我本来是计划听一些传统的经典小说,可是也许我比较笨吧,狄更斯的《双城记》和托尔斯泰的《战争与和平》,还有《堂吉柯德》都听得不成功,最后半途而废,不了了之。我上网查了一下过去二十五年的好书,结果发现了朱诺迪亚斯(Junot Diaz)的小说《奥斯卡瓦奥短暂而又奇妙一生》(“The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao”)这本书和这个作者在好几个书单上占据了榜首。而且这本书还获得了普利兹奖,所以上了我的听书单。
“Drove so long and so far and some nights that he would actually fell asleep at the wheel. one second he was thinking about his character, in the next he be drifting into a beautiful intoxicating richness about to go all the way under, and then some last alarm will sound: Lola! nothing more exhilarating he wrote, than saving yourself by the simple act of waking.”
Raw, dark, violent, passion like hurricanes swept through your imagination, toss you high and low, another world or the extremity of this life, of full spectrum of emotions, of deeply authentic truths. A story of core of being alive to the very edge.
The beauty queen, love affair, the spell of mother daughter dynamic and the bond without any makeup ”