回复 'elfie' 的评论 : Thank you. I believe it is a very effective way.
油翁 发表评论于
elfie 发表评论于
I listen to audio books to fall asleep, especially for a nap during the day when there's dim daylight and noise in my bedroom. I put on a soft sleep mask with the blue tooth connections to my phone. And I put the phone in another room or the other side of the room so it won't send the streaming waves to me.
I choose the very long and winding book, such as the Magic Mountain. It lasts for 36 hours total. So no matter what, it will send me to sleep. Usually within 15 to 20 minutes I get very tired and my brain activities shut down. The narrator has a very soothing and baritone voice, with a British accent. I like the British accent because it's less alarming to me, unlike the American accent which is too familiar and awakening. I tried to listen to Russian audio books but it has an effect to keep me awake longer. Maybe because it draws more attention from me to try to work on understanding it better.