Roger K?ppel 乌克兰的战争谎言

关于乌克兰的这些战争谎言简直疯了!| 瑞士记者罗杰·科佩尔
2024年3月6日  Neutrality Studies
今天,我将与瑞士的塔克·卡尔森,即《Weltwoche》杂志的多产编辑和所有者罗杰·科佩尔(Roger Köppel)进行对话。作为一名记者,科佩尔先生逆流而上超过25年,从一开始就与媒体正统观念抗争。他对今天的媒体环境所说的话不应该让人感到惊讶,但仍然令人害怕。

These WAR LIES About Ukraine Are Insane! | Swiss Journalist Roger Köppel

Neutrality Studies

After two years of war in Ukraine, western mainstream media still pretends that its coverage of this tragedy is in some sense "quality journalism". To any thinking observer this is laughable. Yet the fog of war is spread by the propaganda outlets that themselves accuse all alternative information sources as disinformation. 

Today I'm speaking to a Switzerland's Tucker Carlson, the prolific editor and owner of the "Weltwoche" Magazine, Roger Köppel. As a journalist, Mr. Köppel has been swimming against the current for more than 25 years, picking fights with media orthodoxy since the very beginning. What he has to tell about today's media environment should come as no surprise but is frightening nevertheless.
