但是在阿肯森上二年级时,全家从农村搬到Topeka, Kansas生活,JPA也在那里读中学,然后去了University of Kansas。他在大学立志当鸟类学家,已经决定随KU教授去密西根大学读鸟类学的PhD, 但是教授因为患癌迅速去世,所以阿肯森转向去读了本校的医学院。阿肯森喜欢讲,我也慢慢记录。
I have two outstanding news to share with all of you, and congratulations to Dr. Atkinson and Dr. Andy Chan.
John was elected as a fellow of AAAS (American Academy of Arts and Sciences), one of the highest honors for America’s most accomplished individuals from the oldest professional society founded by Thomas Edison, which also manages Science magazine. John joined the ranks of Michelle Obama and Nobel Laureate Steve Chu.
John never told us about the news, which was released in April, even though he shared a story about his experience on Bumper Cars in 1962 in Belgium and Germany with me the day before yesterday in his office. I learned about the news from (名字隐去)today.
尽管约翰前天在他的办公室里与我分享了他1962年在比利时和德国坐碰碰车的经历,但他从未告诉过我们这个四月份发布的消息。我今天从某位同事那里得知了这个消息)??The second piece of good news is that Andy Chan, who was John’s proud graduate student, will be one of five individuals to receive an honorary degree from WashU commencement on Monday.
这个AAAS Fellow (American Association for the Advancement of Science)的门槛不太高,跟第二个AAAS不能比。
todaytoday 发表评论于
文中这么小众的城市,Topeka, Wichita, Kansas City, Laurence堪大,我居然都到过。文中的华大是圣路易斯的华盛顿大学吗?
Bobshanghai 发表评论于
回复“雅美教授“,谢谢雅美教授!JPA是通过读您的博客知道的,从您的博客中获益匪浅。今天查了下American Association for the Advancement of Science 的Fellow名单,JPA 1992年就当选了,确实厉害。
雅美之途 发表评论于
回复 'Bobshanghai' 的评论 : Thank you for the information. It seems you know more about JPA than I do.
Bobshanghai 发表评论于
JPA很多年前就当选American Association for the Advancement of Science的Fellow了,他的简介中也提到“…He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.”
NAS有的Member文章仅引用几千次,JPA文章几万次引用。也有的诺奖得主都不是NAS Member,确实有江湖。
Bobshanghai 发表评论于
对不起,第一个AAAS我没检查仔细。JPA是American Academy of Arts and Sciences的院士。
Bobshanghai 发表评论于
JPA其实是双喜临门,二个AAAS学会的Fellow或Member都当选了。一方面当选为American Acadedy for the Advancement of Science的2023年Fellow,今年4月份才宣布的,还有华裔Tak Mak 与Steve Chu等;另一方面他也当选2024年American Academy of Arts and Sciences的院士。厉害!
John P Atkinson 当选的是American Academy of Arts and Sciences,在Cambridge, MA
雅美之途 发表评论于
回复 '盲点11' 的评论 : 谢谢留言,我弄混了,我说的是另一个AAAS: “ Thomas Edison is an honorary fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Edison provided $10,000 in seed money to establish the AAAS in 1880, which became the world's leading outlet for scientific research. The AAAS was the first permanent organization to promote science and engineering nationally, and to represent the interests of American researchers from all scientific fields.”
盲点11 发表评论于
https://www.amacad.org/about-academy, Founded in 1780, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences honors excellence and convenes leaders from every field of human endeavor to examine new ideas, address issues of importance to the nation and the world, and work together “to cultivate every art and science which may tend to advance the interest, honor, dignity, and happiness of a free, independent, and virtuous people.” 老兄,怎么你说是爱迪生创办的啊,明明是John Adams, John Hancock,两位美国之父创办的