GIT Flow s实践策略

 In the Git flow workflow, there are several main branches:

1. **Master branch**: This branch represents the stable, production-ready code. It should ideally only contain code that has been thoroughly tested and approved for release.

2. **Develop branch**: The develop branch is where ongoing development work occurs. It's used as a staging area for features and bug fixes before they are merged into the master branch for release.

3. **Feature branches**: Feature branches are created off the develop branch for implementing new features or making significant changes. Once a feature is complete, it's typically merged back into the develop branch.

4. **Release branches**: When it's time to prepare a new release, a release branch is created from the develop branch. This branch allows for final testing, bug fixes, and any last-minute changes specific to the release. Once the release is deemed ready, it's merged into both master and develop, and the release branch is typically deleted.

In Git flow, feature branches are indeed meant to be temporary. Once a feature is fully implemented and merged into the develop branch (and subsequently into the master branch in the next release), the feature branch can be safely deleted. This helps keep the repository clean and avoids clutter from obsolete branches.

Similarly, release branches serve a specific purpose for preparing releases but are typically short-lived. Once the release is finalized and merged into both master and develop, the release branch can be deleted.

The master and develop branches, however, are long-lived and should be retained throughout the project's lifecycle.
