七月十二日下午,拜登在密西根底特律 ( “Motown”)的一个中学体育馆里举行一场总统选举集会,会场座无虚席,挤满很多拜登的草根选民。拜登在一开始的讲话中再一次强调,他将坚决把总统竞选进行下去,直到战胜川普。拜登指出,他现在的民主党总统候选人资格,是在民主党从今年二三月份就开始、延续了数月的初选(Primary)中,由民主党一千四百万选民,投了他赞成票后才确定的,不是什么新闻媒体,专家权威大腕,也不是党内幕后策划活动者,同样也不是那些大款富豪捐款者一起商议指定的。在民主体制下的美国,总统候选人和最后的总统,真正由人民手中的选票确定!
回想这几天美国社会里发生的事情,觉得非常有趣。在今天下午底特律的rally上,遭拜登暗讽挤兑的新闻记者,新闻主持,新闻评论员,还有多达十九名民主党众议员,以及幕后策划者,Nancy Pelosi 和奥巴马等,在过去的数日内,上窜下跳,形成了一股强大的势力,对着拜登进行逼宫,强迫拜登退出大选,交出他由千百万选民选出的总统候选人资格,然后由他们作为幕后操纵者, 精心挑选 他们喜欢并认为能击败川普的总统候选人。几天来,这些人或在电视上接受采访,或播出自己录制的视频。个个手舞足蹈侃侃而谈,从方方面面,讨论拜登退选的必要性,似乎只要拜登退出,随后由他们选定的接班人击败川普易如反掌。还有的不断使坏水,在七月十一日拜登的记者招待会上,有记者请拜登总结他当总统的legacy ,相当于给他下套,让他默认自己要退出总统连任的竞选。记者会上,拜登一再重申,他绝不退选,可记者会一结束,有记者立即在CNN上给拜登挖坑,说拜登会在下个礼拜一,在德州奥斯汀的一个黑人教堂集会上宣布自己退选。Nancy Pelesi和奥巴马等人,在拜登不断发出自己绝不退选的坚决声音以后,依然到处放风,表示对十一月的总统大选的结果担忧,现在要给足拜登时间和空间,让他静心思考做出决定......。从这场不大不小的闹剧来看,东方人西方人,人的本性是相通的,一旦认为自己是个腕儿,是个人物,手中有权,能呼风唤雨,眼中就开始没有了草根选民,就认为自己英明伟大,就想着如何跳过民主选举的框框了。
多达十九个民主党籍的众议员先后公开呼吁拜登退选, 十九个议员名单,所属的州,以及他们的简短声明列在文章最后(信息来源BBC网络)。他们这样做,如果只是代表他们自己,那就是过线了,是越俎代庖,唯一能说得通的理由是,他们各自代表的众议院(House)议员选区中的多数民主党选民认为拜登应该退选,然后,该议员为他/她选区选民发出拜登应退选的声音。果真如此?昨天晚些时候 (07/12),CNN主播 Anderson Cooper在他的(360C)节目中采访了被认为是摇摆州之一的密西根女议员 Hillary Scholten。Cooper直接问Scholten, 你要求拜登退选的声明在你的选区有何代表性?Scholten 回答说,她的选区 有非常多的选民主张那么去做。不知道她有多诚实,说的话可信度有多高,在她表达“非常多”的时候,反正我看到她脸上的表情有着普通人撒谎时的不自然。十九个众议员要求拜登退选的声明,到底多大程度上代表了他们各自选区选民的观点,现在不得而知。据我所知,民主党支持者中的年轻人对拜登第一次辩论中的表现不满意度要高一些。七月十二日NPR News 和 PBS全国范围内的民意测验结果表明,拜登和川普的支持率在第一次辩论前后,没有变化,拜登现在以50比48领先。
现在如果换掉拜登,依照现有的民主党章程,只能由拜登的竞选搭档Kamala Harris作为总统候选人出来竞选。论人气,资格和施政水平,2016年的Hillary Clinton比现在的Kamala Harris要高得多。肤色和性别,我可以肯定,Harris毫无疑问将败在川普的手下。如果不是Kamala Harris做候选人,而是民主党大佬们关起门来拍脑袋做决定,没有大家都认可心服口服的章程可依照执行,那么,换上非拜登非Harris的第三者作为总统竞选人,其认可度将更低。民主党大佬们应该很清楚,现在离八月十九日民主党开党代会的时间,只有一个多月时间,撤换一千四百万草根选民选出的拜登,换上其他任何民主党人,到底会有多少选民买账?选民对任何其他候选人,因为陌生,因为他们没有政绩,在本能上都有很大的抵触。这些选民们不是民主党大佬的宠物,没有自己的思想,更不会象中国老百姓那样,听党的话跟党走,不会因为民主党党内精英指定了另外候选人, 在最后总统大选时,那些原先在初选中投了拜登赞成票的选民,就会自动去投指定的候选人。他们中的很多人,可能因为不满意指定的新候选人 ,根本就不会出去投票。
当下,民主党最理智最应该做的事情,放置一切争议,团结起来共同支持拜登向前走。现在质疑拜登的人,本应该在去年或今年年初民主党初选前或中间,出来向拜登发难。我当时也觉得拜登因为年龄的关系,参选连任不合适不理智,但在那时,民主党党内似乎没有反对的声音,奇了怪了。 如果那十九个众议员反对拜登继续竞选的声明,不能代表他们各自选区大多数选民的意愿,只是自己的观点,那么,他们在下一届(众议员两年一任)议员选举中,很可能就要落选下台。支持拜登竞选再任四年美国总统的选民们,请睁大眼睛,看看下面反对拜登继续竞选的民主党众议员中,有没有人在你们选区 (资料来自BBC网页)。
It began five days after the June 27 debate with Lloyd Doggett, a 15-term Texas congressman, who said that it was time for Mr Biden to "make the painful and difficult decision to withdraw".
Mr Doggett, 77, who sits on the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, said he respected "all that President Biden has achieved" but that the Democrat had failed to "effectively defend his many accomplishments" on the debate stage.
He has since been joined by other House of Representatives colleagues:
· Arizona left-winger Raul Grijalva told The New York Times that the campaign was in a "precarious" state and Mr.Biden had to now "shoulder the responsibility" of holding the White House.
· Seth Moulton of Massachusetts, a 2020 presidential candidate, told WBUR that he no longer had confidence that Mr. Biden could beat Trump.
· Mike Quigley, an Illinois congressman involved in planning the Democratic National Convention, made a direct plea to the president on MSNBC, saying that his "legacy is set" but it was time to "let someone else do this".
· Angie Craig, a Minnesota Democrat representing a swing district, fretted over Mr Biden's debate performance and his "lack of a forceful response" since then, and warned "there is only a small window left" to choose a replacement.
· Adam Smith of Washington, the top Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee, said Mr Biden could no longer "clearly, articulately, and strongly make his case to the American people".
· Centre-left New Jersey congresswoman Mikie Sherrill wrote that "the stakes are too high - and the threat is too real - to stay silent" because Democrats "cannot allow Trump to return to the White House".
· Pat Ryan, from a vulnerable seat in the state of New York, urged Mr Biden "to deliver on an earlier promise to be a bridge to a new generation of leaders" and step aside "for the good of our country".
· Long-time Oregon leftist Earl Blumenauer, who is retiring at the end of this term, said he hoped Mr Biden would end his bid because the 2024 race was "not just about extending his presidency but protecting democracy".
· Hillary Scholten, from a Michigan swing district, told The Detroit News: "We just have too much at stake in this election to sit on the sidelines and be silent while we still have time to do something."
· Another Illinois centrist, Brad Schneider, whose district hosts next month's party convention, said Mr Biden should "heroically pass the torch to a new generation... to guide us to the future he has enabled".
· Ed Case from Hawaii broke ranks with the rest of the state's Congressional delegation and issued a statement that Biden should not continue his candidacy. “Difficult times and realities require difficult decisions," he wrote, adding "my guidepost is what is the best way forward for our country".
· Greg Stanton, who represents a district in the key swing state of Arizona, said that he believes it is time for Mr Biden to drop out of the race “for the sake of American democracy, and to continue make progress on our shared priorities”.
· Jim Himes, a Connecticut congressman since 2009, said on X (formerly Twitter) that Democrats must put forth the strongest candidate possible to confront Trump and “I no longer believe that is Joe Biden”.
· California congressman Scott Peters has also made his position official. ”Today I ask President Biden to withdraw,” he said in a statement. “The stakes are high, and we are on a losing course.”
· Another Illinois congressman Eric Sorensen said, "I am hopeful President Biden will step aside in his campaign for President", in a statement on X. "In 2020 Joe Biden ran for President with the purpose of putting country over party. Today, I am asking him to do that again," he added.
· Washington state congresswoman Marie Gluesenkamp Perez suggested Mr Biden should step aside, saying: "I doubt the President’s judgement about his health, his fitness to do the job".
· On Friday, California congressman Mike Levin joined the chorus, saying: "I believe the time has come for President Biden to pass the torch".
· Colorado congresswoman Brittany Pettersen called Biden "a good man who has served this country faithfully and admirably", but "my sons and my constituents can't suffer the consequences of inaction at this critical moment".