It\'s a thought

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It's a thought

Waves of thought

It's a precious moment

Deep or shallow

Up or down

In and out

It's a thought

Day to day

Year after year

Some condensed

into words

Some become memories

By the lakeside

On the beach

By the river

Also by the creek

Some philosophy

Comes from nature

LinMu 发表评论于
回复 '海边红树' 的评论 : 是,长春花,好名字
海边红树 发表评论于
回复 'LinMu' 的评论 : 欢迎光临和留言,查了一下,叫长春花。(vinca).
LinMu 发表评论于
雪中梅 发表评论于
“It's a thought” correct : It's a thought