建议大家也去看女主角 碧拉尔·洛佩兹·德·阿亚拉 演的另一部电影在人海中遇见你,非常好看 I suggest you also watch another movie called "Meet You in the Crowd" starring the heroine Pilar Lopez de Ayala. It's very beautiful.
大家都認為她瘋了 有病, 可是想想,一個17歲的女孩,對婚姻的意義是懵懵懂懂的,何況是政治聯姻. 起源在她母親那句: 要讓別人知道你們是真心相愛的,造就她往後的偏執..
因為她信了母親的話,認為這樁婚事就是因愛結合,她要愛著丈夫. 可是母親並沒有明說這種婚姻背後,是多麼殘忍的一面,可能她自己就是這樣,不忍讓胡安娜承受這些她一直以來也在忍受的事...
畢竟生在王族,身不由已.. 到異鄉,丈夫是唯一的依靠,可丈夫完全跟他不是同路子人,他就抱持著各玩各的心態. 等胡安娜明白了一切,又配合她母親說的,要在外人前說你們是為愛結合的,她感到掙扎與痛苦. 也因為她是真的愛著自己的丈夫.
她的瘋狂偏執,是可以理解的,當事實與她所想的悖離太多, 父親丶丈夫甚至兒子為了奪權,不惜將她與他們的親情斬斷,那種心靈的碎裂感,是旁人無法想像的... ps:女主角好美 真的有演出胡安娜那種不經世事的感覺 :)
@seriesblack9450 我們都很清楚,這是個嚴謹的議題。 幼稚和政治間的關係對我來說,已經成為了我生活的一部分。 這是不可避免的。 這必定是個前衛大膽的想法。 幼稚和政治間的關係,到底應該如何實現。 從這個角度來看,世界上若沒有幼稚和政治間的關係,對於人類的改變可想而知。 幼稚和政治間的關係勢必能夠左右未來。 徐甜齋曾說過,多才惹得多愁,多情便有多憂。 這句話令我不禁感慨問題的迫切性。
馬克思講過,科學絕不是一種自私自利的享受。 有幸能夠致力於科學研究的人,首先應該拿自己的學識為人類服務。 這段話看似複雜,其中的邏輯思路卻清晰可見。 當前最急迫的事,想必就是釐清疑惑了。 話雖如此,我們卻也不能夠這麼篤定。 幼稚和政治間的關係的出現,必將帶領人類走向更高的巔峰。
若能夠欣賞到幼稚和政治間的關係的美,相信我們一定會對幼稚和政治間的關係改觀。 老舊的想法已經過時了。 在這種不可避免的衝突下,我們必須解決這個問題。 幼稚和政治間的關係究竟是怎麼樣的存在,始終是個謎題。 那麼,動機,可以說是最單純的力量。
我們一般認為,抓住了問題的關鍵,其他一切則會迎刃而解。 話雖如此,幼稚和政治間的關係的出現,重寫了人生的意義。 既然如此,說到幼稚和政治間的關係,你會想到什麼呢? 現在,正視幼稚和政治間的關係的問題,是非常非常重要的。 因為,世界需要改革,需要對幼稚和政治間的關係有新的認知。
問題的核心究竟是什麼? 其實,若思緒夠清晰,那麼幼稚和政治間的關係也就不那麼複雜了。 雨果曾提出,最大的決心會產生最高的智慧。 這句話把我們帶到了一個新的維度去思考這個問題。
強烈建議大家把這段話牢牢記住。 問題的關鍵看似不明確,但想必在諸位心中已有了明確的答案。@seriesblack9450 We all know that this is a rigorous topic. The relationship between childishness and politics has become a part of my life for me. This is inevitable. This must be a bold and avant-garde idea. How should the relationship between naivety and politics be realized? From this perspective, if there is no relationship between childishness and politics in the world, the changes to human beings can be imagined. The relationship between naivety and politics is bound to shape the future.
Xu Tianzhai once said that having many talents will lead to many worries, and being passionate will lead to many worries. This sentence made me feel the urgency of the problem.
Karl Marx said that science is by no means a selfish enjoyment. Those who are fortunate enough to devote themselves to scientific research should first use their knowledge to serve mankind.
This passage may seem complicated, but the logic behind it is clear. The most urgent thing at the moment must be to clarify the doubts. Having said that, we cannot be so certain. The emergence of the relationship between childishness and politics will surely lead mankind to a higher peak. If we can appreciate the beauty of the relationship between childishness and politics, I believe we will definitely change our perspective on the relationship between childishness and politics. Old ideas are outdated. In this inevitable conflict, we must solve this problem. What is the relationship between naivety and politics has always been a mystery. Then, motivation can be said to be the simplest force.
We generally believe that if we grasp the key to a problem, everything else will be easily solved. Having said that, the emergence of the relationship between naivety and politics rewrites the meaning of life. In this case, when it comes to the relationship between childishness and politics, what do you think of? Now, it is very, very important to face the relationship between childishness and politics. Because the world needs reform and a new understanding of the relationship between childishness and politics. What is the core of the problem? In fact, if the thinking is clear enough, the relationship between childishness and politics will not be so complicated. Hugo once proposed that the greatest determination will produce the highest wisdom. This sentence brings us to a new dimension to think about this problem. Petofi is convinced that even if the world gives me treasures and honors, I will not leave my motherland, because even if my motherland is in shame, I still like, love and bless my motherland. It is strongly recommended that everyone keep this passage in mind. The key to the question may seem unclear, but you must have a clear answer in your mind.
英國的伊莉沙白一世嫁給了上帝成為童貞女王、西班亞的胡安娜嫁給了菲利普成為卡斯蒂利亞女王,兩位都是決定了歷史的關鍵人物,在世人眼中她們看似被禁錮,實則在過去保守的年代中這兩位情感專一的女性或許因此保全了英國與西班牙----時至今日,英語及西班亞語成為美洲新大陸最重要的兩大語言。 Elizabeth I of England married God and became the Virgin Queen, and Juana of Spain married Philip and became Queen of Castile. Both were key figures who determined history. In the eyes of the world, they seemed to be Confinement, in fact, in the past conservative era, these two emotionally single-minded women may have preserved Britain and Spain. Today, English and Spanish have become the two most important languages ????in the New World of America.
年纪越大越明白为啥人们常说要禁欲。。。也不是那种完全的当苦行僧一样的禁止一切欲望,而是人生精力就那么多,拿去都放在虚无缥缈的感情上,最终是无所得的。不如做一些建功立业,利益自他的事 The older I get, the more I understand why people often say abstinence is necessary. . . It’s not like being a complete ascetic and forbidding all desires, but there is only so much energy in life, and if you put it all into vain emotions, you will get nothing in the end. It's better to do something that will make a difference and benefit yourself and others.
作为一个女王 她其实不失责 至少他没有愧对人民 而且到死都被囚禁 因为"父亲 丈夫 孩子"都惧怕她的实权 因为 她才是唯一有实权名义的统治者 所以...他们才想尽办法联合囚禁她 如果她没有利用价值 你觉得他会活到多久? 她绝对活不过她孩子出世, 代表 她到死都是卡斯帝利亚(西班牙)真正的女王 连人民都坚信她才是唯一 只不过贵族们不喜欢她这个统治者 联合把它囚禁,只能说 他母亲死得太仓促, 然后他太没有上进心, 不然绝对不会是个被囚禁的女王 相信我,他只是个被爱情耽搁的言情小说家(兼女王)
大家一定要去马德里的博物馆看一副叫“疯王胡安娜”的画像,看到会被震撼到的 Everyone must go to the museum in Madrid to see a portrait called "Mad King Juana". You will be shocked when you see it.
幸福是自己给的,别把这么重要的事儿托付给别人; 先爱自己再去爱别人吧这痴情女王 Happiness is given by yourself, don't entrust such important things to others; love yourself first before loving others, this infatuated queen. 多充實自己,別一輩子想著要誰誰誰來保護、供養你. 女人真的需要有點自己的興趣 或者能夠依靠自己的層面. 太年轻了,爱的忘记了自己。女人第一件事要做的,就是先爱自己,再爱别人,否则就是疯了。真愛、只是大多數人的生命中有很多種愛,她只集中所有的愛愛她丈夫。雖然瘋狂卻是純粹. 尊重每个人的决定,也许是当事者迷吧,但把自己的幸福依附于他人身上是件风险很大的事。我的态度:不伤害别人,尽量理性自私些,爱自己胜过于爱别人,不知道会不会被骂死 哎,我对我初恋就这样,他回避加渣,幸好走出来了。女孩子们一定要最爱自己. 缺爱。我发现很多核心问题缘于缺爱,从小得不到父母周围人的善待,会转而向朋友,恋人讨爱。如果能清醒,明白只有爱自己才是正解方可重生。如果一直不醒悟,结果往往不好。雪莉和具荷娜我觉得是个例子,从小父母缺位,长大遇渣男。可能一生都在求爱却从未被满足过。最后癫狂挣扎直至自我毁灭。看不到自己身上很多人梦寐以求的东西:青春美貌名气赚钱的能力。Lack of love. I found that many core problems are caused by lack of love. Since I was not treated well by the people around my parents since I was a child, I will turn to friends and lovers for love. If you can wake up and understand that only loving yourself is the right answer, you can be reborn. If you don't wake up, the consequences will often be bad. I think Sulli and Goo Ha Na are examples. Their parents were absent when they were young, and they met scumbags when they grew up. It is possible to spend a lifetime courting love and never being satisfied. In the end, he struggled madly until he destroyed himself. I can’t see in myself what many people dream of: youth, beauty, fame, and the ability to make money.
這女孩。。我想是很多男生在尋覓的痴情的女生吧 我覺得他很可憐很喜歡他。。 我認為他犯的最傻的失誤 就是應該要把權利掌握在自己手上。 其實他想要的也就不容易離開他了 好喜歡這個女主角..... 我認為他其實很勇敢 就是不愛自己.. 身在王族 由不得自己..何況還是女人。
西班牙女性确实对感情比较偏执,但相对的她们对感情的付出也是最多的。。。愛從來都是單向的,一個人釋出愛意如果沒有得到回應這實在是再正常不過了,如果得到回應,可以說是偶然的幸運,也可以從前世善業良緣的必然性角度去看待。Love is always one-way. It is completely normal if a person expresses love and does not receive a response. If a response is received, it can be said to be accidental luck, or it can be viewed from the perspective of the inevitability of good deeds and good relationships in previous lives.
胡安娜其实不是疯女 而是高情商 高智商的女孩 就是因为高智商所以低能老公和父亲才用小伎俩欺骗人民囚禁乔安娜 就是因为乔安娜是女王 他们没有那个实权 所以才要编造理由囚禁乔安娜 乔安娜是个聪明人 她很爱自己的爱情 她一只坚信她 哪怕她老公得性病过身 他依旧是那个陪他最后的人 哪怕被老公与父亲囚禁 最后还被孩子囚禁 因为...他一生根本都不想当女王 这个不自由 又要和无聊的男生们JJ歪歪的地方