Radhika Desai 拉迪卡·德赛

拉迪卡·德赛 (Radhika Desai) 


Convenor: Radhika Desai – contact@internationalmanifesto.org

国际宣言集团的召集人。 她是加拿大温尼伯曼尼托巴大学政治研究系教授和地缘政治经济研究小组主任。 她是《资本主义、冠状病毒和战争:地缘政治经济》(2022 年)、《地缘政治经济:美国霸权、全球化和帝国之后》(2013 年)、《向阿约提亚垂头丧气:从国会到印度政治中的印度教》(第 2 版,2004 年)和 知识分子与社会主义:《社会民主党》和工党(1994年),《新政治家和社会月刊》,编辑或联合编辑《俄罗斯、乌克兰和当代帝国主义》,《国际批判思想》特刊(2016年) 、地缘政治经济的理论参与(2015)、地缘政治经济的分析收益(2015)、为当今资本主义复兴马克思主义理论(2010)和发展与文化民族主义(2009)。她还在《经济与政治周刊》上发表了多篇文章 、《国际批判思想》、《新左派评论》、《第三世界季刊》、《世界政治经济学评论》等期刊和政党、政治经济、文化和民族主义的编辑集。 她与艾伦·弗里曼 (Alan Freeman) 共同编辑了曼彻斯特大学出版社的地缘政治经济丛书以及与冥王星出版社的《资本主义的未来》丛书。


国际宣言集团在疫情爆发之初就开始讨论世界秩序快速变化的政治和地缘政治经济及其国家和地区组成部分。 我们来自世界各地——北美和南美、欧洲和非洲、西亚、俄罗斯、中国、东亚、东南亚和南亚——并致力于变得更加包容。 我们代表了社会主义思潮的多样性。 我们每两周举行一次会议,并就重大问题举行变焦活动。 这些内容均发布在本网站上。 我们分析的核心是我们的宣言,“通过多极化走向社会主义”,我们相信参与其中的主题并进一步发展它们对于进一步左翼前进非常重要。


Radhika Desai 博士是地缘政治经济研究小组主任


451 大学学院, 曼尼托巴大学, 温尼伯MB

电话 204.474.9818   传真 204.474.7585


什么是 GERG?

地缘政治经济研究小组(GERG)将成为一个有影响力的政策研究机构,对各国及其与世界经济的关系进行高质量的研究和分析。 它将批判性地分析并提出管理国民经济和国家互动的政策选择,以促进当今多极世界中的人类发展和互利。


对国内和国际政治经济问题的新思考日益迫切。 金融危机后出现的多极世界给近几十年来这种思维所依据的既定框架打上了问号,特别是由市场统一世界秩序的全球化,以及由主导大国统一世界秩序的帝国。

在这样的框架中,要么没有国家重要,要么只有一个国家重要。 相比之下,多极化承认世界经济存在裂痕,国际经济治理存在激烈竞争,特别是在先进工业国家和新兴国家之间。 陷入困境的多哈发展回合谈判和陷入僵局的哥本哈根气候谈判证明了这一理论。 此外,新兴经济体正在建立开发银行和货币储备池等国际经济治理替代安排,削弱世界银行和国际货币基金组织等西方主导的国际金融机构的中心地位。

多极化也是国家主导发展或多或少成功的结果,这些国家愿意并且能够拒绝全球化的陈词滥调,反抗帝国的威胁 — — 直接与将世界划分为民族国家无关紧要的论点相矛盾。 危机加速了它的发展,但并没有造成它。 它酝酿已久。 现有的主导概念不仅已经过时,而且从来都不准确。 加拿大和世界各地的公共和私人机构需要更好的理解,才能在 21 世纪的世界秩序中有效采取行动。

地缘政治经济研究小组将探讨多极化的积极影响,通过在国家和国际层面上促进人类发展的民主、平等战略,寻求可持续地摆脱危机。 它将批判性地借鉴过去国家主导的经济增长的经验,使21世纪发展型国家的理念现代化。 在此过程中,它将特别关注探索各个发展水平的国家如何分享最先进的科学和创意技术的生产、使用和交流。

这些技术使我们处于划时代转变的风口浪尖。 实物商品的生产和消费占用的人类劳动越来越少。 如今,这通常会导致一些人富裕,而许多人却贫困、失业和边缘化。 该研究所将努力确保扩大国家内部和国家间人类发展的各个方面。

地缘政治经济研究小组将研究一系列问题——经济、金融、社会以及与安全、原住民、边缘性、文化、创造力和技术以及环境可持续性相关的问题。 在此过程中,它将利用许多学科的优势,包括政治研究、历史学、经济学、社会学和人类学以及国际/全球政治经济学的政治学子学科。

总部位于加拿大的地缘政治经济研究小组将与世界各地志同道合的机构合作,作为世界网络的中心,致力于实现国家和国际平等、多样性、繁荣、稳定与和平。 它将涉及政府和治理机构——国家、地区、省、大都市和地方,以及对政策感兴趣的私营部门和社区参与者。



• 与密歇根大学教师、学生和学者合作开展主要和次要的研究项目;

• 为研究生和本科生提供研究和指导机会;

• 增强曼尼托巴大学和其他地方的学生体验;

• 通过出版传播研究成果,并以书籍、文章、政策简报和其他材料(印刷版和电子版)的形式协助出版研究、分析和政策建议

• 组织志同道合的机构网络,例如后全球化组织

Geopolitical Economy Research Group

Dr. Radhika Desai is the Director, Geopolitical Economy Research Group


451 University College

University of Manitoba

Winnipeg MB

R3T 2N2

Tel 204.474.9818  Fax 204.474.7585


What is GERG?

The Geopolitical Economy Research Group (GERG) will be an influential policy research institute, conducting high quality research and analysis dealing with nations and their relation to the world economy.  It will critically analyze, and propose, policy alternatives for managing the interaction of national economies and states to promote human development and mutual benefit in today’s multipolar world.

Why it is Needed?

New thinking on national and international political and economic issues is increasingly urgent. The multipolar world that emerged after the financial crisis places a question-mark over established frameworks under which this thinking has proceeded in recent decades, notably globalization  in which the world order is unified by markets, and empire in which it is unified by a leading power

In such frameworks, either no state matters, or only one state does. Multipolarity, in contrast, recognizes a fissured world economy in which international economic governance is sharply contested, especially between the advanced industrial and emerging countries. The languishing Doha Development Round negotiations and staled Copenhagen climate talks evidence this theory. In addition, Emerging economies are establishing alternative arrangements for international economic governance such as development banks and currency reserve pools that undermine the centrality of western-dominated international financial institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Multipolarity is also the result of more or less successful state-directed development by states willing and able to reject the platitudes of globalization and defy the menace of empire – directly contradicting the thesis that the division of the world into nation-states is inconsequential.  The crisis accelerated it but did not create it. It was long in the making. Existing dominant concepts are not merely outdated: they were never accurate.  Public and private agents in Canada and around the world need better understandings to act effectively in the 21st century world order.

The Geopolitical Economy Research Group will explore the positive implications of multipolarity, seeking a sustainable exit from the crisis by through democratic, egalitarian strategies for human development at the national and international levels. Critically appropriating past experience of state-led economic growth, it will modernize the idea of the developmental state for the 21st century. In doing so, it will give particular attention to exploring how nations at all levels of development can share in the production, use and exchange of the most advanced scientific and creative technologies .

These technologies have put us at the cusp of an epochal transition. The production and consumption of physical commodities occupies less and less of humankind’s labour. Today this usually results in plenty for some and under- and unemployment and marginalization for the many. The Institute will work toward ensuring that it results in an expansion of all aspects of human development within and across nations.

The Geopolitical Economy Research Group will work on a range of issues – economic, financial, social, and those related to security, aboriginality, marginality, culture, creativity and technology and environmental sustainability. In doing so, it will draw on the strengths of a number of disciplines including Political Studies, History, Economies, Sociology and Anthropology as well as the Political Science sub-discipline of International/Global Political Economy.

The Canada-based Geopolitical Economy Research Group will collaborate with like-minded institutions around the world as the centre of a world network working towards national and international equality, diversity, prosperity, stability and peace. It will address governments and governance institutions – national, regional, provincial, metropolitan and local, as well as private sector and community actors with an interest in policy.

What Will It Do?

In furthering this analysis and the policies that emerge from it, the Institute for Geopolitical Economy will promote research o by doing the following:

• Undertake major and minor research projects with collaboration between UM faculty and students and scholars beyond;

• Provide research and mentoring opportunities for graduate as well as undergraduate students;

• Enhance student experience at the University of Manitoba and elsewhere;

• Disseminate the results of research by publishing, and aid the publication of, research, analysis and policy proposals in the form of books, articles, policy briefs and other material, in print and electronically

• Organize a network of like-minded institutions such as the Post-Globalization Initiative (Russia), the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC) in Cape Town, South Africa, FLACSO in Mexico City and Bricspost in London.

• Promote academic exchanges of faculty and graduate and undergraduate students within the network;

• Produce multi-media, audio and video material to generate wider understanding of key issues and the institute’s work;

• Make policy proposals and evaluate those made by national governments, international institutions and influential private and civil society actors;

• Organize and/or aid in the organization of workshops, seminars, conferences and alternative policy summits to shadow major international summits such as those of the BRICS and the G20;

• Maintain a website;

• Apply for funding, and raise money from philanthropic sources, to sustain these activities;

• Commission research on these and related themes;

• Arrange and facilitate interchange between scholars and like-minded institutions.

Radhika Desai

The Convener of the International Manifesto Group. She is Professor at the Department of Political Studies, and Director, Geopolitical Economy Research Group, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. She is the author of Capitalism, Coronovirus and War: A Geopolitical Economy (2022) Geopolitical Economy: After US Hegemony, Globalization and Empire (2013), Slouching Towards Ayodhya: From Congress to Hindutva in Indian Politics (2nd rev ed, 2004) and Intellectuals and Socialism: ‘Social Democrats’ and the Labour Party (1994), a New Statesman and Society Book of the Month, and editor or co-editor of Russia, Ukraine and Contemporary Imperialism, a special issue of International Critical Thought (2016), Theoretical Engagements in Geopolitical Economy (2015), Analytical Gains from Geopolitical Economy (2015), Revitalizing Marxist Theory for Today’s Capitalism (2010) and Developmental and Cultural Nationalisms (2009).She is also the author of numerous articles in Economic and Political Weekly, International Critical Thought, New Left Review, Third World Quarterly, World Review of Political Economy and other journals and in edited collections on parties, political economy, culture and nationalism. With Alan Freeman, she co-edits the Geopolitical Economy book series with Manchester University Press and the Future of Capitalism book series with Pluto Press.

The International Manifesto Group

The International Manifesto Group began discussing the fast-changing political and geopolitical economy of the world order and its national and regional components at the beginning of the pandemic. We are from around the world – North and South America, Europe and Africa, West Asia, Russia, China, East, South East and South Asia – and aim to be even more inclusive. We represent a diversity of currents of socialist thought. We meet fortnightly and hold zoom events on major issues. These are published on this website. The core of our analysis is our Manifesto, ‘Through Pluripolarity to Socialism’, and we believe engagement with its themes to develop them further is important for further left advance.
