Radhika Desai 莫迪挑釁中國是工作 買俄便宜油是生活

莫迪連任引發中印緊張?! 挑釁中國是工作?! 大買俄羅斯便宜石油是生活?! 伊於胡底?【國際360】




首先,我们现在基本上是转向联盟政治,也就是说,莫迪特别依赖两个大盟友来接管272马克,这将使他拥有多数政府,这意味着他必须软化他的印度教民族主义政治,他必须接受很多东西,但我认为如此,因此有理由认为他将无法像以前那样强硬,然而,这是否会转化为外交政策是一个单独的问题,原因有很多,所以让我首先说,你必须了解莫迪的政党印度人民党在 1998 年至 2004 年联合执政之前就一直掌权,因为即使在 20 世纪 90 年代,他们非常强烈地参与了基于印度教身份和反穆斯林政治的所有动员之后,他们仍然无法通过 r L 25% 的选票,他们不得不加入联盟,因此,该党一直支持两件对印度支那关系不利的事情,第一,他们从历史上很早的时候就将中国视为印度的主要敌人,他们一直将中国作为攻击目标,可以追溯到 62 年战争,是的,你知道 62 年战争,如果你想一想,那是一个问题,它是基于印度犯下的许多错误,但因为他们一直反对尼鲁早先的对华友好政策,你知道 Hindi Hindi Chini顺便说一句,你知道印度人和中国人是兄弟等等,这项政策,印度人民党,印度民族主义右翼,基本上充分利用了 1962 年的失败,尽其所能,指责任何与中国友好的政策都是误导性的,欺骗性的等等,通过保持这种非常高分贝的言论,他们基本上阻止了印度需要经历的进程,以便与中国建立良好的关系,以便从与中国的良好关系中受益,无论是在安全和经济方面,我认为印度与印度支那的合作可以走很长的路,但整个进程都被阻止了,这个过程是什么,印度在边界争端上的立场,这是印度不断挑起的主要问题,印度的立场是基于当今许多印度学者所承认的殖民立场,即地图上绘制的殖民路线有很多理由相信,印度的立场是无效的,而中国所持的立场是,让我们坐下来谈判,研究一下利益,什么才是有效的,等等,同时在边界争端问题上,让我们推进我们的利益,让我们推进我们在其他问题上的合作,所以中国在与印度的关系方面一直非常让步,但如果不经历这个过程,认识到印度的领土主张是无效的,它们更容易受到质疑,印度人不会提出任何立场,现在,无论谁掌权,印度都会对中国采取合作态度,话虽如此,鉴于印度的立场是不可行的,历史本身,我的意思是现实本身对印度政府施加了某种重力。

因此,自 1980 年代以来,印度和中国基本上进行了大量密集的外交,即使在 1990 年代,这种外交仍在继续。瓦杰帕伊政府,然后是 2004 年至 2014 年曼莫汉·辛格先生的 UPA 政府,这导致印度和中国之间关系的显著改善,并且人们逐渐认识到应该就边界争端进行谈判,在进行这些谈判的同时,我们也应该深化我们的经济关系,所以这一切进展顺利,直到现在莫迪打断了谈判,我想稍后再谈谈莫迪,但在继续谈论莫迪和其他事情之前,我还要说最后一件事,他所做的是理解的关键,我的意思是,或者让我重申一下,UPA 政府在与中国的良好关系方面取得了重大进展,但本质上他们在印度支那关系方面取得了进展,但他们并没有同时改变印度内部的话语,他们没有说,伙计们,看,现在是我们改变对边界态度的时候了争议,我们需要经历一个学习的过程,我们需要承认我们的立场不是100%正确的,所以他们没有把这个公开讨论出来,这意味着印度教右翼继续利用印度的反华情绪,他们被允许留下,这是联合进步联盟政府的错,我认为印度任何稳固的、不可轻易逆转的进步都依赖于印度的这一进程,这一意识形态进程,所以,这就是关于中国和进步的,在莫迪先生的领导下,我认为莫迪先生非常清楚,印度无法赢得与中国的任何军事对抗,但尽管如此,小规模冲突还是被充分利用在反华言论中,然后巩固了印度教和印度民族在莫迪先生身后的地位,所以他完全自由,他也不擅长追求经济关系等等,所以我坦率地说,我个人认为莫迪的外交政策通常包括一大堆拍照机会,供他自己和其他世界领导人拍照,当莫迪穿衣时,你知道,正如你可能知道的,他对以某种方式穿衣很着迷,而且你知道非常昂贵,所以等等,所以这似乎就是他所关心的一切,他唯一关心的另一件事就是给他的企业亲信在国外的合同,特别是你可能知道的,例如,阿达尼先生陪同莫迪先生出访澳大利亚,带回了一堆采矿合同,等等,这些都是这样的东西,否则他真的没有什么外交政策,所以缺乏明确的外交政策,加上希望利用印度的反华和反巴基斯坦情绪,意味着莫迪先生对与中国建立良好关系并不十分有利,最后,第三部分是,莫迪先生和前任印度人民党政府一样,在意识形态上也更倾向于与美国建立良好关系和更紧密的关系,最好的例子就是,你知道,当瓦杰帕伊先生,前任印度人民党总理,在 1998 年至 2004 年任职时,B 先生几天之内上台后进行了第二次核试验,如果你还记得那天晚上,你可能不记得了,但你可能知道他进行了第二次核试验,他在核试验后立即给克林顿总统写了一封信,在信中他非常清楚地表明了进行核试验的原因,这是一封很短的信,你可以在网上找到它,印度试验的目的本质上是为了加强印度对中国的防御,中国被视为主要问题,当然,在克林顿执政期间,美国和中国的关系比现在更好,但尽管如此,瓦杰帕伊先生还是对克林顿先生说,印度和美国应该联合起来对抗中国,这种趋势一直在持续,这也使印度越来越接近以色列,作为更大的区域战略的一部分,当然,以色列和以色列在莫迪领导下的印度、内塔尼亚胡领导下的以色列以及莫迪领导下的印度以及犹太复国主义和印度教民族主义方面也团结在一起是共同的反对伊斯兰教等等,所以这是战略的一部分,所以莫迪先生非常希望与美国走得更近,然而他面临两个问题,正如我们之前多次讨论过的那样,我之前和你讨论过很多次,我也在很多其他地方说过,西方经济体,尤其是美国经济体,目前并不处于非常有利的地位,无法为大多数合作伙伴提供任何经济上有吸引力的东西,他们无法建立巩固的可持续关系,作为更大的合作伙伴,作为更富有的合作伙伴,他们能够为合作伙伴提供一些好处,所以另一方面,美国和西方不那么有吸引力,那么乌克兰战争当然造成了一种局面,莫迪被迫向俄罗斯靠拢,而这比他希望的要多,因为向美国靠拢的另一部分当然也是放弃印度与俄罗斯历史上牢固的关系,而这一直依赖于两件事,其中一件事当然是伟大的国防合作,另一件事是某种经济关系。现在,印度人越来越多地从西方国家而不是俄罗斯寻求武器,国防合作肯定被削弱了。但与此同时,随着乌克兰冲突的爆发,油价上涨使印度陷入困境,也给了印度“胡萝卜加大棒”的机会,以维持至少某种体面的与俄罗斯的关系。胡萝卜当然是印度能够廉价进口石油,因为如果没有这种廉价石油,印度的通货膨胀率将大幅上升,因为印度非常依赖进口石油。所以,胡萝卜当然是,呃,大棒当然是,对不起,大棒是印度需要进口这种石油,胡萝卜当然是,莫迪的许多企业亲信通过进口廉价的俄罗斯石油赚了很多钱,然后卖给欧洲客户因为印度出口等,所以他们有这种循环贸易,俄罗斯也受益等. 所以在俄罗斯和印度达成的新的卢比卢布贸易协议,印度一直在购买大量俄罗斯石油,但另一方面,俄罗斯人对这些协议的结果并不特别满意,他们很高兴地加入了进来,希望一切都会好起来,但他们发现,虽然印度以石油等形式从俄罗斯购买了大量商品,但俄罗斯想要从印度购买的并不多,所以俄罗斯最终得到了一堆卢比,不知道该怎么处理,这是另一个因素,因此,在与西方日益密切的关系中,印度不得不希望与俄罗斯和中国保持距离,但俄罗斯和中国都很难做到这一点,我想说,你知道印度,嗯,印度的市场今天就像印度普通的邻里市场一样,越来越依赖进口商品来自中国的非常高效、廉价的产品可以降低通货膨胀率,否则通货膨胀率会比现在更高,所以印度依赖这一点,许多印度商人希望与印度保持良好关系,但尽管如此,印度继续通过参加中国南海的军事演习来挑衅中国,所谓的航行自由演习加入四方会谈,与日本越来越亲近,日本很高兴参与美国试图将亚太地区转变为印度洋太平洋等的尝试,而印度是主要工具,所以这是一个复杂的情况。莫迪非常希望与美国走得更近,但情况不允许,但莫迪并不急于向中国屈服,最后一点,莫迪在学术界获得的许多媒体赞誉中,他们指出的一件事是,印度正在失去在北方邦联合进步联盟政府领导下发起的向中国靠拢的战略2004 年至 2004 年对印度来说是非常糟糕的,因为印度现在有非常大的贸易逆差,印度在 R 世界排名中正在下滑等等,但事实是,如果你想对印度的贸易逆差做点什么,中国不会阻止你,中国不会提供销售其产品,但中国不会阻止印度成为制造中心,然而,成为制造中心,呃,一个经济强国需要的是强有力的产业政策,一个明确的发展战略,扩大印度市场,印度不能成为世界其他国家的出口平台,无论如何,印度首先需要满足其极度贫困的公民的需求,需要增加他们的收入,需要增加他们的消费,需要增加,因此,创造一个更大的印度市场,拥有良好的就业率,高就业率,高工资,将为印度的增长创造巨大的刺激,任何人都可以实现这一点通过体面的经济和工业政策,印度并没有走这条路。在莫迪的领导下,印度总体上使人民贫困,造成了越来越多的不平等,印度市场萎缩而不是扩大,而所有这些才是印度落后的真正原因,而不是因为中国的存在,甚至不是因为印度与中国的贸易。我想说,今天很多受过教育的印度人都很乐意对一个中国政策提出质疑,就像美国试图做的那样,它试图让它变得模棱两可,对吧,它一直都是模棱两可的,正如你知道的,美国在 1970 年代承认中国的那一刻,它还通过了《台湾关系法》,以便向中国提供武器,这样一方面它就说你知道一个中国原则,一个中国政策,另一方面它已经淡化了它,所以印度的观点可以朝那个方向发展,不幸的是,就像我说的,印度的许多人都认识到印度对印度支那关系的整个叙述一直存在很大问题,但这些人仍然是少数,在我看来,他们是对的,但他们被限制在公共话语中的某些领域,公共话语的主要内容始终是,你知道,中国所做的一切都应该被视为独裁霸权,你知道,中国试图在亚洲和其他地方称霸,追求自己的经济利益等等,我的意思并不是说中国不应该追求自己的经济利益,但我认为中国的天才在于试图与合作伙伴找到互利互惠,你知道我们受益,但你也受益,这就是中国与该地区和世界上许多合作伙伴建立关系的方式,这是一个非常重要的问题,我想说,我们并不完全知道答案,一方面,人们希望联合政府的存在会给一些甚至当国大党政府改善与中国的关系时,也没有采取足够的措施来是针对印度的印度中国边界争端提出虚假的叙述,如果没有这样做,莫迪很有可能在这种情况下使印度舆论倾向于反华方向,所以这是局势的另一个因素,局势的第三个因素是印度国防领导层是否负责任或不负责任,各军种的首脑能否对总理说,总理,这是一个非常危险的立场,我们无法抵御任何军事挑战,任何与中国的军事冲突,所以请小心等等,我们不知道情况是否如此,事实上,从我的阅读中可以清楚地看出,在过去十年中,莫迪政府一直在对军队进行改革,这可能会让赞成的人担任高层职位,所以你知道这是怎么回事,我也觉得,巴基斯坦签证和中国签证都有可能莫迪政府将以一种完全妄想的方式行事,你知道,这不是基于对印度实力或印度利益的任何现实评估,而是一种完全妄想的方式,它努力支持美国,不考虑印度军事或经济准备的局限性,他们很可能会采取一个有问题的立场,他们可能会让印度卷入战争,我认为他们不会错过,因为莫迪已经做出了非常重要的决定,比如货币废除,比如新冠疫情封锁,而没有关心普通印度人会发生什么,我认为这种决定并不超出他的范围,我想说,在受过教育的精英中,不幸的是,对于我们来说,印度中产阶级是世界上最支持美国的,因此他们倾向于接受美国说这是正确的立场,而不是你知道印度有良好的反帝国主义历史,在独立后的头几十年里,印度的大部分外交政策论述都遵循了试图理解帝国主义、它的历史、抵制它的必要性等等的尝试。

India has on the whole under Modi

impoverished its people created ever

more inequality Shrunk the Indian market

rather than expanded it and all of this

is the real reason why India is falling

behind not because of the existence of

China or even India's trade with

China I mean so I I guess I'd like to

give my answer in three parts so the

first is that uh basically what we have

now is shift back to Coalition politics

that is to say Modi relies particularly

on two big allies to take him over the

272 Mark which will allow him to have um

majority government so this means that

uh he has to soften his hindutva

politics he has to accept a lot of it

but I think so so there is reason to

imagine that he will not be able to be

as Hardline as he has been however

whether this will translate into foreign

policy is a separate question for a

number of reasons so let me say first of

all that you have to understand that

modi's party which is the BJP which has

been in power before it was in power in

Coalition between 1998 and 2004 because

you see even after all the mobilization

based on Hindu identity and anti-muslim

politics which they engaged in very

strongly in the 1990s they were not able

to pass the r L 25% of the vote Mark

they had to enter into Coalition and so

this party has always been in favor of

two things which do not Aur very well

for indo-china relations the first is

that they have from a very early point

in their history seen China as the main

enemy of India they have always targeted

China going back to the 62 war in fact

yes you know the 62 War if you think

about it was a problem you know was a m

it was based on many mistakes made by

India but because they have consistently

kept up this you know opposition to

neeru's earlier policy of Friendship

with China you know Hindi Hindi Chini by

by you know that Indians and Chinese

were brothers etc etc this policy the

BJP the Hindu nationalist right has

essentially milk the failures of 1962

for everything they can in order to

accuse any policy of Friendship with

China as being misguided deluded Etc and

by keeping up a very high decible

rhetoric of this sort they have

essentially prevented a process that

India needs to have to go through uh in

order to have good relations with China

in order to benefit from uh good

relation with China both in terms of

security and in terms of economy I think

India indo-chinese cooperation could go

a very long way but this whole process

is being stopped and what is that

process the Indian position on the

border disputes which is the main issue

that that India keeps uh raking up the

Indian position has been based as many

scholars in India today recognize on a

colonial position the colonial drawings

lines drawn on a map there are many

reasons to believe that the position

that India is taking is not a valid one

and that the position China is taking

which is that let's sit down negotiate

look into the interests what works Etc

and also while doing so On the Border

dispute let's Advance our interests

let's Advance our cooperation on other

matters so China has always been very

shall we say giving in terms of its

relationship with with India but without

going through this process of realizing

that India's territorial claims are not

valid that they are more open to

question Indians will not come up with

any position now come up to a

Cooperative attitude to China no matter

who is in power now having said that

given the reality that India's position

was not

viable history itself I mean reality

itself exerted a certain type of gravity

on Indian government so that in the

period since the 1980s basically India

and China have engaged in a lot of

intensive diplomacy which continued even

under the vajpai government and then

also under the UPA government of Mr

Manmohan Singh from 2004 to 2014 and

this led to considerable improvements in

relations between India and and China

and a creeping recognition that yes

there should be negotiations On the

Border dispute and while those

negotiations take place let's also

deepen our economic relationship so all

of that was proceeding generally well

until it was cut short by Modi now and I

want to talk about Modi in a minute but

let me also say one final thing before

going on to Modi and the other things

he's done the key to understanding I

mean or let me rephrase that the UPA

government in particular made big

advances in good relations with China

but what you had essentially they

achieved progress in indo-chinese

relations but they did not at the same

time transform the discourse within

India they did not say look folks it's

time for us to change our attitude

towards the Border dispute we need to go

through a process of learning we need to

acknowledge that our position is not

100% correct so they did not put this

out in the public discourse and that

means that the Hindu right has continued

to exploit anti-china sentiments in

India they have been allowed to remain

and this is a fault of the UPA

government and I think any secure

progress in India that cannot be easily

reversed relies on having this process

this ideological process in India so so

that's about uh China and the progress

and and and under Mr Modi essentially Mr

Modi I think Mr Modi is quite well aware

that India cannot win any kind of

military confrontation with China but

nevertheless little skirmishes have been

exploited to the

fullest in an anti-china rhetoric which

then consolidates the Hindu and Indian

Nation behind Mr Modi Etc so he has been

totally free and he has also not been

particularly good at pursuing you know

the economic relationship and so on so I

mean quite frankly I personally think

that modi's foreign policy generally

consists of a whole bunch of photo

opportunities for himself and other

world leaders you know in when Modi

dresses you know as you may know he has

this obsession with dressing in certain

ways and you know very expensively and

so on so that's all he seems to care

about and the only other thing he cares

about is giving his

corporate cronies contracts abroad

particularly as you may know for example

Mr adani accompanied Mr Modi on a state

trip to Australia and came back with a

bunch of you know mining contracts and

what have you so these are the sorts of

things otherwise he really has not much

of any foreign policy so this lack of a

defined foreign policy plus a desire to

exploit anti-china and of course

anti-pakistan sentiments in India means

that Mr Mr Modi is not been very

conducive to good relations with China

and finally the third part which is that

Mr Modi like the previous BJP government

is also ideologically much more in favor

of good relations and ever closer

relations with the United States the

best example of this would be that you

know when um Mr vajpai the previous BJP

prime minister who was in office between

1998 to 2004 Mr B within days of coming

into Power conducted a second nuclear

test if you remember night well you may

not remember but you may know that he

cons conducted a second nuclear test and

he immediately following on uh the

nuclear test he wrote a letter to

President Clinton in which he made it

very clear that the reason for the

nuclear a short letter and you can find

it on the web the purpose of the Indian

tests was to essentially strengthen

India's defenses against China China was

regarded as the main problem and

essentially this was of course under

Clinton still in China us China

relations were better than what they are

now but nevertheless essentially Mr

vajpai was saying to Mr Clinton that

India and the US should make common

cause against China and this tendency

has continued it has also involved India

becoming ever closer to Israel as part

of a larger Regional strategy and and of

course what also unites is Israel in

India under Modi Israel under Netanyahu

and India under Modi and generally

Zionism and hindutva is the common

opposition to Islam and so on so this is

a part of the strategy so Mr Modi would

dearly love to go ever

closer to the United States however he

faces two problems as we have discussed

on this you know many times before with

I have discussed with you many times

before and I have said many other places

the Western economies and the US economy

in particular are not in a very strong

position right now to offer anything

economically attractive to most of their

Partners they are not capable of uh

creating cementing sustainable

relationships where they provide some

benefit as the bigger partner as the

Richer partner to their Partners so and

on the other hand the US and the West

are not so attractive then what has

happened of course is that the Ukraine

war has created a situation in which

Modi is forced to lean closer to Russia

than it would like to because the other

part of Leaning closer to the US is also

of course to abandon India's

historically strong

relations with Russia and which have

been dependent on two things in

particular one is of course great

defense cooperation and the other is a

certain economic relationship now

defense cooperation has been certainly

diluted on the part of the Indians who

are seeking weapons more and more from

Western countries rather than from

Russia but at the same time with the

Ukraine uh conflict the rise in the

price of oil has put India in a bind and

also has given both carrot and stick to

maintain at least some kind of decent

relation with Russia the carrot of

course is that India is able to import

oil cheaply because without this cheap

oil the rate of inflation in India would

go up massively because India is very

heavily reliant on imported oil so there

is that and the uh the Stick Of course

is that sorry that's the stick that in

India can India needs to import that and

the carrot is that of course many of

modi's corporate cronies are making a

lot of money importing cheap Russian oil

and then selling it onto European

customers as Indian exports Etc so that

they there is this kind of circular

trade going on Russia also benefits Etc

so under the a new arrange M of rupee

Ruble trade that Russia and India have

India has been buying a lot of Russian

oil but on the other side by the way the

Russians are not particularly happy with

the outcome of these Arrangements they

had entered it very happily hoping that

everything would be fine but what they

are finding is that while India is

buying a lot from Russia in the form of

oil Etc there is not much that Russia

need wants to buy from India so Russia

is ending up with a pile of rupees it

doesn't know what to do with so that's

another another element so that in this

ever closer relations with the West as

India has had to would like to distance

itself both from Russia and China but it

is finding it hard to do so in the case

of Russia in the case of china as well I

would say that you know India uh India's

markets are today like ordinary

neighborhood markets in India are more

and more reliant on importing goods from

China which being very efficiently

produced inexpensive keep down the rate

of inflation which would otherwise go

even higher than it has already gone so

India is reliant on that many Indian

businessmen would like to keep good

relations with India but nevertheless

India continues to provoke China by

joining military exercises in the South

China SE with the so-called freedom of

navigation exercises joining the quad

getting ever closer with Japan being

part happily engaging in the US attempt

to transform the Asia Pacific into the

indopacific and so on with India as a

major tool so it's a complex situation

Modi would dearly love to be even closer

to the US but circumstances are not

permitting that so but nevertheless Modi

is not eager to to give into China and

one final Point many uh of modi's

accolades in the media in scholarship in

the scholarly world one of the things

they point to is that India is losing

that the strategy of moving closer to

China initiated under the up Congress L

UPA government of 2004 to4 has been very

bad for India because India now has a

very big trade deficit and India is not

you know is sliding in its R world

rankings and and so on but the fact is

that if you want to do something about

India's trade deficit China is not

stopping you China is not China is

offering to sell its products but China

is not stopping India from becoming a

manufacturing Hub what becoming a

manufacturing Hub uh an economic power

requires however is a muscular

industrial policy a clear development

strategy which expands the Indian market

India cannot be a export platform for

the rest of the world and in any case

India first needs to fulfill the needs

of its extremely deprived citizens it

needs to increase their incomes it needs

to increase their consumption it needs

to increase and and so creating a larger

Indian market with a well employed with

high employment good wages will create a

vast stimulus for India's growth which

can be fulfilled by any you know by a

decent economic and Industrial policy

but India is not following this route

India has on the whole under Modi

impoverished its people created ever

more inequality Shrunk the Indian market

rather than expanded it and all of this

is the real reason why India is falling

behind not because of the existence of

China or even India's trade with China

I would say that today a lot of educated

Indians are all too happy to raise

questions about the one China policy

like the US is trying to do it's trying

to make it ambiguous right and it has

always been ambiguous as you know the

moment that the US recognized China in

the 1970s it also passed the Taiwan

relations act so that it would send arms

to China so that on the one hand it was

saying you know one China principle on

one China policy and on the other hand

it was already diluting it so India is

can Indian opinion can go in that

direction unfortunately like I said many

people in India recognize that the whole

Narrative of Indochina relations has

been very problematic in India but these

people still remain a minority they are

to in my view they are right but they

are confined to certain niches in the

public discourse the main line public

discourse is always that you know

whatever China does should be regarded

as you know authoritarian hegemonic you

know trying to be hegemonic in in Asia

and elsewhere and pursuing its own

economic interests and and and so on and

so forth and I mean not saying that

China should not pursue its own economic

interest but I think China's genius has

laan in trying to find mutual benefits

with its partners that you know we

benefit but you also benefit and this is

the way in which China has built its


with its many many partners in the

region and in the

world that is a very important question

and I would say that we do not fully

know the answer uh on the one hand one

would hope that the existence of the

coalition government would P some sort

of restraint on India Vis of each China

that even when the Congress L government

was improving relations with China did

not do enough to dislodge the false

narrative about India about the India

China border dispute in India and

without with that not having been done

it's quite possible that Modi will be

able to make Indian opinion lean in an

anti-china Direction in those

circumstances however so so that's

another element in the situation and a

third element in the situation is how

responsible or irresponsible is India's

defense leadership

will the heads of the various armed

services be able to say to the Prime

Minister look prime minister this is a

very dangerous position to take we

cannot stand up to any military

challenge any military conflict with

China so please be careful Etc we don't

know whether this is the case and indeed

from my reading it's clear that over the

last decade the Modi government has been

introducing changes in the Army which

are likely to put yes people in top

positions so that you know this is and I

also feel that uh both Visa Pakistan and

Visa China the possibility that the Modi

government will act in a completely

delusional manner you know not based on

any realistic assessment of India's

strengths or for that matter India's

interests but in a completely delusional

manner in its effort to be Pro us and

unmindful of in the limitations of

India's military or economic


they may very well take a problematic

deeply problematic position They may

involve India in Wars I don't put it

past them given the way in which Modi

has taken terribly consequential

decisions like demonetization like the

covid lockdowns without a care for what

happens to ordinary Indians I think that

this kind of decision is not Beyond him

I would say that uh among the educated

Elite which unfortunately for us for the

indo-china relations Is among the most

Pro Us in the world the middle class in

India is among the most Pro Us in the

world therefore their tendency is to

accept what the US says as the correct

position rather than you know India has

had a good Anti-Imperialist past and in

the first many decades of Independence

much of India's foreign policy discourse

did follow an attempt to understand

imperialism its history the need to

resist it and so on.
