第一和唯一的有內涵的導演姜文拍电影的思想和方法Joan Chen in an action movie

宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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很有內涵的導演姜文拍电影的思想和方法: You're your film! 我们可以听姜文的讲述,更加知道姜文是第一和唯一的!





https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SqYs8m1gFM [周韻:沒劉曉慶霸氣,沒寧靜性感,她憑什麼讓姜文為她離婚,從「浪子」變成模範丈夫?]

姜文:劉曉慶為他拋棄丈夫,寧靜為他賭氣閃婚,不是帥哥為何魅力如此之大?26年只拍了6部電影,為何被億萬影迷追捧?    • 姜文:劉曉慶為他拋棄丈夫,寧靜為他賭氣閃婚,不是帥哥為何魅力如此之大?26...   劉曉慶:讓姜文甘願「做三」的女人,離過婚,坐過牢,4段婚姻,7個男人,揭秘「一代妖后」的跌宕人生     • 劉曉慶:讓姜文甘願「做三」的女人,離過婚,坐過牢,4段婚姻,7個男人,揭秘...   姜文的電影中,總有兩個截然不同的女人,一個是熱情似火的紅玫瑰,一個是聖潔清冷的白玫瑰。 而白玫瑰的扮演者,一直都是周韻。 連她們幾個「彪悍女人」都降服不了的「野馬」姜文,為何能被小他15歲的周韻,治的服服帖帖?收心18年,認慫臣服? #周韻 #姜文 #劉曉慶 #寧靜 #讓子彈飛 #陽光燦爛的日子 #太陽照常升起 #一步之遙 #人物故事 #解說人物 #娛十一


周韵 (平實 + 安穩+溫暖, 誰能逃過?) 是幸运的,在最好的时间遇上一直寻找真爱和安全感的姜文,她的安全感和底蕴深深打动了他,成就了一段娱乐圈的佳话.


Get 不到她的美,普通女子一枚。只能说姜文的口味就这款,萝卜白菜吧.








Joan Chen in an action movie ! ! !

来源: TJKCB 于 2024-03-29 21:13:29 

Neither did I expect to see Joan Chen in an action movie, nor could I believe that Jessica is the character she is playing in this movie, nor did I think she was the producer.

This film was fantastic. Strong performances by the actors. Entertaining pursuit. Just the right amount of character development—not so much that it dragged on, but enough that you cared about them nevertheless. Yeah, there's a little bit of reality distortion, but it's not quite as bad as in some of the more recent films.

"Count no man as happy until his end is known. What Simon would call all that Greek shit. It's not until you know how someone dies that you know what really matters to them. What they sacrifice for, what they would die for. We don't have much control over our lives. But our end? Sometimes we write that story. If you're getting this, you know my end. I've never been happier."
-- a quote from John Malkovich's character in a film, referencing the Aristotelian concept of withholding judgment on a person's happiness until their life's end is known. It also reflects on the idea that one's true values and priorities become apparent only in hindsight, particularly in the face of death.
"Hindsight" refers to understanding a situation or event after it has occurred, often with the benefit of additional information or perspective that was not available at the time of the event. It involves looking back on past events and analyzing them more clearly or accurately than when they were happening.
Ava (Jessica Chastain) is a deadly assassin who works for a black ops organization. She travels the globe specializing in high-profile hits. When a job goes dangerously wrong, she is forced to fight for her own survival.


Release date: 2020

Running time: 1:37:01

Audio: English


English [CC]

Actors: Jessica ChastainJohn MalkovichColin Farrell, Joan Chen

Director: Tate Taylor

Producers: Nicolas ChartierDominic RustamJessica ChastainKelly Carmichael

Writer: Matthew Newton

Genres: Action & adventureThrillerIndependent

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