It's the right thing to do. Perception: His cognitive and physical capacity can not be to his job.
U.S. President Joe Biden announced he is dropping out of the presidential race and endorsing Vice-President Kamala Harris instead. Joe Walsh, a former Republican candidate for president, says the move has made Trump and his supporters the ‘most unhappy people in America’ because Trump has always had a difficult time attacking strong woman like Harris.
The Ugly Truth Is Right most Americans
Here are the day's top stories from ABC news on Monday July 22, 2024. 00:00 US president Joe Biden has announced he's quitting the presidential race after weeks of speculation. 00:30 'It has been the greatest honour of my life to serve as president': Biden statement 01:05 North America correspondent Jade Macmillan on how this news unfolded. 02:00 Democrats need to decide who will run next with Biden endorsing Kamala Harris. 03:12 Americans react to the news that Joe Biden has stepped aside. 05:00 Reaction from former state senator Donald Betts Jr. 06:20 Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull says Biden has done the right thing by stepping aside. 07:15 Turnbull on whether there should be age limit for US presidents. 10:30 Turnbull says Trump is still the strong favourite to win. Subscribe: Read more here: ABC News provides around the clock coverage of news events as they break in Australia and abroad. It's news when you want it, from Australia's most trusted news organisation. For more from ABC News, click here: Watch more ABC News content ad-free on ABC iview: Go deeper on our ABC News In-depth channel: Like ABC News on Facebook: / Follow ABC News on Instagram:
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Under frame work of 13 keys, Historian Allan Lichtman, who correctly predicted nine of the last 10 presidents, breaks down why Biden still represents the best bet for Democrats.
President Biden is under mounting pressure to drop his bid for a second term after an unsteady performance in the first presidential debate against Donald Trump.
"We need a broadly inspirational candidate, who could pull the divided country together, like Ted Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, JFK, Ronald Reagen. B Obama (2008, not 2012). Only a few of them surfaced over 100 years! "
2 hours ago
A classy statement. Worthy of the 47th POTUS!
Years ago, watching her debate for attoney general surfaced as a fighter: logical, meticulous, articulated!
2 hours ago
Its now Prosecutor vs Convict
"White Trash" Historian Nancy Isenberg on J.D. Vance, "Hillbilly Elegy" & Class in America
Support our work: American historian and the author of White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America, Nancy Isenberg, calls Republican vice-presidential nominee J.D. Vance a peddler of the "self-made man myth."
Isenberg criticizes Hilbilly Elegy, the memoir that propelled him to fame, as a deceptive way of selling this myth and the conservative politics it comes with.
"Much of what his memoir says tells us nothing about real class conditions," Isenberg says, pointing to her own historical and sociological research on the rural poor in the United States.
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现在有无数的消息传出来,拜登即将退选,虽然还没有正式宣布,但是个人觉得这次的小道消息非常的可真实可靠,因为这次的小道消息都是从有名有姓的记者那里传出来的,比如说Mark Halperin。但从另外一个角度来说,拜登的退选其实证实了美国宪政的伟大。
拜登的退选的主要的原因是他身体不行了。从蛛丝马迹上来看,拜登的身体并不是说今年才不行的。如果大家有留意白宫的各种发布会的话,可以观察到拜登是举行白宫新闻发布会最少的一任总统,甚至比他的前任川普还要少。前任总统川普不爱举办记者招待会,是因为他整天在记者招待会上被记者们围攻,最后大家互怼,记者招待会变成了互怼会。拜登可是民主党 内一个德高望重式的人物,他应该非常深受各路记者的喜爱才是。为什么拜登召开的记者发布会的次数比川普还少呢?其中最简单的原因就是拜登的身体和他的头脑已经不足以支撑他召开一场完整的记者招待会。根据最近的消息,所有的人采访拜登的记者都必须按照事先设定的提问题来提问,不准发出任何的额外的问题。 这样的安排就是让拜登有足够的时间来准备和演习,这样子他才能够在公共场合上面表现得像一个正常人。缺乏事先演习的后果很可能是灾难性的!最鲜明的一个例子就是拜登最近在北约的记者招待会上介绍乌克兰总统的时候直接把泽连斯基总统说成了普京总统,接着又把副总统哈里斯的名字说成了川普。
阿肚撑船146 views Jul 19, 2024
坚持下去,他会成为众人围观的笑柄。 急流勇退,他能成为比肩国父的英雄。