2024 年 3 月 1 日
Yanis Varoufakis 最近与 DiEM25 和 MERA25 活动人士一起参加了在德国慕尼黑举行的反战集会。 这篇演讲很可能发生在 2024 年 2 月 17 日:
这就是我不再爱雅尼斯·瓦鲁法基斯的时间和原因。 无论他最近说了多少真实的话,例如 关于欧洲能源交易所、关于技术封建主义(为什么不是云主义?)、关于以色列和巴勒斯坦,这一次,在夸大和曲解现实方面,太多了。
他首先嘲笑一个他看到举着北约旗帜的人(那个人是真的吗?)。 然后,他开始产生幻觉并声称:
● 乔·拜登是普京最好的朋友,因为废话,所以如果你想让乌克兰战争永远持续下去,就投票拜登吧!
● 普京是乔·拜登最好的朋友,因为普京为他提供了为什么人们不应该投票给特朗普的最佳论据……以及永无休止的战争的最佳论据,这场战争(雅尼斯似乎被绿色洗脑了)丰富了德克萨斯州的天然气和 石油生产商,因为你不是从俄罗斯购买石油。 (即使在他的最新著作《技术封建主义》中也可以注意到他对化石燃料公司的痴迷,这本应该与化石燃料无关。)
● 普京和拜登需要彼此。
● “谁创造了普京? 北约! 北约通过支持在车臣杀害 25 万人而创造了普京。 还记得2001年吗? 他们支持他。 他们创造了怪物。 怪物们互相拥抱,一起跳舞。”
● “如果你是普京、如果你是拜登、如果你是泽伦斯基、如果你是内塔尼亚胡,你最糟糕的噩梦会是什么? 和平。 因为和平意味着你在政治上破产,同时,支持你的人——军火工业、武器生产商——也将破产。”
● 关于那些手持北约旗帜的人:“他们相信北约提供了保护他们的盾牌、保护伞。 嗯,北约不保护我们。 北约就像黑手党。 黑手党制造不安全感是为了向你兜售安全感。 黑手党制造威胁,向您兜售保护。 这是一个保护费。 北约制造了战争,北约创造了普京这样的怪物,北约创造了萨达姆·侯赛因,他们创造了所有的怪物,然后为他们所有的怪物辩护,而我们,欧洲人,已经成为他们的奴隶,他们的附庸。 不存在欧洲这样的东西。 我们是美利坚合众国的殖民地。 我们是石油生产商、化石燃料工业、银行业、华尔街、法兰克福银行家、欧洲中央银行的殖民地。 我们在一起,德国人、希腊人、意大利人、爱尔兰人,我们都是他们的奴隶。”
● “为什么德国的政治派别如此参与种族灭绝? 为什么他们在战争中如此共谋? 为什么他们一直说“是”,无论是基民盟、基社盟、自民党,甚至部分左翼,肯定是社民党,肯定是绿党? 他们为什么允许欧洲去工业化? 他们为什么允许你的国家倒退? 让我来告诉你为什么。 这里没有阴谋。 这非常非常简单。 如果您拥有梅赛德斯-奔驰,您确实想将您的汽车卖到美国。 美利坚合众国有巨额赤字。 由于赤字,他们购买德国工业、中国工业、日本工业生产的所有东西,并用美元支付。 梅赛德斯-奔驰用美元做什么? 他们带他们去华尔街。 他们在美国投资。 谁是他们的选民,他们关心谁? 不是你,不是德国人民。 他们关心华尔街,他们关心华盛顿,他们关心拜登。 我们是一个殖民地,我们自己的政治阶层也是同谋。”
● “联邦议院中的所有政党,每一个政党,都失败了。 他们已经让德国落后了。 德国人民、希腊人民、法国人民都对他们的政治制度感到失望。 ……你们今天所做的不是示威,而是表演。 你们今天所做的是政治代理。 你就是民主。”
● “当我们在加沙有 15,000 名儿童受伤且亲属无人知晓时,我晚上无法入睡,我无法想象自己的繁荣。 当不安全、不人道、非法行为在以色列土地、巴勒斯坦土地上司空见惯时,任何有道德的人都不可能在晚上睡觉并谈论我们的安全。”
● “那是 1982 年,我在波兰华沙。 我记得团结工会持不同政见者在桥上写下了标语……。 他们引用了卡尔·马克思的话:一个压迫另一个民族的民族正在为自己创造机会。 卡尔·马克思。” “今天的以色列就是这样,俄罗斯就是这样,土耳其就是这样,希腊也是这样。
欧洲经委会。 如果我们压迫任何人或参与压迫任何人,我们就永远无法获得自由。 如果一个民族受到压迫,我们谁都无法获得自由。”
● “我的同志和朋友告诉我,在巴伐利亚州我不可以提及中东的两个水域。 一个看起来像流动的水的东西——我无法说出这个词——还有另一个不流动的物体,它很大,是地中海的一部分。 我不能说我们在这两个水域之间需要普遍的人权和政治自由。”
● “因此,让我们大家宣布:需要在以色列和巴勒斯坦的每一个水域之间争取普遍自由和普遍人权! 让我们都为巴勒斯坦、慕尼黑、荷兰以及所有仍在呼吸和生活的人们的光之消逝而愤怒、愤怒、再愤怒。 让我们愤怒,让我们奋起反抗人道主义的消亡。 及时行乐!”
看,我明白为什么雅尼斯·瓦鲁法基斯或多或少地倾向于共产主义,以及为什么他似乎如此狂热地反美。 臭名昭著的愚蠢希腊内战结束后不久,他的父亲被关进一个集中营,用于对那些不够反共的人进行“政治再教育”。 哦,讽刺的是。 甚至在第二次世界大战结束之前就开始的完全愚蠢的内战,共产主义抵抗组织与盟军控制下的更民主的力量作战,导致了不民主的右翼政权。 在英国军队的屠杀之后,以及后来双方的非法杀戮之后,一场反共迫害运动包括,一方面强行驱逐大约三万名儿童,他们最终流落到东欧共产主义国家,另一方面, 另一方面,同样数量的儿童被政府安置在教化营(弗雷德里卡女王的营地),其中一些将被美国家庭收养。 老瓦鲁法基斯不是共产主义者,但他是希腊战后反共、麦卡锡式政策的受害者。 这是在军政府之前! (1967-74 年军事独裁的唯一积极后果是废除了君主制。)
令人惊讶的是,这并没有成为雅尼斯移居英国、在那里学习、任教以及在澳大利亚的障碍。 希腊人应该憎恨他们以前的英国压迫者,不是吗? 此外,对于他在英国时的左翼激进分子来说,他 2012-13 年在 Valve 工作,研究虚拟游戏虚拟经济中的汇率,听起来有点奇怪。 我们知道雅尼斯对技术很着迷,他自己也是云封建主义的受害者,但他也帮助建立了这种废话!
在他2015年参与希腊政府之后,在他创立MeRA25(欧洲现实不服从阵线)和DiEM25(2025年欧洲民主运动)之后,我认为他和他创立的政治运动已经政治自杀了。 它们变得完全无关紧要,我想知道那到底是什么。 到 2025 年,他们该如何得到他们想要得到的一切?!
显然,普京不是北约的产物。 西方集体应对 2001 年(车臣)、2008 年(格鲁吉亚)和 2014 年(乌克兰)没有采取相应行动负责。 然而,“一切照旧”政策有着更古老的根源。 我们仍在汲取德国“Wandel durch Handel”理论的后果,该理论通过 1970 年 2 月 1 日的协议将良好的贸易关系延伸到对苏联的直接支持,在此基础上,俄罗斯首次交付天然气 1973 年 10 月,苏联与德意志联邦共和国之间的管道由德国供应给俄罗斯! 说威利·勃兰特、格哈德·施罗德和安吉拉·默克尔“是北约”是一种过于简单化的怪诞说法。
当然,我们欧洲人对美国有一种不健康的依赖。 但在这方面,德国也是罪魁祸首。 即使历史不适合“假设”场景,这也是我的。 如果德国没有参加第一次世界大战,留下奥匈帝国的痛苦,如果他们没有把列宁送到俄罗斯,就会发生两件事:第一,不会有对德国提出极其沉重赔款要求的凡尔赛条约,因此不会有 希特勒; 第二,布尔什维克不会处决俄罗斯帝国罗曼诺夫家族,而且很可能我们不会有斯大林。 此外,没有第二次世界大战,没有里宾特洛甫-莫洛托夫,没有大屠杀,没有冷战,没有欧洲分裂。 最重要的是:欧洲的一半没有苏联军队,另一半也没有美国军队。 没有北约!
现在,尽管北约有种种缺点,美国也有种种缺点,但我们仍然需要北约。 另外,如果拜登是坏人,我们是否应该这样做?
希望特朗普再次当选总统吗? 你是认真的,还是你吃的蘑菇有问题?
“我们是美利坚合众国的殖民地。” 可能吧。 “我们是石油生产商、化石燃料工业的殖民地”——现在,这是令人厌恶的。 我们确实从德克萨斯州采购,如果不是从俄罗斯采购,那么还有什么替代方案呢? 要转变为“100%电力”社会,利用 Greta Thunberg 的有机无二氧化碳屁和 Yanis Varoufakis 的核坚果产生的电力? 这家伙对“化石燃料黑手党”的痴迷是荒唐的。
“这是一个保护费。 北约制造了战争,北约制造了像普京这样的怪物,”等等。 天哪,分析得多么巧妙啊! “我们是石油生产商、化石燃料工业、银行业、华尔街、法兰克福银行家和欧洲央行的殖民地。” 你忘了伦敦金融城了,伙计。 我知道你更喜欢虚拟货币,甚至是加密货币(如果政府使用的话),但是嘿,你应该是左派! 都怪他们吧!
至于据称团结工会引用的卡尔·马克思的名言:“压迫另一个民族的民族正在为自己创造机会”,我无法辨认。 我能找到的最接近的是弗里德里希·恩格斯(Friedrich Engels)的《关于波兰的演讲》(1847年),其内容如下:“一个民族不能在获得自由的同时继续压迫其他民族。 因此,如果波兰没有从德国的压迫下解放出来,德国的解放就不可能实现。” 我想这就是他的想法,可能是从希腊语翻译过来的。
我不确定巴伐利亚政府禁止的是什么,我也不记得我在哪里提到过(我猜在这里)许多有识之士共同的观点:德国在实施其“不再”的过程中 承诺,认为以色列是“定义上的受害者”,无论以色列做什么。 因此,德国正式支持巴勒斯坦(加沙,但也包括约旦河西岸)的种族灭绝,因为被洗脑的德国政客不想让自己有用自己的头脑思考的奢侈! 毛泽东出版了一本红皮书,其中包含了所有中国人所需要的答案; 卡扎菲有他的绿皮书; 二战后的德国有一个白蓝页,上面写着:“由于大屠杀,以色列永远是对的,即使它不是。 没有什么可讨论的; 向前走!”
但我必须写一篇关于雅尼斯·瓦鲁法基斯(Yanis Varoufakis)的类似声明,这位聪明的经济学家成功地超越了嘲笑。 这些天极左派出了什么问题? 梅朗雄疯了,米歇尔·昂弗雷(皮埃尔·约瑟夫·蒲鲁东的社会主义自由反马克思主义创始人,Donc pas du tout d’extreme-gauche)变得奇怪了,现在雅尼斯……
我不会相信雅尼斯·瓦鲁法基斯的判断。 再也不。 这是一个令人沮丧的结论。
This is how I fell out of love with Yanis Varoufakis
March 1, 2024
Yanis Varoufakis, together with DiEM25 and MERA25 activists, recently took part in an anti-war rally in Munich, Germany. This speech is likely to have taken place on February 17, 2024:
This is when and why I fell out of love with Yanis Varoufakis. No matter how many true things he has said lately, e.g. about the European Energy Exchange AG, about Technofeudalism (why not Cloudalism?), about Israel and Palestine, this time, too much is too much when it comes to exaggerating and misinterpreting reality.
First, what he said
He started by mocking a person that he saw holding a NATO flag (was that person even real?). Then, he started to hallucinate and claim:
● That Joe Biden is Putin’s best friend, because crap, so if you want the war in Ukraine to continue forever, vote Biden!
● That Putin is Joe Biden’s best friend, because Putin gives him the best argument why people shouldn’t vote for Trump… and the best argument for the never-ending war, which (Yanis seems to be green brainwashed) enriches the Texan gas and oil producers, because you’re not buying from Russia. (His obsession with fossil fuel companies can be noticed even in his latest book, Technofeudalism, which should have had nothing to do with fossil fuels.)
● That Putin and Biden need one another.
● “Who created Putin? NATO! NATO created Putin by supporting the killing of 250,000 people in Chechnya. Remember, in 2001? They supported him. They created the monster. Monsters are hugging each other and dancing together.”
● “If you were Putin, if you were Biden, if you were Zelenskyy, if you were Netanyahu, what would your worst nightmare be? Peace. Because peace would mean that you become politically bankrupt and, at the same time, that people who support you—the arms industry, the weapons producers—they will become bankrupt.”
● On the alleged people holding a NATO flag: “They believe that NATO offers a shield, an umbrella, that protects them. Well, NATO doesn’t protect us. NATO is like the Mafia. The Mafia creates insecurity to sell you security. The Mafia creates threats to sell you protection. It’s a protection racket. NATO creates the wars, NATO creates the monsters like Putin, NATO created Saddam Hussein, they created all the monsters that then justified all their monstrosities, and the fact that we, Europeans, have become their slaves, their vassals. There is no such thing as Europe. We are a colony of the United States of America. We are a colony of the oil producers, of the fossil fuel industry, of the banking sector, of Wall Street, of the Frankfurt bankers, of the European Central Bank. We together, Germans, Greeks, Italians, Irish, we’re all together their slaves.”
● “Why is the political spectrum in Germany so complicit in the genocide? Why are they so complicit in the wars? Why do they keep saying yes, whether they are the CDU, the CSU, the FDP, even in parts of the left, definitely the SPD, definitely the Greens? Why are they allowing Europe to deindustrialize? Why are they allowing your country to fall back? Let me tell you why. There is no conspiracy here. It’s very, very simple. If you own Mercedes-Benz, you really want to sell your cars to the United States of America. The United States of America has a big deficit. Because of that deficit, they buy everything the German industry, Chinese industry, Japanese industry produce, and they pay them in dollars. And what does Mercedes-Benz do with the dollars? They take them to Wall Street. And they invest in America. Who is their constituency, who do they care about? Not you, not the people of Germany. They care about Wall Street, they care about Washington, they care about Biden. We are a colony, with the complicity of our own political class.”
● “All the political parties, every single one of them, that are in the Bundestag, have dropped the ball. They have left Germany down. The people of Germany, the people of Greece, the people of France, have been let down by their political system. … What you’re doing today is not a demonstration; what you’re doing today is political agency. You are democracy.”
A second major topic:
● “I can’t sleep at night, I cannot think of my prosperity, when we have 15,000 children that are injured without known relatives in Gaza. There is no possibility for any ethical person to sleep at night and to talk about our security when insecurity, inhumanity, illegitimacy are the order of the day in the land of Israel, in the land of Palestine.”
● “It was 1982, and I was in Warsaw, in Poland. And I remember that the Solidarno?? dissidents had written a slogan on the bridge …. they had quoted Karl Marx, and it said: A people who oppresses another people is forging its own chance. Karl Marx.” “That is the case for Israel today, it is the case for Russia, it is the case for Turkey, it is the case for Greece. If we oppress or are complicit in the oppression of anyone, we can never be free. None of us can be free, if a people are (sic) oppressed.”
● “I have been told, by my comrades and friends, that in the state of Bavaria I am not allowed to mention two bodies of water in the Middle East. Something that looks like water that is flowing—I can’t say the word—and another body which is not flowing, which is large and is part of the Mediterranean. And I am not allowed to say that we need universal human rights and political freedom between these two bodies of water.”
● “So, let us all proclaim: the need to fight for universal freedoms and universal human rights between every body of water in Israel and in Palestine! Let us all rage, rage, and rage again for the dying of the light(?) in Palestine, in Munich, in Holland, and everywhere there are people who are breathing and living. Let us rage, let us rise up against the dying of humanism. Carpe diem!”
Now, my comments
Undoubtedly, there are elements of truth in many of his assertions, but they’re so primitive and so brutally unreasonable.
Look, I understand why Yanis Varoufakis is more or less leaning towards communism, and why he seems to be so rabidly anti-American. Shortly after the infamously stupid Greek Civil War, his father was imprisoned in a camp used for the “political re-education” of those who were not anti-communist enough. Oh, the irony. The utterly moronic civil war that started even before the end of WWII, with communist resistance organizations fighting the more democratic forces under Allied control, has led to undemocratic right-wing regimes. After a massacre by the British troops, and later, after unlawful killings on both sides, an anti-communist persecution campaign included the forced removal, on the one hand, of some 30,000 children who ended up in Eastern European communist countries and, on the other hand, of a similar number of children being put in indoctrination camps by the government (Queen Frederika’s camps), some of them to be adopted by American families. Varoufakis senior wasn’t a communist, yet he was a victim of the anti-communist, McCarthy-like post-war policies in Greece. And this was before the military junta! (The only positive consequence of the 1967–74 military dictatorship was the abolition of the monarchy.)
Surprisingly enough, this wasn’t an impediment for Yanis to move to Britain, to study there, to teach there, and also in Australia. Greeks were supposed to hate their former British oppressors, were they not? Also, for the left-wing militant that he was while in Britain, his 2012–13 employment with Valve, in which he researched the exchange rates within the virtual economy of virtual games, sounds a little bizarre. We know that Yanis is fascinated by technology, being himself a victim of the Cloud feudalism, but he also helped build this nonsense!
After his 2015 involvement in the Greek government, and after and his founding of MeRA25 (European Realistic Disobedience Front) and DiEM25 (Democracy in Europe Movement 2025), I thought he and the political movements he founded committed political suicide. They became utterly irrelevant, and I wondered what the fuck was that. How were they supposed to get whatever they wanted to get, by 2025?!
And now, the surprise: Yanis really is a far-left militant!
To the point
Obviously, Putin is not a creation of NATO. The collective West is responsible for not having acted accordingly in 2001 (Chechnya), 2008 (Georgia), 2014 (Ukraine). The “business as usual” policy has, however, older roots. We are still drawing the consequences of the German “Wandel durch Handel” theory, which extended good trade relations up to a direct support of the USSR through the agreement of February 1, 1970, on the basis of which the first deliveries of natural gas from the USSR to the Federal Republic of Germany took place in October 1973 on pipelines supplied to the Russians by Germany! To say that Willy Brandt, Gerhard Schröder, and Angela Merkel “are NATO” is a grotesque oversimplification.
Then, of course, we Europeans have an unhealthy dependence of America. But here too, Germany is the culprit. Even if history doesn’t work with “what if” scenarios, here’s mine. If Germany had not entered WWI, leaving Austria-Hungary with its pains, and had they not sent Lenin to Russia, two things would have happened: one, there would have been no Treaty of Versailles with extremely heavy reparations demands on Germany, hence no Hitler; and two, the Bolsheviks wouldn’t have executed the Russian Imperial Romanov family, and, most likely, we’d have had no Stalin. Furthermore, no WWII, no Ribbentrop-Molotov, no Holocaust, no Cold War, no division of Europe. Most importantly: no Soviet troops in half of Europe, no American troops in the other half. No NATO whatsoever!
Right now, with all its faults, and with all the faults of the United States, we need NATO. Also, if Biden is the bad guy, are we supposed to wish Trump to become president once again? Are you serious, or are you on questionable mushrooms?
“We are a colony of the United States of America.” Possibly. “We are a colony of the oil producers, of the fossil fuel industry”–now, this is obscene. We do purchase from Texas, if not from Russia, but what are the alternatives? To switch to a “100% electric” society, using the electricity produced using Greta Thunberg’s organic and CO2-free farts, and Yanis Varoufakis’ nuclear nuts? This guy’s obsession with the “fossil fuel Mafia” is grotesque.
“It’s a protection racket. NATO creates the wars, NATO creates the monsters like Putin,” and so on. Oh my, what a great finesse of the analysis! “We are a colony of the oil producers, of the fossil fuel industry, of the banking sector, of Wall Street, of the Frankfurt bankers, of the European Central Bank.” You forgot the City of London, buddy. I know you prefer the virtual currencies and even crypto, if used by governments, but hey, you’re supposed to be on the Left! Blame them all!
I thoroughly appreciate Yanis’ take on Palestine (I mentioned two of his interventions here), but his other political positions are undermining his credibility.
As for the quote from Karl Marx allegedly used by Solidarno??, “A people who oppresses another people is forging its own chance,” I couldn’t identify it. The closest I could find belongs to Friedrich Engels, from his Speech on Poland (1847), and it reads as follows: “A nation cannot become free and at the same time continue to oppress other nations. The liberation of Germany cannot therefore take place without the liberation of Poland from German oppression.” I suppose this is what he had in mind, possibly translated from Greek.
I’m not sure what it was that the Bavarian government has banned, and I don’t remember where I’ve mentioned (I guess here) an opinion shared by many knowledgeable people: Germany, in the implementation of its “never again” promise, considers Israel to be “the victim by definition,” regardless of what Israel does. So Germany officially supports the genocide in Palestine (in Gaza, but also in the West Bank) because the brainwashed German politicians don’t wish to allow themselves the luxury of thinking using their own heads! Mao issued a Red Book with all the answers ever needed by any Chinese; Gaddafi had his Green Book; post-WWII Germany has a white-blue page that reads: “Because of the Shoah, Israel is always right, even when it isn’t. There is nothing to be discussed; move along!”
But I have to write a similar statement about Yanis Varoufakis, the intelligent economist who managed to go beyond ridicule. What’s wrong with the far left these days? Mélenchon is nuts, Michel Onfray (originairement adepte du socialisme libertaire antimarxiste à la Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, donc pas du tout d’extrême-gauche) has become strange, and now Yannis…
I will not trust the judgment of Yanis Varoufakis. Never again. That’s a disheartening conclusion.
And to think that I was going to write him a long email, him being someone who could understand anything related to economics, to suggest topics for a new book…