Marie Antoinette Princess Becomes Queen of France at 18

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Marie Antoinette|Princess Becomes Queen of France at 18 but Discord with Husband,Is Guillotined at38

84.8K subscribers
253,446 views Premiered Jun 5, 2023 #romance #drama #history
TV series name:Marie Antoinette Summary: Follows the famed queen Marie Antoinette, who was the last queen of France before the French Revolution. Creator Deborah Davis Stars Emilia Schüle,Louis Cunningham,Jack Archer #drama #biography #romance #history #movie #film May excellent movies be seen by more people. Don't forget to subscribe if you like it! - Stay for more fun!  

Queen Gives Birth under the Watchful Eye of the Royal Family,King of France Who Never Had Mistress

84.8K subscribers
1,116,641 views Premiered May 30, 2023 #romance #drama #history
TV series name:Marie Antoinette Summary: Follows the famed queen Marie Antoinette, who was the last queen of France before the French Revolution. Creator Deborah Davis Stars Emilia Schüle,Louis Cunningham,Jack Archer #drama #biography #romance #history #movie #film May excellent movies be seen by more people. Don't forget to subscribe if you like it! - Stay for more fun!

