I beg to differ. The correct pronunciation is "arc-tic". It's just that in everyday speech it sometimes gets slurred. Same with "almond". Though there may be regional variations, I've always said, and heard, "all-mond".
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19 replies
Definitely Arc-tic in the uk.
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The american pronunciation is not the only correct one.
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And who put you in charge of the way I speak?
7 replies
Real Authentic English pronounces arc-tic unlike the second hand modified English used in America 

21 replies
Not true for every place in the U. S... I was taught "arctic" AND "hyperbole" and "quinoa" and "suite", and yes, almond has an L in it! Keep in mind that there are 333 MILLION people in the United States, and hundreds of ethnic groups, as well as an infinite number of levels in education! Lots of room for variations!
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Ummm....this is by no means standard across the US. Frankly, most places you'll sound uneducated if you DON'T say "arc-tic" and "al-mond."
You should pronounce the c in arctic.
I'm referring to usage in the US. You will sound uneducated if you drop the "l."
My American English dictionary says arc-tic. I have never heard anyone above grade school say artic. No need to go nuculear over it. (Wonder where she stands on 'Warshington' and 'Oh-ree-gone')