




据 IW 称,欧洲最大经济体的外国投资将在 2023 年达到 10 年来的最低水平,降至 220 亿欧元(240 亿美元)。 德国企业的海外投资是其五倍多,导致净流出 940 亿欧元。


去年在德国进行的许多外国投资都是规模较小的收购或项目。 IW表示,这“表明了全球竞争中不利的区位条件”。

在欧洲经济研究中心 (ZEW) 最近对 21 个国际商业地点进行的比较中,德国是“最大的输家”,自 2020 年以来排名下降了四位,降至第 18 位。

ZEW 表示,德国在税收、监管和基础设施方面发展不佳,因此“很难跟上”北美、西欧和斯堪的纳维亚半岛的领先商业地点。

德国工商会 (DIHK) 周二发布的一项调查显示,由于能源成本高昂,超过十分之四的德国工业公司正在寻求海外投资,因为节省成本日益成为一个关键问题。

DIHK 执行委员会成员伊尔贾·诺斯纳格尔 (Ilja Nothnagel) 表示,这些公司以牺牲业务地点为代价迁往国外的事实是“一个令人震惊的信号”。

政府很清楚这个问题。 财政部长克里斯蒂安·林德纳上个月表示,“德国正在落后,因为没有增长。”

在 2023 年该国经济收缩 0.3% 后,许多专家担心今年会陷入更严重的衰退。 (1 欧元 = 1.09 美元) ■

Germany faces deindustrialization amid investment outflows: IW


Source: Xinhua 2024-03-15  

BERLIN, March 14 (Xinhua) -- High investment outflows from Germany in recent years are a sign of looming deindustrialization, the German Economic Institute (IW) said on Thursday.

Foreign investment in Europe's largest economy hit its lowest level in 10 years in 2023, down to 22 billion euros (24 billion U.S. dollars), according to the IW. German companies invested more than five times as much abroad, resulting in net outflows of 94 billion euros.

The outflows had been even higher at 100 billion euros in 2021 and 125 billion euros in 2022. "The recurring high net outflows indicate that these are not exceptional phenomena but the first symptoms of deindustrialization," the IW said.

Many of the foreign investments made in Germany last year were smaller acquisitions or projects. This was an "indication of the unfavorable location conditions in global competition," the IW said.

In a recent comparison of 21 international business locations by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Germany was the "biggest loser," dropping four ranks since 2020 to 18th place.

Germany developed negatively in terms of taxes, regulation, and infrastructure, and could "hardly keep up" with leading business locations in North America, Western Europe, and Scandinavia as a result, the ZEW said.

Because of high energy costs, more than four in ten German industrial companies are looking to invest abroad as cost savings are increasingly becoming a key issue, according to a survey published by the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) on Tuesday.

The fact that these companies were moving abroad at the expense of the business location was "an alarming signal," said Ilja Nothnagel, a member of the DIHK executive board.

The government is well aware of the problem. Finance Minister Christian Lindner said last month, "Germany is falling behind because there is no growth."

After the country saw a contraction of 0.3 percent in 2023, many experts fear a deeper slide into recession this year. (1 euro = 1.09 U.S. dollar) ■
