignan (Marton Csokas), who wishes to wage war against the Muslims for his own political and personal gain.
Release date: May 6, 2005 (Brazil)
Director: Ridley Scott
Budget: 135 million USD, 130 million USD
Distributed by: 20th Century Studios
Box office: $218.1 million
Cinematography: John Mathieson

Regatul Cerului (2005)

Marcel Crainic
3.37K subscribers

1,046,918 views Jan 24, 2013
un film distribuit de

Music10 songs

Burning The Past-28221

Kingdom Of Heaven [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack]

Chanterai por mon corage

Best of Estampie (1986-2006)

Nunc gaudeant materna

Voice Of The Blood

To Jerusalem-28221

Kingdom Of Heaven [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack]

Instrumental Piece 1 (Based on Hildegard's "O viridissima virga")

Voice Of The Blood

Bibbe Leydy
Baaba Maal, Mansour Seck

Djam Leelii: The Adventurers

Saa Magni
Oumou Sangare


Wall Breached-28221

Kingdom of Heaven (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

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Marcel Crainic

3.37K subscribers
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Kingdom of Heaven @12:55/3:09:33 "What is the point of a man who doesn't conceive of a better world?"


283,026 views Jan 3, 2022 真情假意的好故事!

该片讲述了12世纪宗教军队史诗级大战 电影画面拍得漂亮,剪辑也不错,只是前期稍微拖沓了点 3小时看下来还是要有点耐性,有兴趣可以补补~ 《天国王朝》是一部由雷德利·斯科特执导,奥兰多·布鲁姆、伊娃·格林 (电影里 伊贝拉是鲍德温四世他姐 历史上是他妈 然而 我爱伊娃格林, Eva Green 的高贵古典美获得发掘发挥。)、爱德华·诺顿等主演的历史题材电影。


十二世纪的法国,青年铁匠巴里安无意间知道自己是十字军将领戈弗雷失散多 年的私生子。 为了寻找救赎,巴里安跟随父亲前往耶路撒冷。

骁勇善战加上品格高尚,巴里安几经征战成为赫赫有名的武士 不但深受国王赏识,美丽的公主西贝拉也对他芳心暗许。

而他也深深地被当地陌生而奇特的文化吸引, 然而随着战役增加,带来无尽的杀戮和掠夺, 巴里安终于领会父亲训言中和平的真义与生命的真爱。 耶路撒冷王故去,新王继位,好战的新王挑起战争, 萨拉丁率领撒萨拉逊骑士要收复他们的圣地——耶路撒冷。

危急之时,巴里安挺身而出,誓言捍卫“天国王朝” 每天在线,挖掘好剧本电影,用心解说大千世界中的人心故事 一个人做视频不易,还请喜欢的朋友们多多关照,老景将感激不尽、感极涕零 欢迎订阅-【老景观影-官方频道】:   / 老景观影3721   #老景观影 #电影解说 #天国王朝

很棒的作品 曲高和寡
这片只能说一部文艺片,和历史八竿子打不着关系。充其量是部以历史为背景为改编的文艺片。 当看到他把扇一巴掌就能让一个私生子继承爵位,我差点没笑吐出来。 作为中世纪欧洲封建制的最基本常识,私生子是没有资格继承爵位的,如果没有子嗣,爵位将被国王收回,在赐予别人。到了耶路撒冷更是一路胡说八道。 而且这部片子极度美化穆斯林,丑化天主教十字军,其实穆斯林对天主教的暴行和十字军相比有过之而无不及,当年耶路撒冷就是穆斯林从天主教手里抢过去的,而且连圣座罗马和伊比利亚半岛和拜占庭帝国都被穆斯林侵略。
當時應該是"天主教" 不是"基督教", 兩者是不同的喔
好多东西没讲到,并且有错误。 这部电影讲述的关键几个内容: 对基督教的理解,包括《圣经》里自杀的罪过、宗教的运作、教徒对信仰的不同理解产生的相互冲突,等; 欧洲在中世纪封建统治下长子继承制,人口从旧大陆往东方的扩张; 骑士精神; 不同宗教之间,相互的冲突与共处; 格守理想信条与现实成功之间的冲突。
通過戰爭與殺戮贏來的宗教統治地位,講什麼真理與慈悲,不過都是“忽悠”, 滿足各自的權利與慾望而已。
真正的 慈悲心 是什麼? 距離第一次看 十幾個年頭 匆匆過 疑問依然在心頭 如果 男主 娶了國王妹妹 十字軍 就不會被殲滅 也不用跟 薩拉丁 打攻城戰 可以 少死很多人 這一切只因為 男主 不願意看到 王妹 未婚夫 被賜死 對一個人的 慈悲 卻造成 更多人死亡 慈悲 真的是 男主的首選嗎? 導演 給了一個 不是答案 的答案


2 years ago


3 months ago

解說得挺不精確 看過 阿斗歸來的講解 那才叫精闢


2 years ago
如果男主接受耶路薩冷王的建議 娶公主變攝政王掌握大權 那麼後面與穆斯林王的戰爭也不 會發生,也不會死那麼多人...
3 replies


2 years ago


2 years ago
先說結論,就算主角當初接受了耶路撒冷國王的條件,日後也不可能有和平的可能。 首先主角的私生子身分,先不說能否繼承爵位。在法國那巴掌要冊封騎士一事,借由耶路撒冷的國王承認,是已經很勉強了不說。一旦接受條件迎娶王妹,身分的問題一定會被挑出來挑戰,到時候為了守護這秘密,要處死的不只是聖殿騎士這一邊的所有敵對派,連帶他老爸當初迎接他的那些從侍全部都需死。這也會成為日後馬爾他(醫院騎士團)控制耶路薩冷王室把柄的隱患。等於是這選項,可能會直接造成耶路撒冷城內,半數武力消耗殆盡的內部亂鬥大清洗。同時因為醫院騎士團習慣講道理,所以只能免強守成,看似明理的背後,代表行事綁手綁腳。根本無法突破現有的勢力平衡框架。這也代表要了就是一口氣全部殺乾淨,不然會一旦有漏網之魚時,日後面對的就是超級大反殺....
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2 years ago
 鳳凰火雲  光是薩拉丁的兒子就有可能挑起戰爭。不過從很多紀錄裏來說,薩拉丁都是一個人物,而且是比獅心理查更為君子的英雄人物。


2 years ago


2 weeks ago
十字軍是教皇將歐洲過剩的“力量”與人口向外疏導散發,而避免歐洲基督教諸國彼此大戰的結果,其實很長時間裏成果斐然,教皇本人甚至因此獲得了從未有過的權勢,教皇手下名義上甚至擁有了多支戰鬥力强悍的騎士團。 但十字軍一開始就找錯了進攻的方向,宗教狂熱矇蔽了他們的眼睛,十字軍的主攻方向應該是塞爾柱蘇丹國,而不是那座巴勒斯坦荒漠中的一文不值的小城。攻下安納托利亞,順兩河而下攻占大馬士革,將尖刀捅進伊斯蘭世界的心臟,坐擁富庶的兩河平原,才能長期作戰,將穆斯林世界一分爲二,從此一蹶不振。因爲君士坦丁堡的城墻才是歐洲之壁。 但十字軍一盤散沙,彼此爭搶基座不值錢的小領地,甚至還洗劫了君士坦丁城。。。讓千年拜占庭從此沒落。。。 匈牙利成了基督教世界的壁壘。。。 時至今日,歐洲人依然如此,一盤散沙,當年亞歷山大可沒有奪取幾座城池而沾沾自喜,他直搗黃龍攻占了巴比倫,攻占蘇薩,搗毀波斯人的聖地波斯波利斯,仗才是戰略家。刀要往敵人心口扎,仗要打到敵人核心腹地去。


2 years ago
主要是要更男子汉/爷们一点 (才更体现中世纪前战争的粗旷),要有正义感… Orlando Bloom 怎当的上 Liam Neeson 的儿子? Chris Hemsworth 如何? 即便是Liam Hemsworth 也比 Orlando 合适。



2 years ago
1 reply


2 years ago



3 months ago


2 years ago


1 year ago
娛樂性來說, 這電影真的不合格, 主角優柔寡斷, 漫無目標, 卻一直影響戰爭的進程...




5 years ago
This woman is French she sounds like a posh British girl

EVA GREEN as Morgan in Camelot 

EVA GREEN as Morgan in Camelot

Jay Vee
1.54K subscribers

95,821 views Mar 31, 2019 #evagreen #merlin #camelot
From the 2011 tv show series, Camelot. Eva Green as Morgan Pendragon – the beautiful and ruthlessly ambitious daughter of King Uther. She wishes to claim her right to her father's throne, but she does not count on Merlin's plans or the existence of Arthur, her newly revealed half-brother. In her pursuit of power and revenge, Morgan gives herself over to dark forces that allow her to threaten the court of Camelot from within. She functions as the main antagonist of the series. It is the late 5th century and Britain has been free of Roman rule for several decades. With King Uther's sudden death chaos threatens to engulf Britain. The sorcerer Merlin has visions of a dark future and installs the young and impetuous Arthur, Uther's unknown son and heir who has been raised as a commoner, as the new king. Merlin and Arthur install themselves in Castle Camelot with their allies, which include Arthur's biological mother Igraine, his foster brother Kay and loyal warriors Leontes, Gawain, Ulfius and Brastias.

From Camelot, Arthur tries to build a new and better Britain, where people can live in peace. Meanwhile, Arthur's cold and ambitious half-sister, Morgan plots to take the crown from him. Banished by her father, King Uther, who was responsible for her mother's murder to put Arthur's mother on the throne, Morgan is responsible for Uther's death and wants to rule as his successor. Aided by her loyal maid, Vivien and the devious nun, Sybil, Morgan takes up residence in Uther's old castle, Castle Pendragon, from where she schemes against Arthur. #evagreen #camelot #merlin

Katie McGrath played Morgana in the BBC Merlin not Eva Green. Both are stunning tho!



7 years ago
You could think she's this incredibly self-confident and outgoing woman with no taboos by the way she is always depicted in films, but you can see here she's actually the opposite in real life. It is amazing how she manages to get rid of her shy personality, turn into an intimidating femme fatale and look this appealing and natural. What a fantastic actress!

2,895,887 views Jan 5, 2021
If you like Eva Green you should definitely watch our picks for her best movies. Eva Gaëlle Green born on 6 July, 1980 is a French actress. She started her career in theatre before making her film debut in Bernardo Bertolucci's "The Dreamers". She achieved international recognition for her portrayal of Sibylla in Ridley Scott's historical epic Kingdom of Heaven.
Movies that are in this list: 10. 300: Rise of an Empire (2014): (00:27) 9. Womb (2010): (01:26) 8. Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014): (02:18) 7. Cracks (2009): (03:17) 6. The Salvation (2014): (04:15) 5. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016): (05:11) 4. Perfect Sense (2011): (06:07) 3. The Dreamers (2003): (07:11) 2. Kingdom of Heaven (2005): (08:01)

1. Casino Royale (2006): (09:44)

I will show you my d—k if you show me your br—sts”: Bond Girl

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2 years ago



2 years ago
起码是混血才行! [] [] [] []
TJKCB 发表评论于
十字军东征、十字军西征 , years, roads? ending?
十字军东征 (Crusades to the East)和十字军西征 (Crusades to the West) 是两个历史事件,涉及到不同的时间、路线和结束方式。

十字军东征 (Crusades to the East):

十字军西征 (Crusades to the West):

who was the leaders for both sides?
During the Crusades, there were various leaders on both the Christian and Muslim sides. Here are some of the prominent leaders:

Christian Leaders:

Pope Urban II: Pope Urban II was instrumental in initiating the First Crusade with his famous speech at the Council of Clermont in 1095.
Godfrey of Bouillon: Godfrey of Bouillon was a prominent leader during the First Crusade and became the first ruler of the Kingdom of Jerusalem after its capture in 1099.
Richard the Lionheart: Richard I, also known as Richard the Lionheart, was the King of England and a key figure in the Third Crusade. He led the Christian forces against Saladin in battles such as the Siege of Acre and the Battle of Arsuf.
Louis IX: Louis IX, also known as Saint Louis, was the King of France and led the Seventh and Eighth Crusades in the 13th century.
Muslim Leaders:

Saladin: Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub, commonly known as Saladin, was a Kurdish Muslim military leader who became Sultan of Egypt and Syria. He played a central role in the recapture of Jerusalem during the Third Crusade.
Nur ad-Din: Nur ad-Din Zangi was a Muslim ruler who unified much of Syria and played a significant role in the early Crusades, particularly during the Second Crusade.
Al-Mu'azzam Isa: Al-Mu'azzam Isa was the Ayyubid Sultan of Damascus and a key adversary of the Crusaders during the Third Crusade.
Al-Kamil: Al-Kamil Muhammad al-Malik al-Kamil was the Ayyubid Sultan of Egypt and nephew of Saladin. He negotiated a peace treaty with Richard the Lionheart, ending the Third Crusade.
These are just a few of the many leaders who played significant roles during the Crusades from both Christian and Muslim sides.
TJKCB 发表评论于
what year was Saladin occupied Jerusalem?
Saladin, the renowned Kurdish Muslim military leader, captured Jerusalem in the year 1187. This event took place during the Crusades, specifically during the Battle of Hattin on July 4, 1187, which resulted in the decisive defeat of the Crusader forces led by King Guy of Jerusalem. Following this victory, Saladin's forces advanced and took control of Jerusalem on October 2, 1187.
TJKCB 发表评论于
Tiberia (Jeremy Iron) "I thought I fight for God, but for wealthy and land" @2:10:19/3:09:33

Tiberia (Jeremy Iron): "I thought I fight for God, but for wealthiers and land." No, we fight for the safety and freedom of people," Balian said.

It seems like you're referencing a quote from the movie "Kingdom of Heaven" (2005), directed by Ridley Scott. In the film, Tiberias, played by Jeremy Irons, and Balian, played by Orlando Bloom, have a conversation about the motivations behind their actions. Here's the correct quote:

Tiberias: "I once fought for the Cross. But now I fight for myself. For greed and the lust for power. But you, Balian... you defend nothing."

Balian: "I am defending Jerusalem, Tiberias. That is enough."

Tiberias: "I wonder if it would not be better if you had never been born."

Balian: "Better for whom?"

Tiberias: "God will understand, my lord. And if he does not, then he is not God, and we need not worry. But I wonder... will you yield the city?"

Balian: "Before I lose it, I will burn it to the ground. Your Holy places - ours. Every last thing in Jerusalem that drives men mad."

Tiberias: "I wonder if it would not be better if a madman were to take the city."

This exchange delves into the complexities of faith, duty, and power within the context of the Crusades and the defense of Jerusalem. It's a powerful moment in the film that reflects the moral dilemmas faced by the characters.

Saladin (Muslin) moved from water to water, while King Guy moved out of water Jerusalem to desert sand field to be defeated.

"Syndrome of a leper" isn't a recognized medical term. However, leprosy, also known as Hansen's disease, is a chronic infectious disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae. It primarily affects the skin, peripheral nerves, and mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

Historically, individuals with leprosy were often stigmatized and ostracized from society due to fear and misunderstanding about the disease. This social rejection and discrimination against people with leprosy is sometimes referred to as "leprosy stigma" or "leprosy discrimination syndrome."

It's crucial to note that leprosy is a treatable condition, and with early diagnosis and multi-drug therapy, the disease can be cured, and the spread can be controlled. Moreover, the stigma associated with leprosy has significantly decreased in many parts of the world with increased awareness and education about the disease.
TJKCB 发表评论于
Here are 10 movies featuring the Crusades or Crusaders on the road to Jerusalem:

Kingdom of Heaven (2005) - Directed by Ridley Scott, starring Orlando Bloom, Eva Green, and Liam Neeson.

The Crusades (1935) - Directed by Cecil B. DeMille, featuring Henry Wilcoxon and Loretta Young.

Arn: The Knight Templar (2007) - Directed by Peter Flinth, starring Joakim N?tterqvist and Sofia Helin.

Arn: The Kingdom at Road's End (2008) - The sequel to "Arn: The Knight Templar."

Ironclad (2011) - Directed by Jonathan English, featuring James Purefoy and Paul Giamatti, set during the aftermath of the First Barons' War, which followed the events of the Third Crusade.

The Crusaders (2001) - A documentary series exploring the Crusades, directed by David Wallace.

Richard the Lionheart: Rebellion (2015) - Directed by Stefano Milla, featuring Valeri Alessandro and Elisa Allara.

The Kingdom of Solomon (2010) - Directed by Shahriar Bahrani, a Persian film depicting the story of King Solomon, which includes references to the Crusades.

Arn: The Templar Knight (2007) - An alternate title for the film "Arn: The Knight Templar."

Kingdom of Heaven: Director's Cut (2005) - A longer version of Ridley Scott's "Kingdom of Heaven," providing additional scenes and character development.