President Barack Obama 's relationship with the prominent American families mentioned varies:
Adams Family: President Obama has a distant familial connection to the Adams family through his mother, Ann Dunham. Genealogical research has revealed that Ann Dunham is a descendant of Mareen Duvall, who is related to John Adams through marriage. This makes Obama a very distant relative of John Adams, the second president of the United States.
Roosevelt Family: President Obama's connection to the Roosevelt family is through his political career and ideological affinity rather than direct familial ties. He has expressed admiration for Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal policies, which were instrumental in addressing the Great Depression.
Kennedy Family: President Obama's relationship with the Kennedy family is primarily political. He admired President John F. Kennedy and often referenced him in his speeches. Obama's political rise was sometimes compared to that of JFK due to his charisma and eloquence. However, there are no known direct familial connections between President Obama and the Kennedy family.
Bush Family: President Obama's relationship with the Bush family is based on their shared experience in the presidency. He succeeded George W. Bush as the 44th President of the United States and interacted with members of the Bush family during his time in office. Despite their political differences, Obama has maintained a respectful relationship with the Bush family.
In summary, while President Obama has some distant familial connections to the Adams family through his mother, his relationships with the Roosevelt, Kennedy, and Bush families are primarily based on political interactions and shared experiences in the realm of American politics.
Joe Biden's connection to the prominent American families mentioned, such as the Adams, Roosevelt, Kennedy, and Bush families, is primarily through his political interactions rather than direct familial ties.
Adams Family: Joe Biden's connection to the Adams family is through his political career rather than blood relations. John Adams, the second president of the United States, and his son John Quincy Adams, the sixth president, were members of the Adams family. Joe Biden has no known direct familial relationship to this family.
Roosevelt Family: Joe Biden's connection to the Roosevelt family is also indirect. The Roosevelt family produced two significant American presidents: Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd president. Joe Biden's connection to this family is through his political career and not through direct familial ties.
Kennedy Family: Joe Biden's connection to the Kennedy family is through his political career and his interactions with various members of the Kennedy family over the years. While he served alongside Senator Ted Kennedy in the Senate and had a professional relationship with him, there are no known direct familial connections between Joe Biden and the Kennedy family.
Bush Family: Joe Biden's connection to the Bush family is through his political career as well. He served as Vice President under President Barack Obama while George W. Bush was the 43rd President of the United States. There are no known direct familial connections between Joe Biden and the Bush family.
Overall, Joe Biden's relationship with these influential American families is based on his political career and interactions within the political sphere rather than direct familial ties.
In the United States, although elections determine the occupants of the White House and the Congress, the true control of the economy often lies in the hands of wealthy and influential families. Even American political scientists assert without hesitation that "the elite govern America, not the people." This influence extends not only to the cabinets of the White House but also to the federal and state legislatures, where phenomena like succession of fathers and sons, uncles and nephews inheriting power, and brothers joining forces are not uncommon. For these political dynasties in the United States, participating in elections is more akin to a "family business," benefiting from mutual support among family members, which enhances their confidence in winning, thus perpetuating the family's political legacy across generations. In a democratic nation, life is often determined by a small elite rather than the majority of the population. The elites hold power, while the masses lack it.
Although the United States lacks the traditional aristocracy found in Europe, it is not devoid of powerful political dynasties. Represented by four major families—the Adams family, the Roosevelt family, the Kennedy family, and the Bush family—these families wield significant influence. Additionally, there are numerous hereditary aristocratic families, known as the "Boston Brahmins," who excel in wealth, status, careers, and culture, and are considered untouchable in their lineage. In the mid-19th century, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., himself a member of one such family, exposed the power of this group and coined the term "Boston Brahmins," drawing parallels with the Brahmin class in India to emphasize their immense influence.
Boston, the largest port city in the northeastern United States and the capital of Massachusetts, is considered the starting point of American history, where events like the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, and several early battles of the American Revolution occurred. The early residents of Boston were predominantly Puritan immigrants from England, whose moral standards shaped an extremely stable and well-structured society. These early immigrants were regarded as America's "blue bloods," excelling in wealth, status, careers, and culture, effectively becoming the de facto aristocracy despite the absence of noble titles.
The accumulation of wealth in Boston initially stemmed from the opium trade. In the early 19th century, the British controlled 90% of the opium trade in China. However, within the American share of 10%, the majority belonged to the Perkins family of Boston. Notable families like the Cabot, Cushing, Weld, Delano, Forbes, and Coolidge families were also involved in the opium trade and amassed immense fortunes.
These renowned families formed powerful commercial conglomerates, boasting lineage and prestige since colonial times, and placing a strong emphasis on pedigree. In an article published in The Atlantic in 1860, a member of this aristocratic group coined the term "Boston Brahmins," proudly declaring their significant influence in developing and leading art, culture, science, politics, trade, and academia.
The Boston Brahmins produced numerous luminaries across various fields, including presidents such as John Adams and John Quincy Adams of the Adams family, founders of General Electric like the Coffin family, presidents like Calvin Coolidge of the Coolidge family, presidents like Franklin D. Roosevelt of the Delano family, Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes of the Holmes family, the Kennedy family, and the P...
• 近代中国最牛家族的开创者宋嘉树 三个女婿更是名震天下 - JustWorld - (8105 bytes) (958 reads) 04/16/2024 19:09:08
19世纪中,有一位Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (1809–1894),自己是其中一分子的后代,著书揭露这一集团的力量,借印度婆罗门阶级名号,首创了“波士顿婆罗门”的名称,说明他们的巨大影响力。
老奥利弗·温德尔·霍姆斯(Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.)
通过追溯克里外祖母的血统,克里与小布什在内的四任美国总统都能扯得上血缘关系。克里的外祖父和外祖母的结合,就属于当年“波士顿婆罗门”内部通婚的典范——一个在商界声名鹊起,一个在政坛叱咤风云。克里全名约翰·福布斯·克里(John Forbes Kerry),中间名“Forbes”,号称源自苏格兰某大贵族——福布斯家族,这也是他外祖父家的姓氏。这个美国福布斯家族,通过在中国上海贩卖鸦片捞到了大笔资本后,又顺利进军了美国的铁路、石油、地产和零售业,还同时慷慨的资助过哈佛、耶鲁和普林斯顿大学,俨然一副“文化财阀”世家的人设。
约翰·温思罗普(John Winthrop,1588--1649)
唐朝是一个农业国,其立国的税收是租(田租)+庸(徭役)+调(纺织品),当时,唐朝实行均田制,人人可以分到田地,所以税基锁定在人身上。随着时间推移,与所有的王朝一样,出现了以下现象:1. 人口数量增加,人口从贞观年间300万户增加到了900万户,不管是生育增长还是有人说的避祸人口露面,总之,人口大大增加了;2. 税负不均引起的土地兼并。唐朝有爵位以及5品以上官员各有免税额度,有的人群实际上属于untouchable,于是,出现了普通人不堪忍受税收,另一个群体则拥有税盾。于是乎,瞒报土地、隐匿人口不可避免;3. 在和平年代,有一个累积效应,就是贫富差距自然扩大,人口增长会导致人力资本的回报低于土地资本的回报。如果还以人丁作为税基,假定此时还是均田就属于自欺欺人。