2024-4-1 德国使用大麻合法化 历史

2024年4月1日 德国人使用大麻合法化


作者:Jack Guy,CNN,2024 年 4 月 1 日

自 2024 年 4 月 1 日起,德国成年人(18 岁及以上)在有限范围内吸食大麻已成为合法的娱乐用途。截至 2024 年 2 月,据评估有 450 万德国人使用大麻。

自 2024 年 4 月 1 日起,德国成年人在公共场所持有 25 克或以下大麻、私人持有最多 50 克干大麻以及在家中最多拥有三株大麻植物是合法的。 [3] 仅限成人的非营利大麻社交俱乐部将于 2024 年 7 月 1 日在德国合法化。然而,合法许可销售(即在商店或网上和大麻企业销售大麻)将被禁止,这一决定受到了批评。 [4] 对于外国人和游客来说,不可能合法购买大麻。 俱乐部的会员资格受到严格监管,并且居住在该地区是先决条件。 关于合法化的最大问题是欧盟法律,这导致该倡议分为几个阶段。 下一步包括商业销售计划。


为了便于研究,屈大麻酚于 1994 年从《麻醉品法》(Betäubungsmittelgesetz) 附件一重新列入附件二; 1998年,屈大麻酚从附件二重新列入附件三,此后一直可以通过处方获得。 [6] 而 Δ9-THC 仍列在附件 I 中。Neues Rezeptur-Formularium 中描述了含有屈大麻酚的药典制剂的生产说明。 [8]

尽管 Δ9-THC 仍列在附件一中,但在少数情况下,患者已经能够从联邦药品管理局获得通过药房进口天然大麻的特别许可证。 Neues Rezeptur-Formularium 中描述了含有屈大麻酚的药典制剂的生产说明。

2008 年 2 月,七名德国患者合法接受药用大麻治疗,并在药房凭处方分发。

2016 年 5 月 4 日,德国内阁批准立法,允许对已咨询医生且“没有其他治疗选择”的重病患者使用大麻。 德国卫生部长 Hermann Gröhe 向内阁提交了医用大麻合法化法律草案,该草案于 2017 年 3 月 10 日生效。“联邦药品和医疗器械研究所”将根据规定向种植和进口医用大麻的公司颁发许可证。 严格的 EU-GMP 标准。 自2017年3月起,重病患者可以凭医生处方获得大麻,费用由健康保险支付。


德国麻醉品法 (Betäubungsmittelgesetz) 规定,当局无需对持有“少量”用于个人消费的任何麻醉药品进行起诉,除非是“公共利益”的情况,即在公众面前消费。 未成年人或在公立学校或州立监狱内。[17] “少量”的定义各不相同,从大多数州最多 6 克(0.21 盎司)大麻到柏林 15 克(0.53 盎司)大麻。 [18]

根据德国法律,吸食毒品本身并不违法:从法律上讲,这被认为是不受惩罚的自残行为。 法律评论承认,从法律意义上来说,在没有先购买毒品的情况下消费毒品是可能的。 这具有实际效果,即药检呈阳性并不一定意味着有人非法购买它们。 [19]


Hanfparade(英语:Hemp Parade)是柏林的大麻合法化示威活动。 [20] 自 1997 年以来每年举办一次。[21]


全球大麻游行自 2000 年起在德国举行,并自 2011 年起由 Deutscher Hanfverband(德国大麻协会)负责协调。 [22]


抗议团体“我们在伤害谁?” 由 Alec“Craze”Zammitt 和 Will Stolk 领导的抗议活动于 2023 年 7 月在德国柏林举行,即德国宣布大麻合法化的一个月前。 该组织在柏林各地分发了数百个假大麻植物道具,模仿 2018 年澳大利亚 420 抗议活动。


汉夫博物馆于 1994 年在柏林成立。


用大麻籽(THC 含量低于 0.2%)制成的非精神活性食品在 Reformhaus 等德国健康食品商店中很常见。 自 2010 年代末以来,大麻食品和饮料已在包括超市在内的各类商店中广泛销售,[31] 健康食品商店和药店(如 dm 和 Rossmann)已开始销售各种 CBD 产品,有时包括不含 THC 的大麻。


绿党、左翼和自由民主党希望政府将私人消费大麻的监管合法化。 他们表示,这将有助于保护成年消费者避免购买含有其他有害化学物质的大麻。 他们还表示,在黑市上购买大麻让普通公民蒙受了耻辱,使他们无法在需要时寻求帮助,并增加了他们购买更难毒品的机会。 大麻


2021 年德国联邦大选

在 2021 年联邦选举后社民党、绿党和自民党之间的联合谈判中,该提案是在政府框架内提出的,该政府将组建一个政府,向成年人合法发放大麻,并在有执照的专业机构中出售大麻。 未来的商店。

2021 年德国联邦大选后,产生的联盟在联盟协议中宣布,计划将娱乐用大麻合法化。 杜塞尔多夫大学 2021 年进行的一项研究报告称,在受监管的市场下实现大麻合法化可以为德国带来超过 47 亿欧元的额外收入,并创造约 27,000 个就业岗位。

2022 年德国大麻合法化框架

2022年1月,联邦司法部长Marco Buschmann表示,该部正在起草大麻法规,但合法化日期将由联邦卫生部决定。 [42] 德国于 10 月推出了 2022 年大麻合法化框架。 德国卫生部长希望使成年人购买和拥有最多 30 克(1 盎司)大麻用于娱乐用途以及私下种植最多三株植物合法化。 此外,根据计划,拥有最多 500 名会员的大麻社交俱乐部可以联合种植大麻用于娱乐用途,并将其出售给会员仅供个人使用。 该法案草案于 4 月 28 日分发。 在 2023 年 8 月 6 日发表的采访中,德国联邦议院首席顾问 Michael P. Seiter 表示,“我目前怀疑它很快就会到来,在未来 5 至 12 个月内。机会 – 大约 90%。” 根据协议,大麻持有和种植合法化将于2024年4月1日生效,允许家庭种植50克干大麻。 一些人预计这可能会导致整个欧盟的转折点。

2023 年合法化努力

2023年9月,德国联邦委员会正式对德国联邦政府首次大麻合法化的计划发表评论,并概述了《大麻法案》草案(德语称为 Cannabisgesetz 或“CanG”)。《大麻法案》将把大麻从麻醉药品中移除。 法案(德语为 Betäubungsmittelgesetz)。 10 月,部长卡尔·劳特巴赫 (Karl Lauterbach) 承诺该法案将于 2023 年 12 月 31 日生效。来自联邦议院的其他声音,如迈克尔·P·塞特 (Michael P. Seiter) 则持怀疑态度,并预测需要更长的时间,但该法案将需要几个月的时间。 变得比目前计划的更加自由一些。 最终,这两个预测都实现了。 对于成年人来说,允许拥有 25 克干制品并允许私人种植最多三种植物。 该法案将允许种植协会进行非商业性自我种植大麻。



2024 年 2 月 23 日,联邦议院(德国议会)批准了新的大麻法案(407 名议员投票支持新法律,226 名议员反对,4 票弃权)。 3月22日,该法案在联邦参议院获得通过。[56] 德国执政联盟(由社会民主党、绿党和自由民主党组成)以及反对党左翼党投票支持该法案。 反对党基民盟/基社盟和德国另类选择党 (AfD) 投票反对该法案。

《大麻法》使德国成年人(18 岁及以上)出于娱乐目的拥有和种植大麻部分合法化。 公共场所允许持有最多 25 克(0.88 盎司)干大麻,私人(在家)持有最多 50 克(1.8 盎司)干大麻已成为合法。 然而,法律规定,18岁至21岁的人最多只能购买30克大麻。 [59] 成年人在家中最多可以种植三株大麻植物。 从 2024 年 7 月 1 日起,德国成年居民组建和加入非营利性大麻社交俱乐部将是合法的,每个俱乐部的会员人数上限为 500 人。 俱乐部会员每月最多可以购买 50 克。 但是,禁止在俱乐部场所内饮酒。

禁止在特定区域(包括学校、幼儿园、公共游乐场、体育设施以及07:00至20:00之间的“市中心步行区”)100m范围内吸食大麻。 该法案于 2024 年 4 月 1 日生效。

有人质疑该立法将在多大程度上影响德国的大麻非法贩运——由于大麻的商业销售仍将被禁止,那些不想种植自己的植物或加入社交俱乐部的人可能会继续购买大麻 来自非法经销商。

Germans celebrate as recreational cannabis use becomes legal


By Jack Guy, CNN   April 1, 2024

BERLIN, GERMANY - APRIL 1: Cannabis enthusiasts smoke joints legally at the Brandenburg Gate at shortly after midnight on April 1, 2024 in Berlin, Germany. Germany's new cannabis law goes into effect today, bringing in a new era of legal cannabis consumption. Cannabis social clubs will also be allowed to grow their own marijuana beginning later this year.

Crowds gathered in Germany overnight to celebrate the legalization of cannabis starting from Monday.

From April 1, adults aged 18 and over will be allowed to possess 25 grams of cannabis in public spaces. In private areas, up to 50 grams of home-grown cannabis will be permitted. Three plants may be grown privately. Cannabis clubs for joint cultivation will then be possible from July 1.

Last month, Germany’s lower house of parliament voted to legalize cannabis for limited recreational use following a controversial national debate about the pros and cons of allowing easier access to the drug.

Health minister Karl Lauterbach hailed the move in a post on X on Monday.

“Cannabis use already existed yesterday, but it’s increasing. Now it’s exiting the taboo zone,” he wrote.

“This is better for real addiction help, prevention for children and young people and for combating the black market, for which there will soon be an alternative.”

The new rules mean adults can possess small amounts for personal use but the drug remains banned for under 18s.

Germany legalizes recreational cannabis use

Under the new legislation, put forward by Germany’s ruling coalition party, adults can cultivate up to three plants for private consumption and be allowed to possess 50g at one time at home, and 25g in public, starting from April 1.

From July 1, cannabis will be available in licensed not-for-profit clubs with no more than 500 members – all of whom would have to be adults. Only club members would be allowed to consume their output.

The German government said that cannabis would remain illegal for minors and highly restricted for young adults, adding that consuming the drug near schools and playgrounds would be illegal.

The move makes Germany the third country in Europe – after Malta and Luxembourg – to legalize the drug for recreational use, removing cannabis from the official list of banned substances.

The Netherlands bans possession of drugs but some municipalities permit them to be sold in coffee shops under its so-called policy of toleration.

In other countries, like Australia and the US, rules vary in different localities.



来自维基百科 更新于 2024 年 4 月 15 日 06:39

自 2024 年 4 月 1 日起,德国成年人(18 岁及以上)在有限范围内吸食大麻已成为合法的娱乐用途。截至 2024 年 2 月,据评估有 450 万德国人使用大麻。

自 2024 年 4 月 1 日起,德国成年人在公共场所持有 25 克或以下大麻、私人持有最多 50 克干大麻以及在家中最多拥有三株大麻植物是合法的。 仅限成人的非营利大麻社交俱乐部将于 2024 年 7 月 1 日在德国合法化。然而,合法许可销售(即在商店或网上和大麻企业销售大麻)将被禁止,这一决定受到了批评。对于外国人和游客来说,不可能合法购买大麻。 俱乐部的会员资格受到严格监管,并且居住在该地区是先决条件。 关于合法化的最大问题是欧盟法律,这导致该倡议分为几个阶段。 下一步包括商业销售计划。


为了便于研究,屈大麻酚于 1994 年从《麻醉品法》(Betäubungsmittelgesetz) 附件一重新列入附件二; 1998年,屈大麻酚从附件二重新列入附件三,此后一直可以通过处方获得。 [6] 而 Δ9-THC 仍列在附件 I 中。Neues Rezeptur-Formularium 中描述了含有屈大麻酚的药典制剂的生产说明。

尽管 Δ9-THC 仍列在附件一中,但在少数情况下,患者已经能够从联邦药品管理局获得通过药房进口天然大麻的特别许可证。 Neues Rezeptur-Formularium 中描述了含有屈大麻酚的药典制剂的生产说明。

2008 年 2 月,七名德国患者合法接受药用大麻治疗,并在药房凭处方分发。

2016 年 5 月 4 日,德国内阁批准立法,允许对已咨询医生且“没有其他治疗选择”的重病患者使用大麻。 德国卫生部长 Hermann Gröhe 向内阁提交了医用大麻合法化法律草案,该草案于 2017 年 3 月 10 日生效。“联邦药品和医疗器械研究所”将根据规定向种植和进口医用大麻的公司颁发许可证。 严格的 EU-GMP 标准。 自2017年3月起,重病患者可以凭医生处方获得大麻,费用由健康保险支付。


德国麻醉品法 (Betäubungsmittelgesetz) 规定,当局无需对持有“少量”用于个人消费的任何麻醉药品进行起诉,除非是“公共利益”的情况,即在公众面前消费。 未成年人或在公立学校或州立监狱内。[17] “少量”的定义各不相同,从大多数州最多 6 克(0.21 盎司)大麻到柏林 15 克(0.53 盎司)大麻。 [18]

根据德国法律,吸食毒品本身并不违法:从法律上讲,这被认为是不受惩罚的自残行为。 法律评论承认,从法律意义上来说,在没有先购买毒品的情况下消费毒品是可能的。 这具有实际效果,即药检呈阳性并不一定意味着有人非法购买它们。 [19]


Hanfparade(英语:Hemp Parade)是柏林的大麻合法化示威活动。 [20] 自 1997 年以来每年举办一次。[21]


全球大麻游行自 2000 年起在德国举行,并自 2011 年起由 Deutscher Hanfverband(德国大麻协会)负责协调。 [22]


抗议团体“我们在伤害谁?” 由 Alec“Craze”Zammitt 和 Will Stolk 领导的抗议活动于 2023 年 7 月在德国柏林举行,即德国宣布大麻合法化的一个月前。 该组织在柏林各地分发了数百个假大麻植物道具,模仿 2018 年澳大利亚 420 抗议活动。


汉夫博物馆于 1994 年在柏林成立。


用大麻籽(THC 含量低于 0.2%)制成的非精神活性食品在 Reformhaus 等德国健康食品商店中很常见。 自 2010 年代末以来,大麻食品和饮料已在包括超市在内的各类商店中广泛销售,[31] 健康食品商店和药店(如 dm 和 Rossmann)已开始销售各种 CBD 产品,有时包括不含 THC 的大麻。


绿党、左翼和自由民主党希望政府将私人消费大麻的监管合法化。 他们表示,这将有助于保护成年消费者避免购买含有其他有害化学物质的大麻。 他们还表示,在黑市上购买大麻是对普通公民的侮辱

Cannabis in Germany


From Wikipedia Updated 15 April 2024, at 06:39

Cannabis in Germany has been legal for recreational usage by adults (aged 18 and over) in a limited capacity since 1 April 2024. As of February 2024, it has been assessed that 4.5 million Germans use cannabis.

From 1 April 2024, it is legal for adults in Germany to possess 25 grams or less of cannabis in public, up to 50 grams of dried cannabis in private and have up to three cannabis plants at home.[3] Adult only non-profit cannabis social clubs are due to be legalised in Germany on 1 July 2024. However, legal licensed sales (i.e. sales of cannabis in stores or online and cannabis businesses) will not be permitted, a decision that has received criticism.[4] For foreigners and tourists, it is not possible to legally purchase cannabis. Membership in the clubs is heavily regulated, and residency in the region is a prerequisite. The biggest issue regarding legalisation has been EU law, which has led to the initiative being divided into several stages. The next step includes plans for commercial sales.

Medical cannabis

Dronabinol was rescheduled in 1994 from annex I to annex II of the Narcotics Law (Betäubungsmittelgesetz) in order to ease research; in 1998 dronabinol was rescheduled from annex II to annex III and since then has been available by prescription.[6] whereas Δ9-THC is still listed in annex I. Manufacturing instructions for dronabinol containing compendial formulations are described in the Neues Rezeptur-Formularium.[8]

Although Δ9-THC is still listed in annex I, in a few cases, patients have been able to obtain from the federal drug authority a special permit to import natural cannabis through a pharmacy. Manufacturing instructions for dronabinol containing compendial formulations are described in the Neues Rezeptur-Formularium.

In February 2008, seven German patients were legally being treated with medicinal cannabis, distributed by prescription in pharmacies.

On 4 May 2016, the Cabinet of Germany approved legislation allowing the use of cannabis for seriously ill patients who have consulted with a doctor and "have no therapeutic alternative". German Health Minister Hermann Gröhe presented the legal draft on the legalisation of medical cannabis to the cabinet which took effect on 10 March 2017. Licenses will be given by "Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices" to companies for growing medical cannabis and import according to strict EU-GMP standards. As of March 2017, the seriously ill can obtain cannabis with a doctor's prescription, paid for by health insurance.


The German narcotics law (Betäubungsmittelgesetz) states that authorities are not required to prosecute for the possession of a "minor amount" of any narcotic drug meant for personal consumption, except in cases "of public interest", i.e. consumption in public, in front of minors or within a public school or a state prison.[17] The definition of "minor amount" varies, from up to 6 grams (0.21 oz) of cannabis in most states to 15 grams (0.53 oz) in Berlin.[18]

Under German law, the consumption itself of narcotics is not illegal: legally speaking, it is considered as non-punishable self-harm. Legal commentaries recognise that it is possible to consume drugs without having bought them first, in a legal sense. This has the practical effect that a positive drug test does not necessarily mean that one has illegally purchased them.[19]

Hemp Parade

The Hanfparade (English: Hemp Parade) is a hemp legalisation demonstration in Berlin.[20] It has taken place annually since 1997.[21]

Global Marijuana March

The Global Marijuana March has taken place in Germany since 2000 and has been coordinated since 2011 by the Deutscher Hanfverband (German Hemp Association).[22]


The protest group "Who Are We Hurting?" led by Alec "Craze" Zammitt & Will Stolk brought their protest efforts to Berlin, Germany in July 2023, one month prior to Germany announcing the legalisation of Cannabis. The group distributed 100s of fake cannabis plant props throughout Berlin, mimicking their prior Australian 420 protest in 2018.

Hemp museum

The Hanfmuseum was established in Berlin in 1994.

Hemp food

Non-psychoactive foods made with hemp seeds (less than 0.2% THC) are very common in German health food shops such as Reformhaus. Since the late 2010s, Hemp foods and drinks have become widely available in all types of stores including supermarkets,[31] and health food shops and drug stores like dm and Rossmann have begun selling various CBD products, sometimes including THC-free cannabis.


The GreensThe Left, and the Free Democratic Party wanted the government to legalise the regulation of cannabis for private consumption. They said that this would help protect adult consumers from buying cannabis laced with other harmful chemicals. They also said that buying cannabis on the black market stigmatised ordinary citizens, preventing them from seeking help if they need it and increasing the chance that they will buy harder drugs. Cannabis shops would eliminate this risk and prevent minors from buying the drug with the implementation of legal minimum age checks for purchase.

2021 German federal election

In the coalition talks between the SPD, the Greens and the FDP that followed the federal election in 2021, the proposal arose within the framework of a government that was to be formed to release cannabis for legal distribution to adults and to sell it in licensed specialist shops in the future.

After the 2021 German federal election, the resulting coalition announced in their coalition agreement that they planned to legalise cannabis for recreational purposes. A study conducted by the University of Düsseldorf in 2021 reported that legalising cannabis with a regulated market could raise more than 4.7 billion in additional revenue in Germany and create approximately 27,000 jobs.

2022 German cannabis legalisation framework

In January 2022, Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann stated that the ministry was drafting cannabis regulations, but the date of legalisation would be up to the Federal Ministry of Health.[42] A 2022 German cannabis legalisation framework was introduced in October. The German health minister wants to make it legal for adults to purchase and own up to 30g (1 oz) of cannabis for recreational use and to privately grow up to three plants. Additionally, according to the plans, Cannabis Social Clubs with up to 500 members, may cultivate marijuana jointly for recreational use and sell it to members only for personal use. The draft bill was circulated on 28 April. In an interview published on 6 August 2023, Michael P. Seiter, Chief Advisor from the Bundestag, opined, "I currently suspect it will come soon, within the next 5–12 months. Chance – about 90%." According to an agreement, the legalization of cannabis possession and cultivation could take effect on 1 April 2024, with 50 grams of dried cannabis allowed for home cultivation. Some anticipate that this could lead to a tipping point for the entire EU.

2023 efforts towards legalisation

In September 2023 the German Federal Council officially commented on the plans of the German federal government to legalise cannabis for the first time and outlined the draft Cannabis Act (known in German as Cannabisgesetz or “CanG”) The Cannabis act would remove cannabis from the Narcotics Act (known in German as Betäubungsmittelgesetz). In October, Minister Karl Lauterbach promised the act would come into force by December 31, 2023. Other voices from the Bundestag, such as Michael P. Seiter, were more skeptical and predicted that it would take a few months longer, but the law would become a bit more liberal than currently planned. Ultimately, both of these predictions came true. For adults, possession of 25 grams of dried product and private cultivation of a maximum of three plants would be permitted. The act would allow for non-commercial self cultivation of cannabis to be done in cultivation associations.

2024 legalisation

Main article: German cannabis control bill § 2023 proposal
On 23 February 2024, the Bundestag (German parliament) ratified the new Cannabis Act (with 407 members voting for the new law and 226 against it, with four abstentions). On 22 March, the act was passed in the Bundesrat.[56] The German governing coalition (consisting of the Social DemocratsGreens, and Free Democrats), as well as the opposition Left Party, voted in favor of the legislation. The opposition CDU/CSU and Alternative for Germany (AfD) voted against the legislation.

The Cannabis Act partially legalised the possession and cultivation of cannabis for recreational consumption by adults (aged 18 and above) in Germany. Possession of up to 25 grams (0.88 oz) allowed in public and up to 50 grams (1.8 oz) of dried cannabis in private (at home) was made legal. However, those aged from 18 to 21 are restricted under the law to a maximum purchase limit of 30 grams of cannabis.[59] Adults are allowed to have up to three cannabis plants at home. From 1 July 2024, it will be legal for adult residents of Germany to form and join non-profit cannabis social clubs, with each club's membership restricted to a maximum of 500 persons. Members of the club are allowed to purchase up to 50 grams each month. However, consuming on the club premises is prohibited.

Consumption of cannabis within 100 m of certain areas (including schools, kindergartens, public playgrounds, sports facilities and "pedestrian zones in city centers" between 07:00 and 20:00) is prohibited. The Act came into force on 1 April 2024.

It has been questioned to what degree the legislation will affect illicit traffic of cannabis in Germany – as commercial sale of cannabis will remain prohibited, those who do not wish to grow their own plants or join a social club would probably continue to resort to procuring cannabis from illegal dealers.
