由爱家协会的H. B. 蓝登博士呈现
- 你现在与上帝的关系如何?
- 在过去的一周里你读了圣经的哪些经文?
- 在阅读中,上帝对你说了什么?
- 在这些日子里,你发现自己在哪些方面抵抗上帝?
- 就他人而言,你在祷告中具体为哪些事情祈求?
- 就你自己而言,你在祷告中具体为哪些事情祈求?
- 目前有哪些具体的任务你认为尚未完成?
- 有哪些习惯让你感到害怕?
- 过去一周你在世俗新闻中读到了哪些内容?
- 你正在进行哪些通识阅读?
- 你最近有哪些娱乐活动?
- 你与配偶和孩子相处得如何?
- 如果我问你的配偶有关你的心境、精神状态、和能量水平的情况,会得到什么回答?
- 你是否感受到来自敌人的属灵攻击?
- 如果撒旦试图否定你作为一个人或主的仆人,他可能会如何做?
- 你的性观如何?是否受到诱惑?是否处理幻想?是否涉及有争议的娱乐?
- 你目前的财务状况如何?一切都在掌控之中吗?还是感到焦虑?负债累累?
- 在你的人际关系圈中,是否存在未解决的冲突?
- 你上一次与一位亲密的同性朋友共度时光是什么时候?
- 在过去的一个月里,你是否花时间与非基督徒在一起?
- 在接下来的一周或一个月里,你将面临什么挑战?
- 你目前最大的恐惧是什么?
- 你的睡眠状况如何?
- 你最感激的三件事是什么?
- 在此刻,你是否喜欢自己?
- 你与上帝的关系中,你最大的困惑或不确定性是什么?
Questions accountability friends
Ask one another
Presented by H. B. London
Focus on Family
- How is your relationship with God right now?
- What have you read in the Bible in the past week?
- What has God said to you in this reading?
- Where do you find yourself resisting Him these days?
- What specific things are you praying for in regard to others?
- What specific things are you praying for in regard to yourself?
- What are the specific tasks facing you right now that you consider incomplete?
- What habits intimidate you?
- What have you read in the secular press this week?
- What general reading are you doing?
- What have you done to play?
- How are you doing with your spouse? Kids?
- If I were to ask your spouse about your state of mind, state of spirit, state of energy level, what would the response be?
- Are you sensing any spiritual attacks from the enemy right now?
- If Satan were to try to invalidate you as a person or as a servant of the Lord, how might he do it?
- What is the state of your sexual perspective? Tempted? Dealing with fantasies? questionable entertainment?
- Where are you financially right now? Things under control? Anxious? In great debt?
- Are there any unresolved conflicts in your circle of relationships right now?
- When did you last spend time with a good same-sex friend?
- Have you spent time with a non-Christian this past month?
- What challenges will you face in the coming week? Month?
- What are your current fears?
- Are you sleeping well?
- What three things are you most thankful for?
- Do you like yourself at this point in time?
- What are your greatest confusions or uncertainties about your relationship with God?