



“让这些死者不会白白死去——让这个国家在上帝的领导下获得自由的新生,让民有、民治、民享的政府不会从地球上消失”(美国总统) 亚伯拉罕·林肯 (Abraham Lincoln) 葛底斯堡演说,1863 年 11 月 19 日)这是世界历史上最著名的演说之一,也许也是任何形式的民主中最伟大、最有影响力的声明之一。


现在问一个更相关的问题,什么是宪法? 答案是一套基本原则或既定先例,根据这些原则或既定先例来管理组织,并明确划分分配给负责运营该组织的每个个人的职责。

“两年零五年前”,印度牙周病学会的创始人还为该学会设想了一部章程,制定了一套指导我们社会管理的规则和条例。 我花了几年时间研究协会的正式结构并观察其运作,这让我深信,让广大协会成员意识到这份最具影响力的管理文件中所包含的显着特征是多么没有意义。

几乎在过去十年中,我作为选委会成员和官员在社会中度过,从未遇到过任何正式的项目/研讨会/迎新讲座,致力于了解我们的宪法,即使是新任成员,他们很高兴和热情地了解我们的宪法 作为这个庄严机构的一员,继续提出一项又一项奇特的建议来改变社会的某些运作方式,完全无视和忘记其背后的宪法条款。 事实上,如果任何此类建议的改变必须得到落实,就需要宪法授权的力量。 更不用说新成员了,甚至像你这样的一些半退伍军人也对宪法中规定的细微差别感到困惑(直到我开始仔细研究它,这是我工作的主要部分,我 我仍在学习),每个人都试图根据自己的方便和理解或缺乏来分析它。

这是我的观点,许多人私下都同意,如果有完全的理解并愿意以最纯粹的形式实践宪法,那么许多过去困扰社会并持续困扰社会的弊病是可以避免的。 。 向每个会员发送一份章程的数字副本以及会员编号应该成为一种规范。 每个执行成员和办公室负责人都应该宣誓效忠我们的宪法,并且应该有迎新活动以更好地理解我们的圣书。 总部还应通过选举委员会指定一些博学的退伍军人作为顾问,向广大会员传播我们宪法的实质和灵魂。


ISP 非常您的。
“…Of the people, by the people, for the people”

Harpreet Singh Grover

“that these dead shall not have died in vain– that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” (U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863) It is one of the best known speeches in world history and perhaps one of the greatest and the most influential statements for any form of democracy.

Freedom and democracy are often deemed interchangeable but the two are certainly not synonymous and it can safely be premised that democracy is the institutionalization of freedom and constitution is the bulwark of democracy.

Now to a more pertinent question, What is constitution? The answer is a set of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which an organization is governed making a clear demarcation of the responsibilities assigned to each individual responsible for running the organization.

“Two score and five years ago,” the founding fathers of Indian Society of Periodontology also envisioned a constitution for the society framing a set of rules and regulations guiding the administration of our society. Having spent some years in the formal structure of the society and looking at its functioning has convinced me no end as to how little significance has been attached into making vast number of society members aware of the salient features contained in this most influential governing document.

Almost the entire last decade spent within the society as an EC member and an office bearer, I have never come across any formal program/workshop/orientation lecture devoted to understanding our constitution even for the new incumbents, who happy and enthusiastic as they are to be a part of this august body continue to come up with one fanciful suggestion after another for changing certain workings of the society, completely ignorant and oblivious of the constitutional clauses behind it. The fact that the might of the constitutional mandate is required if any such suggested changes has to see the light of the day. What to talk of new members, even a number of semi-veterans like your's truly were also all at sea regarding the finer nuances enshrined in the constitution (till I started having a closer look at it that being a major part of my job and I am still learning), each trying to analyse it as per his/her own convenience and understanding or lack of it.

It is my perspective and privately many individuals agree to it that a lot of ills which have plagued the society in the past and continue to dog it even today could have been avoided had there been a complete understanding and willingness to practice constitution in its purest form. It should become a norm to send a digital copy of constitution to every member along with membership number. Every executive member and office bearer should take an oath of allegiance on our constitution and there should be orientation programs for a better comprehension of our holy book. Also head office through the EC should identify some of our learned veterans as resource persons to propagate the body and soul of our constitution to the general members.

As members of this most prestigious organization it is our beholden constitutional duty to do so for the coming generations of periodontists.

ISPlendidly Yours.
