Conte De Printemps - Eric Rohmer
Contes Des Quatre Saisons
Eric Rohmer 《春天的故事》"Ige, Jannie, Natasha"
Eric Rohmer's film "A Tale of Springtime" (original title: "Conte de printemps") is part of his "Tales of the Four Seasons" series. The movie does not feature characters named Ige, Jannie, or Natasha. The main characters in "A Tale of Springtime" are Jeanne (played by Anne Teyssèdre), a philosophy teacher, and Natacha (played by Florence Darel), a high school student. The story revolves around their developing friendship and the complexities of their relationships with others.
Eric Rohmer 《春天的故事》"Ige, Jannie, Natasha" 遠在此片之前就成名了,是法國新浪潮的健將,和高達、杜魯福等同時代的。
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Springtime in the Rockies | Betty Grable | Classic Musical Film | Carmen Miranda
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Springtime in the Rockies - Broadway partners Vicky Lane and Dan Christy have a tiff over Christy's womanizing. Jealous Vicky takes up with her old flame and former dance partner, Victor Price, and Dan's career takes a nosedive.
Springtime in the Rockies (1942)
Director: Irving Cummings
Writers: Walter Bullock(screenplay), Ken Englund(screenplay), Jacques Théry(adaptation)
Stars: Betty Grable, Carmen Miranda, John Payne
Genre: Musical
Country: United States
Language: English
Release Date: 6 November 1942 (USA)
Filming Location: Stage 16, 20th Century Fox Studios - 10201 Pico Blvd., Century City, Los Angeles, California, USA
Broadway partners Vicky Lane and Dan Christy have a tiff over Christy's womanizing. Jealous Vicky takes up with her old flame and former dance partner, Victor Price, and Dan's career takes a nosedive. In hopes of rekindling their romance and getting Vicky back on the boards with him, Dan follows her to a ritzy resort in the Canadian Rockies, where she and Victor are about to open their new act. But things get complicated when Dan wakes after a bender to find that he's hired an outlandish Latin secretary, Rosita Murphy, which makes Vicky think he's just up to his old tricks again.
"A film that takes all the stock conventions of Betty Grable musicals and distills them into one big bright package. This shows what the Hollywood dream factory could do with even the most obvious and conventional script. Filmed in lush Technicolor the film is loaded with so much talent and trimmings that the threadbare story becomes unimportant.
Betty Grable was at the peak of her popularity all dolled up in the height of 40's fashion, she and John Payne make a handsome and charming pair. They were strong enough to carry a film themselves but Fox managed to cram all the strongest supporting players from their other various movies. Charlotte Greenwood does the faithful sidekick role she did so well and gets a chance to do her unique dance routine. Caesar Romero is the dashing snook and Edward Everett Horton the droll faithful retainer. Then there's that party all on to herself Carmen Miranda fracturing the language and wearing outfits that as John Payne says are a little overdone outside a Mardi Gras. Topped off with Harry James' stellar music, including Sleepy Lagoon and I Had the Craziest Dream, weaving it's spell throughout this is the kind of shiny bauble that kept the public's mind off the war and still can't help but entertain today."
- written by "jjnxn-1" on
Also Known As (AKA):
(original title) Springtime in the Rockies
Australia Springtime in the Rockies
Austria Frühlingsrausch
Belgium (French title) Ivresse de printemps
Belgium (Flemish title) Lentevreugde
Brazil Minha Secretária Brasileira
Finland Rosita tanssii ja hymyilee
Greece (transliterated title) Anoixiatika kapritsia
Italy In montagna sarò tua
Japan (Japanese title) ロッキーの春風
Mexico Mi secretaria brasileña
Portugal Primavera nas Montanhas
Spain Secretaria brasileña
Sweden Rosita dansar och ler
UK Springtime in the Rockies
USA Springtime in the Rockies
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• 是部好片子!法国片好的很多 -april113- (0 bytes) (4 reads) 07/02/2024 postreply 00:00:13