Lyrics written by:
The sky is not lonely with clouds‘ company(妖)
cirrus,cumulus,stratus, nimbus (岛)(注:云彩名)
The sun,the moon and stars alternate on the canopy(暖)
Pisces, Aries, Taurus,Gemini,Sagittarius(妖)(注:星座名)
Friends are the sun in the rainy day (暖)
Like the moon illuminating the dark night (暖)
Friends are the Polar Star when we go astray (妖)
The glue holding us together during a plight(虫)
Lyrics written by:
In this breezy and brilliant afternoon (妖)
The sky is azure like jubilant June(暖)
Little fish nibble my feet in a small stream (虫)
In the distance, cicadas stridently scream (虫)
Ideals are set, ideas are given(花)
There is no Hell, there is no Heaven (花)
An endless field of flowering garden(岛)
Butterflies flying and birds singing (岛)
Doctrines breed the obedient generation(花)
Carefree characters lead to creation (妖)as well as destruction(花)
That commences a reincarnation and redemption (虫)
Little Red Riding Hood dancing to a new destination(岛)
回复 'PeonyInJuly' 的评论 : Friends are the sun in the rainy day (暖)
Like the moon illuminating the dark night (暖)
Friends are the Polar Star when we go astray (妖)
The glue holding us together during a plight(虫)
这男女AI唱得,让人笑死。暖mm你这句friends like the moon illuminating the dark night 写得太好了,七月金句!特别喜欢。你说以后AI裙衣飘飘,亮相舞台,会不会直接秒杀所有的歌手啊。:) 这个七月结束得太完美了,谢谢暖mm,一起期待八月更多的精彩!
PeonyInJuly 发表评论于
Friends are the sun in the rainy day (暖)
Like the moon illuminating the dark night (暖)
Friends are the Polar Star when we go astray (妖)
The glue holding us together during a plight(虫)