pua 情绪价值 vs.经济适用

宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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暴 = Violence

WHAT is PUA? "看楼下一位妹妹回我的帖子感觉她不仅被家人老公PUA惯了,她也已经会自己PUA自己了,真让人难过"她明明很优秀。


In the context of the sentence "看楼下一位妹妹回我的帖子感觉她不仅被家人老公PUA惯了,她也已经会自己PUA自己了,真让人难过," PUA stands for "Pick-Up Artist." However, within Chinese internet slang, "PUA" has been repurposed to describe a form of psychological manipulation and emotional abuse.

Here’s a detailed explanation of PUA in this context:

  1. Psychological Manipulation: PUA refers to tactics used to manipulate someone into feeling inferior or dependent. This manipulation often involves undermining the person's self-worth and confidence through consistent criticism, gaslighting, and emotional control.

  2. Emotional Abuse: The term now encapsulates a broader spectrum of emotional abuse where one person exerts control over another, making them feel worthless or constantly at fault.

  3. Internalization: In the sentence, it is noted that the young woman ("妹妹") has not only been subjected to PUA by her family and husband but has also started to internalize this manipulation to the point where she begins to abuse herself emotionally ("自己PUA自己").

  4. Recognition of Excellence: Despite the manipulative behavior she faces, the speaker acknowledges that she is indeed very excellent ("她明明很优秀"), which makes the situation even more distressing.

The shift in the meaning of PUA from its original context of "Pick-Up Artist" to a broader term describing psychological manipulation and emotional abuse reflects a growing awareness of these toxic behaviors in relationships. This term highlights how victims can start to believe and perpetuate the negative treatment they receive, often requiring intervention and support to overcome.

