朋友转发给我了这篇文章,涉及密苏里总检察长(或司法局长)调查 “Chinese Service Center in St. Louis”的事件。现在比较大胆的猜测是,圣路易斯华助中心可能属于中国侨办成立的分散在全球的上百家所谓的“华助中心”。根据ChatGPT, “华助中心”的全称是“华侨和华人服务中心”。
美国华裔别一天到晚将歧视放嘴边说,挣年薪50万美元的华裔医生朋友不觉得有歧视,华大讲座教授更不认为美国歧视了他们。印度裔决不会这样成天抱怨,美国也没有找印度裔的麻烦。美国找美国华裔的麻烦的原因有两条:有些华裔做事不decent, 加上中美关系下沉。
猫儿先在全球范围内设立孔子中心,宣扬他的初心论,将天朝的腐败输向全球。现在大量设立华助中心,难道是为了帮助美国的华裔老头和老太们申请Medicare? 他们不能自己对着字典填表?
“朱一民先生于1992年毕业于华盛顿圣路易斯大学工学院系统科学系(目前已经与电子工程学院合并)。毕业后,在华大医学院做博士后,后加入摩托罗拉Motorola做医学软件系统咨询部主管。1998年加入Edward Jones,已在公司供职22年,目前任Technical Architect。2012年开始在Webster University计算机系任客座教授。
Attorney General Bailey Expands Investigation into Missouri Non-Profit over Alleged Ties to People’s Republic of China
Home 9 Press Release 9 Attorney General Bailey Expands Investigation into Missouri Non-Profit over Alleged Ties to People’s Republic of China
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Today, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey expanded his investigation into the Chinese Service Center in St. Louis to ensure its compliance with Missouri law. He issued a civil investigative demand – subpoena power reserved for the Attorney General’s Office – after his office obtained evidence that the service center has violated the Missouri Merchandising Practices Act.
“As Attorney General, I will enforce the laws as written, which includes holding accountable those who violate the law by taking advantage of Missouri non-profits,” said Attorney General Bailey. “ Our investigation centers on allegations that the communist government of China is attempting to establish a footprint in the Show Me State. My office takes these allegations very seriously and will continue to fight for and protect Missouri citizens and consumers.”
The civil investigative demand issued by the Attorney General demands records from the Chinese Service Center (CSC) in relation to the acts or omissions of their solicitation of donations and other activities. The CSC reportedly has close associations to the government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).
“This investigation will inquire into, among other things, the acts and omissions of Subject(s) in connection with the solicitation and reporting of charitable funds in or from Missouri. The Attorney General has reason to believe that the Subject(s) have engaged in, are engaging in, or are about to engage in, deception, fraud, false promises, misrepresentation, unfair practices, and/or the concealment, suppression, or omission of material facts in connection with the solicitation of charitable funds,” the CID states.
Attorney General Bailey originally launched this investigation in 2023 after a member of Missouri’s Congressional delegation referred information to his office. This occurred after allegations surfaced that the People’s Republic of China was creating a global network of so-called “service centers” loyal to the Chinese Communist Party and whose mission was to advance China’s foreign policy objectives. Independent sources estimate that there are perhaps over 100 such service centers across the globe. In addition to being used as an arm of the Chinese government, there are grave concerns that some centers have been used as outposts from which to target individuals who formerly lived in China.
With the CID issued today, Attorney General Bailey is subpoenaing documents that will further his investigation into alleged ties between the Chinese government, the Chinese Communist Party, and the non-profit Chinese Service Center organized under Missouri state law.
首页 > 新闻发布 > 总检察长贝利因涉嫌与中华人民共和国有关联,扩大对密苏里非营利组织的调查。
回复 'major2xu' 的评论 : This was just an analysis of a news report that implied we care about our community's reputation.
Two quick thoughts: 1. 本是同根生,相煎何太急;2.Missouri AG Andrew Bailey is pretty radical, just for the records, he filed a lot of frivolous lawsuits in his tenure, which is not too surprising and not too much different from his predecessors Josh Hawley and Eric Schmidt. Here is one of his lawsuits - https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-rejects-missouris-long-shot-bid-block-trumps-gag-order-h-rcna163629