smart casual dress code? Career Advising | MIT/Sporty casual

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smart casual dress code? Business casual? Sporty casual dress code? casual sportswear ? 
AI Overview
Smart Casual Attire: A Guide to the Dress Code With Examples ...
Smart casual dress code is a professional style that's more polished than casual but less formal than formal attire. It's a balance of comfortable and fashionable clothing that aims to look clean and professional without being The Differences between Formal, Dress ...too formal. The dress code can vary depending on the workplace, company, and industry. 
Style Rises

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What Is Smart Casual? Smart casual is an approach to dressing professionally that mixes trendier pieces in with classic staples. The goal is an appearance that's clean and professional but doesn't look too formal. You want to look pulled together but a bit interesting and approachable.May 23, 2023
What Is Smart Casual? | 5 Basic Smart Casual Outfit Ideas
Smart Casual Dress Code Guide for Women, According to Stars ...