1. 行:歌行体,本是汉乐府诗的一体裁,音节、格律比较自由,可采用五言、七言或杂言等多种形式。
2. 辚(lin2)辚:车辆行进时的声音。
3. 萧萧:马嘶叫声。
4. 耶:同“爷”,父亲。
5. 咸阳桥:汉武帝所建故址在今陕西咸阳市西南,为长安通往西北的必经之路。
6. 干(gan1):冲上。
7. 过者:路过的人。此处指诗人自己。
8. 点行(xing2):按户籍名册点名征兵。
9. 十五:十五岁
10. 河:今甘肃河西走廊一带。
11. 营田:即屯田。府兵不打仗时种地以自给自足。
12. 里正,唐制凡百户为一里,置里正一人管理。
13. 与裹头,给他裹头巾。这是新兵入伍时的装束。
14. 边庭:边疆。
15. 武皇:汉武帝,这里借指唐玄宗。下句的“汉家”也是借指唐朝。
16. 山东:崤(xiao2)山或华山以东。古代秦地以东,常统称山东。
17. 荆杞:荆棘和枸杞,泛指野生灌木。
18. 陇亩:田地。
19. 无东西:庄稼在田里不成行列。
20. 况复:更何况。
21. 秦兵:关中兵,即这次出征的士兵。
22. 长者:老年人,此处指诗人自己。
23. 申恨:诉说怨恨。
24. 休:修整。
25. 关西卒:潼关或函谷关以西的士兵。
26. 信知:确实知道。
27. 青海头:指青海湖边。那时唐和吐蕃的战争经常发生在此地。
28. 烦冤:喊冤、不满。
Song of the Conscripts
Chariots rumble and horses grumble.
The conscripts march with bow and arrows at the waist.
Their fathers, mothers, wives and children come in haste
To see them off; the bridge is shrouded in dust they’ve raised.
They clutch at their coats, stamp the feet and bar the way;
Their grief cries loud and strikes the cloud straight, straightaway.
An onlooker by roadside asks an enrollee.
“The conscription is frequent,” only answers he.
Some went north at fifteen to guard the rivershore,
And were sent west to till the land at forty.
The elder bound their young heads when they went away;
Just home, they’re sent to the frontier though their hair’s gray.
The field on borderland becomes a sea of blood;
The emperor’s greed for land is still at high flood.
Have you not heard
Two hundred districts east of the Hua Mountains lie,
Where briers and brambles grow in villages far and nigh?
Although stout women can wield the plough and the hoe,
Thorns and weeds in the east as in the west o’ergrow.
The enemy are used to hard and stubborn fight;
Our men are driven just like dogs or fowls in flight.
“You are kind to ask me.
To complain I’m not free.
In winter of this year
Conscription goes on here.
The magistrates for taxes press.
How can we pay them in distress?
If we had know sons bring no joy,
We would have preferred girl to boy.
A daughter can be wed to a neighbor, alas!
A son can only be buried under the grass!”
Have you not seen On borders green
Bleached bones since olden days unburied on the plain?
The old ghosts weep and cry, while the new ghosts complain;
The air is loud with screech and scream in gloomy rain.
(许渊冲 译)