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我们在本书中所推出的乃是基督教思想与神学的基本范式,这个范式就是清教徒提出的 “圣约神学”(covenant theology)的范式。[2] 非常重要的是,我们不仅恢复传统的清教徒对圣约神学的界定上,而且借助库恩的范式论,吸收最新圣约神学研究成果,尤其是圣公会神学家苏顿的研究,开发出“一约二分五要素”的“圣约范式”(covenant paradigm):上帝与人设立一个生命之约,此约分为律法的要求与福音的应许两部分,由上帝为圣约的设立者、教会为圣约的领受者、律法为圣约的标准、土地为圣约的标的、后裔圣约的延续者五大要素组成。[3] 同时,我们把圣约与国度联系起来,强调圣约是国度的宪章,国度是圣约的实体,并且上帝赐给我们圣约就是为了装备我们在地上拓展上帝与基督的国度。主耶稣基督已经胜过了世界、撒但和死亡,在圣灵的内住与膏抹下,我们也能靠着圣灵赐给的大能大力,不断在地上得胜,通过福音的传讲,使更多的个人和国家归向上帝与基督的国度。[4]

另外,笔者也吸收了著名的犹太思想家以利沙尔(Daniel J. Elazar, 1934-1999年)四卷本的“圣约传统与政治”研究系列(第一卷《圣经中以色列的圣约与政体:圣经根基与犹太教的表达》,第二卷《圣约与共同体:从基督教分离到宗教改革时期》,第三卷《圣约与宪政:宪政民主制的大边疆与矩阵》,第四卷《圣约与公民社会:当代民主制的宪政矩阵》)。以利沙尔对圣约与宪政民主的研究使得圣约重新恢复了其原本的面貌,这就是“神学与政治一体化的圣约传统”(covenant as a theoe-political tradition )。[5] 诺斯对于摩西律法的注释更是直接从政治经济学的脚都把圣约与治理紧密的联系在一起,使得几千年前上帝通过摩西所赐下的圣约和律法成为化解现代暴政与混乱的良药。[6]



[1] See Thomas S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolution, second edition (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, [1962] 1970). 托马斯·库恩,《科学革命的结构》,金吾伦、胡新和译(北京:北京大学出版社,2003年)。

[2] Samuel Rutherford, The Covenant of Life Opened (Edinburg: 1654); John Brown, The Systematic Theolgy of John Brown (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2002); Edward Fisher, The Marrow of Modern Divinity (Ross-shire, Scotland: Chrisitain Focus Publications, 2009); David A. Weir, Early New England: A Covenanted Society (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005); Glenn A. Moots, Politics Reformed: The Anglo-American Legacy of Covenant Theology(Columbia and Londonl University of Missouri Press, 2010).

[3] See Ray R. Sutton, That You May Prosper (Tyler, Texas: Institute of Christian Economy, [1987] 1997).

[4] See Iain H. Murray, The Puritan Hope: Revival and the Interpretation of Prophecy (Edinburg: The Banner of Truth Trust, [1971] 1998);  J. Marcellus Kir, An Sechatology of Victory (Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing co., 1971); Ralfp Allan Smith, The Covenantal Kingdom: A Brief Summary of the Biblical Argument for Postmillennialism (Arlingtong Heights, Illinois: Chrisitan Liberty Press, [1996] 1999); Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., Covenantal Theonomy: A Response to T. David Gorden and Klean Covenantalism (Nacogdoches, TX: Covennat Media Press, 2005); 

[5] Daniel J. Elazar, Covennant & Polity in Biblical Israel: Biblical Foudations & Jewish Expressions (New Bruswick and London: Transaction Publishers, 1995); Covemnant & Commonwealth: From Christian Seperation throught the Protestan Reformation (New Bruswick and London: Transaction Publishers, 1996); Covennant & Constitutionalism: The Great Frontier and the Matrix of Federal Democracy (New Bruswick and London: Transaction Publishers, 1998); Covenant and Civil Society: The Constitutional Matrix of Modern Democracy (New Bruswick and London: Transaction Publishers, 1998).

[6] Gary North, The Dominion Covennat: Genesis (Tyler, TX: Institute for Christian Economics, [1982] 1987); The Sinai Strategy: Economics and the Ten Commandments (Tyler, TX: Institute for Christian Economics, 1986); Moses & Pharaoh: Dominion Religion versus Power Religion (Tyler, TX: Institute for Christian Economics, 1985); Leviticus: An Economic Commantary (Tyler, TX: Institute for Christian Economics, 1994); Tools of Dominion: The Case laws of Exodus  (Tyler, TX: Institute for Christian Economics, [1990] 1997); Sanctions and Dominion: An Economic Commentary on Numbers (Tyler, TX: Institute for Christian Economics, 1997); Inheritance and Dominion (Dollas, Georgia: Point Five Press, [2012] 2020).

[7] John D. Zizioulas, Being As Communion: Studies in Personhood and the Church (Crestwood, NY: St Vladiir’s Seminary Press, 1985); Christos Yannaras, Person and Eros, trans. Norman Russell (Brookline, Massachusetts, 2007); David McKay, The Bond od Love: God’s Covenantal Relationship with His Church(Ross-shire, Scotland: Chrisitan Focus Publications, 2001).
