自去年十月初公司关闭旧办公室,一晃过去半年。同部门的一半人员已经早早搬迁去了那里上班,剩下我们另一半要等大楼彻底装修完毕才返回上班。在家上班何乐不为?在家上班多好,不用早起,早上慢悠悠地睡到自然醒,起床先log in, 佯装上班了,然后下楼做早饭。中午可以吃上热腾腾新鲜做的饭菜,不忙时,饭后有时还能睡上一个午觉。两个人在家上班,不忙时还可以抽空打半小时乒乓球。当然某人上班很忙,没日没夜地加班,有时候忙得一天都不曾下楼,饭菜都端上去吃,可即便如此,他还是很享受在家上班。
First day back to the office (Return to Office RTO)
After another six months’ respite of working from home, a return to work in the office looks long overdue. Today, March 7th, marks my first day back to the office. Life has been good working from home, when I woke up to the natural light, logged in to the computer in my robe before I went downstairs to prepare the breakfast. Life has been good without getting up hastily, dressed and rushing to the busy traffic. Life has been good when I ate freshly cooked lunch instead of microwaved leftover, taking a short nap on a cozy bed whenever possible. Life has been good when I worked on my own pace without the little boss breathing down my neck. On top of that, time to commute is saved, so is gasoline and car usage.
But the comfort of working from home is not without a cost. Many a night, I was found sitting in front of the computer finishing up the linger work that could have accomplished at daytime. The line between work and off-work hours is so blurred that overtime becomes almost a routine.
As I entered the new parking structure, the gate bar automatically lifted to allow my registered car in. With heavy handbags filled with a laptop, a water bottle and some office supplies, I plodded to an unfinished elevator to take me to the fourth floor, where I am going to spend my whole day there.
A modern, clean and bright high-ceiling office welcomed me, but to walk through symmetrically and uniformly assembled cubicles without a seat chart is akin to a mouse scuttling through a zigzagged maze. After a detour and an inquiry, I found a hotel cubicle assigned to our department.
Hoteling workstation, as the name says all, is said to be a new popular cost-effective office model. Seating myself under a steel-plate-strung roof, beneath which crisscrossed with large aluminum ventilations, vertical or horizontal lighting tubes, cables, wires and fashionable decorative hanging lamps, I felt like working at a warehouse.
The office was quiet, except for a continuous humming noise in the background, as if a huge fan were whirring non-stopped. When the sun broke out in the afternoon, its ray glaringly sailed down through the unfiltered floor-to-ceiling windows. The long narrow lighting above the cubicles only adds to the dazzle.
I walked around and stopped by a corner window overlooking a main street. Shut off by the window is a hustling noisy world where cars are running among concrete jungles. A broad skyline of the city is visible under a half-overcast sky.
Drowsiness crept upon around 2 o’clock in the afternoon. I had to go to the kitchen and fetch a cup of coffee to freshen up myself. Other than that, a workday at office is no doubt more effective and productive. And amicable face-to-face greetings and exchanges between co-workers are a cherry on top.
暖mm,一早起来听你潮湿的心,看看天气预报,说今日有雨,原来三月的雨,就是被暖mm唱来的。:)喜欢听你的歌,你轻轻松松地唱,我轻轻松松地听。暖mm,外面的世界有多精彩,你这第一天去新大楼上班就体会到了吧?:)一周精彩一次,公司太善解人意了,果真是a cherry on top. :)我就等着听暖mm讲一周一次的各种遇。:)))
暖冬女神节快乐。 歌唱得真好,歌声甜美悠扬婉转动听,我连听了好几遍,意犹未尽。
同喜欢WFH,轻松自由自在,但见真人还是有亲切感,每周1-2还行。祝每天都好吃好喝好睡,好歌好唱,平安喜乐常伴随你。眼中有景,心中有光有歌,活到老,唱到老,live life to the fullest,不留一丝遗憾。:)