回复 'neshershahor' 的评论 : Thanks for history education ;-)
Yes, Brexit is a silly move, bad for foreign policy and bad for economy (UK)!
neshershahor 发表评论于
回复 '最西边的岛上' 的评论 : There's no "Iron or Blood" with Uniting Germany, just pure Dynastic Diplomacy (most of Bismarck's time was on dealing with monarchs of small states - how to please them).
Let me tell you the secret: Germany's Unification was NOT some "blood and Iron" by Prussian Army, but the work diplomats on creating a united Custom Tax Union, with a united currency - you see the pattern? Yeah...Merkel - during her years - used similar methods Bismarck did to strethen the EU and Euro.
Which is also way Brexis was a stupid-move for UK, because with UK gone, the rest of EUR are only German model Civil-Law countries - hence the influence of Berlin only increase (or to be exact: the Banks in Frankfurt-am-Main).
What Bismarck's successors (and Hitler too) failed with war, Merkel did with diplomacy. peacefully - so you see why they hate Merkel
回复 'neshershahor' 的评论 : “Merkel United EU the same way Bismarck united Germany, that's why she's very much hated ”
Thanks for the perspective, as you are right there and we are afar, and people in NA don't pay enough attention outside their zone, myself included :-(
You're right, they both are "Eiserne Kanzler" and both have given "Blood and Iron" and alike speeches.
FYI: Hubby's nephew and his wife are both young scientists working in Max Planck Institute, and know Merkel 's husband. ;-)
最西边的岛上 发表评论于
回复 'neshershahor' 的评论 : "必須抗議"
嗯,那个组长是借职谋私,应该自咎! 如果我说话能管什么用的话 ;-)哈哈哈
neshershahor 发表评论于
回复 '硅谷居士' 的评论 : only loosers - being paid by Ruble of CNY - hates people like Merkel
neshershahor 发表评论于
回复 '硅谷居士' 的评论 : 這是赤裸裸的歧視我們歐洲的政治人物,必須抗議~~~LOL
neshershahor 发表评论于
回复 '最西边的岛上' 的评论 : Well...Merkel United EU the same way Bismarck united Germany, that's why she's very much hated (just like Bismarck was hated back in his days).