无题 —— 读李翊云《亲爱的朋友》

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我以前仅读过她的成名作《A Thousand Years of Good Prayers》(千年敬祈)。当时的印象是:嗯,很标准的美国创意写作班出来的作品。就此丢开,没有再读过她的作品了。去年底,今年初,李翊云第一本中译本书上市《我该走了吗》,在国内文坛上小热了一把。我仍拿不定主意要不要读读她。



这本书说了些什么?不知她的大儿子生前是否读过?天啊,我太八卦了,但是我还是找来了这本书Dear Friend, from My life I Write to You in Your Life 。好拗口的书名。这个书名其实是女作家凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德说的一句话。


有几年,她没有写作,她读了大量的其他作家的书信日记,她说:“I have convinced myself that reading letters and journals is a way of having a conversation with those writers.”这正是我此时的感觉。



Writing is the only part of my life I have taken beyond my mother’s storytelling. I have avoided writing in an autobiographical voice because I cannot bear that it could be overwritten by my mother’s omniscience. I can easily see all other parts of my life in her narrative: my marriage, my children, my past. Just as she demands to come into my narrative, I demand to be left out of hers. There is no way to change that; not a happy ending, not even an ending is possible.


I had never in my life harmed or destroyed an object out of uncontrollable emotions: not a door slammed, not a plate or a cup smashed, not a piece of paper torn into pieces……


though I have resisted forming an attachment to any object, or any place. I wished then and I wish now that I had never formed an attachment to anyone in the world either.


另外,在书中,她解释了为何要用英语写作 (P108)

Would you ever consider writing in Chinese? an editor from China asked, as many had asked before. I said I doubted it. But don’t you want to be part of contemporary Chinese literature? he asked. I have declined to have my books translated into Chinese, which is understood by some as odiously pretentious. Once in a while my mother will comment, hinting at my selfishness, that I have deprived her of the pleasure of reading my books. But Chinese was never my private language. And it will never be.


It has been pointed out by some critics that my fiction is not political enough. A young man confronted me at a reading, questioning my disinterest in being a political writer. A journalist in China told me that most writers believe in their historical responsibility toward our time. Why can’t you live up to that expectation? they ask, and my reply, if I were to give one, is this: I have spent much of my life turning away from the scripts given to me, in China and in America; my refusal to be defined by the will of others is my one and only political statement.

通过她的文字,妄图揣测她的人生故事,我这样做真是不太好。但是读完后,加上2月刚发生的事,我很有点为她担心,希望她能度过这个难关。。。2012年她因自杀入院治疗时,一位护士试图开导她,问她为什么这么悲伤,她说:"Can't I just be left alone in my sadness?"

So, I might as well shut up right here.

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回复 '觉晓' 的评论 : 是啊。我本想说,当母亲的,要是能屏蔽掉上一代人的影响,保护好下一代就好了。但是又觉得这样说太残忍了。再说,具体什么情况外人如何知道?全是我在瞎猜,实在是罪过。罪过。
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