2020年竞争民主党候选人的党内初选初期,拜登被民主党极左势力代表桑德斯打得落花流水,直到初选到了南卡罗莱纳州时,该州的联邦资深众议员Jim Clybum (黑人)为拜登站台: "... We know Joe, but most importantly, Joe knows us." 从此开始,拜登所向披靡,赢遍所有剩余各州,成为民主党总统候选人。
3 "就是抬,我们也要把拜登抬过打败川普的终点。我们坚信美国大众会与我们同行。对这个国家的爱之深切,让拜登,我们,和美国人民别无选择。To beat Trump, we will carry Joe Biden over the finish-line if we have to. We believe the American people will be with us. Joe, we, and American people love this country too much to do otherwise." 民主党人站在国会山的台阶上向美国人民表明自己的心声。
我一直都跟读博主的文章,非常赞赏博主的分析。下面这段话非常正确,其实我以前都是投共和党的,这次坚决投民主党就是这个原因。YouTube 有个“Republican Voters Against Trump”,我几乎每个都看,那些人真的说出了我的心声。希望有更多清醒的共和党人,一定要阻止川普当选。美国两党轮流执政,其实差别不是很大,如果这次不是川普,没有必要一定投民主党。
tianjinwang1: ...Replacing Video with someone who can better reach the goal of winning the election.
The problem is no one can tell who that person is. And even if that person were identified, how could he/she be accepted by the whole party. It would take forever for the party to unite around a new leader in this situation, if that were ever possible at all, and clearly time St this time is not a rare commodity for the Democratic Party to have. People's feeling would definitely get hurt in this messy process, so much so that they might give up on voting altogether. And these are just the problems within the party.
The conventional wisdom is "staying put when feeling uncertain", and in this particular case it means keeping Biden and ploughing through as originally designed....
I almost feel convinced by myself now.
ShalakoW 发表评论于
Honestly, for me it's a "To be or not to be" situation, I don't know which way is better, replacing him or not replacing him, that's the f@&king question.
tianjinwang1 发表评论于
无所谓的。我们都是民主党的支持者(至少在这次选举中)。不可否认的是,如果拜登2023年就宣布不参选,We are in a much better shape now. 我和你不一样的是,I am MUCH MORE open to the idea of replacing Biden with someone who can better reach the goal of winning the election.实不相瞒,辩论后我难过的两天没有睡好觉。
President Biden's family is urging him to stay in the race and keep fighting despite last week's disastrous debate performance, even as some members of his clan privately expressed exasperation at how he was prepared for the event by his staff, people close to the situation said on Sunday.
消息来源不明,让子弹飞一会再说吧。现实来说,拜登赢川普的机会很小了。决定选举胜负的是关键州的undecided选民。拜登在这些州已经落后川普了,所以他需要有重大的进展。但是他的表现是灾难级的,it is highly unlikely在undecided选民中获得巨大的突破。给undecided选民讲民主、自由是没有用的,因为如果这些undecided选民认为民主、自由很重要,他们就不是undecided选民了。
ShalakoW 发表评论于 2024-06-30 16:14:53
davidinchina : Bill O'Reilly 在X上说,拜登已经决定推出...
Politics is about winning.
If Biden could not convince his party that he still can win, then he'd have to give up on staying in the race. It is what it is.
He will be remembered nicely in history though.
ShalakoW 发表评论于
davidinchina : Bill O'Reilly 在X上说,拜登已经决定推出...
ShalakoW 发表评论于
davidinchina : Bill O'Reilly 在X上说,拜登已经决定推出...
Politics is about winning.
If Biden could not convince his party that he still can win, then he'd have to give up on staying in the race. It is what it is.
He will be remembered nicely in history though.
ShalakoW 发表评论于
数字旋律: 居然一片换人声浪,表现出对民主素养的缺乏,再不反省,就会落后于很多落后国家的选民了:)....我的评论针对“更换候选人”这个议题,很切题啊:)...
美国有句话,it is what it is, 大意就是”事情就是这样(不要做无用的抱怨)"。正是在这个思路下,我对网上华人自媒体日复一日"批判习近平治国无能,揭露中共统治残忍"的节目很不理解:习近平执政10与余年,你才知道他治国无能?中共统治中国70多年,你刚发现它的统治残忍? It is what it has always been, is it not?
还是那句话,你要想批判民主素质这类问题,自已写篇博文效果最好。我对这类讨论不感兴趣,因为我知道, People are what they are, and it is what it is.
davidinchina 发表评论于
Bill O'Reilly 在X上说,拜登已经决定推出。当然,这消息我也是真假莫辨。
Here's a Biden update from http://BillOReilly.com news headquarters. The decision has been made that the President will quit the campaign. Two reasons: Democrat internal polling says he cannot recover from the debate, and fundraising is drying up. (1/2) #JoeBiden
Biden loves the country and the people more than loving himself or his party, that's why he's respected, unlike the No.45th who puts his ego above everything else. But I'm afraid that he may withdraw from the race after discussing it with her wife. That's wait and see what news comes out on Monday.