
如果英使館被炸?英外相脫口而出要“強硬回擊” 隨後記者一句話他立刻“雙標”




大卫·卡梅伦:好吧,我们会让你知道我们会采取非常强有力的行动,并会说他们做得很好,正如我所说,他们所做的是大规模攻击,所以他们有权做出回应,但他们反应过度,各国有权 当他们感到自己遭受了侵略时,他们当然会做出反应,但看看这种反应的规模,如果这些武器没有被关闭,可能会造成数千人伤亡

David Cameron:  I think a reckless and dangerous thing for Iran to have done and I think the whole world can see all these countries that have somehow wondered, well you know what is the true nature of Iran it's there in black and white.

Host asked:  what would Britain do if a hostile Nation flattened one of our consulants?

David Cameron:  well we would take you know we would take the very strong action and would say that that's what they did well what they did as I said was a massive attack so they a right to respond but they overreact well countries have a right to respond when they feel they've suffered an aggression of course they do but look at the scale of that response had those weapons not been shut down been there could have been thousands of asualties
