Both "Live in the Moment" and "Seize the Moment" are commonly used phrases with slightly different connotations:
Live in the Moment: This phrase emphasizes being present, mindful, and fully engaged with whatever is happening in the present moment. It suggests embracing the now without worrying too much about the past or the future. It's about experiencing life as it happens and finding joy in the present.
Seize the Moment: This phrase suggests taking advantage of opportunities as they arise. It's about being proactive and making the most out of a particular situation or circumstance. It implies a sense of urgency and readiness to act when opportunities present themselves.
Both concepts have their merits. "Living in the Moment" emphasizes mindfulness and being present, which can lead to greater contentment and fulfillment in life. On the other hand, "Seizing the Moment" emphasizes taking action and making the most out of opportunities, which can lead to personal growth and success.
In different contexts, one might be more appropriate than the other. It's about finding a balance between being present and mindful while also being proactive and seizing opportunities as they come your way. So, both are correct, depending on the perspective and the situation.
活在当下 (Live in the Moment)
Translated by 康赛欧
On a winter night, despite the onslaught of cold currents and stormy weather, the sincere desire to learn from the masses could not be deterred. Senior brothers and sisters from various places gathered in the guest hall, joyfully and eagerly surrounding the master, listening attentively to his teachings.
A senior sister sitting in the corner shivered continuously because of the cold weather. The master then called her to come to the stove to warm up. The senior sister expressed concern that it would be even colder when she went down the mountain later, so she politely declined the master's kindness. The master said: "This too shall pass. Live in the moment. Come over quickly!"
• Yes, I will Live in the Moment -永远老李- (1457 bytes) (11 reads) 03/25/2024 postreply 09:05:09
• Thanks for sharing such a thought-provoking and sad story. -康赛欧-
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 03/25/2024 postreply 10:31:22
• Life is so fragile that it should be cherished. -康赛欧-
(0 bytes) (0 reads) 03/25/2024 postreply 10:31:57
• Happiness is fleeting. If we can enjoy the comfort for a min -暖冬cool夏-
(0 bytes) (2 reads) 03/25/2024 postreply 12:09:07
• minute, go for it. We‘ll not know what‘s gona to happen the -暖冬cool夏-
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 03/25/2024 postreply 12:10:59
• next minute. 用流行话语说,就是我们不知道明天和意外哪一个先到:) -暖冬cool夏-
(0 bytes) (2 reads) 03/25/2024 postreply 12:13:19
• 暖冬说得好!很多时候,知道天有不测之风云,人有祸福之耽兮,但有时又会想, -康赛欧-
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 03/25/2024 postreply 12:32:55
• 如果一不留神活到80,90岁,没钱是万万不行的。人真的很矛盾。 -康赛欧-
(0 bytes) (2 reads) 03/25/2024 postreply 12:34:09
• 80-90岁现在好像是常态了:)你没问题,我还要努力赚钱:))当然身体好第一! -暖冬cool夏-
(0 bytes) (0 reads) 03/25/2024 postreply 13:11:21
Yes, I will Live in the Moment
来源: 永远老李 于 2024-03-25 09:05:09 [档案] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 11 次 (1457 bytes)字体:调大/重置/调小 | 加入书签 | 打印 | 所有跟帖 | 加跟贴 | 当前最热讨论主题
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回答: 活在当下 (Live in the Moment) 由 康赛欧 于 2024-03-25 07:25:15
There was from that saturday morning. I decided to live in the moment.
It was a saturday. There was a live telecast of World Cup 2022 match between Holland and USA. At half time break, I stood up and quietly got dressed. I had to leave home. I must go inspite of that exciting soccer telecast. The reason is I need to attend funeral of my wife's friend who died of cancer recently.
I arrived in church where the ceremony was. The whole thing is surreal. Short eight months ago, she had a weekend hiking with my wife in a park nearby. She wass in great shape. She actually walked faster than my wife does. Once they came home, they had pleasant chat. She looked healthy and loud and happy. I can't believe my ears that she was diagnosed with cancer a few days later. She quitted her job the very next day. Her supervisor was in charge of her treatment. Her supervisor is a world class cancer doctor. But it is not enough to save her life. I walked pass her casket. She went from a full of life woman into a body laying in a box. She looks different. I don't know how her husband and her kids cope with it when they spent time with her looking like that. That was beyond shock. She has everything she asks for. She has a good husband and good kids and good job and good car and good this and good that. She left all that in 8 months, just like that. Life is unpredicatable, man.