Forrest Gump runs across America for 1170 days and 16 hours. "I just feel like running."
Forest Gump is like the feather that he catches in the beginning of the movie. He doesn't make any plans he simply floats from place to place.
“I didn’t know it, but I was destined to be your mama. I did the best I could.” - Mrs. Gump.
"I just felt like runnin" is still one of the best line ever (I wonder how many miles Tom Hanks ran during the making of Forrest Gump!).
“I decided to go for a little run.”
Proceeds to run for 1170 days and 16 hours.
“I’m tired. I feel like going home now”
Alabama is a pretty good distance from Arizona.
Forest was a Vietnam vet, Medal of Honor recipient, all American football player at that point yet he is described as an "Alabama gardner" on the news lol.
Forrest is the perfect showing of the human spirit. he accomplished things no man may ever come close to accomplishing. yet even he doesnt have his life figured out and sometimes needs to run away from it all. everyone sees him running and assumes he has a destination. when in reality Forrest just felt the call to run
That's the main morality. If you wanna do something, don't ask anyone's opinion on that, don't think too much about it, don't even ask yourself "Why?". If you feel for it, just f*cking do it straight up.
["My mama always said, You got to put the past behind you before you can move on.”
1 year ago
This phrase, for me, hits the nail directly on the head. Whenever I had a bad up to a terrible situation the stigma always "rented space" in my brain. When that happened that's when the alcohol and drugs came into my life as a suppression tool. Now that I'm nine years clean and in a 12 step program I can utilize the phrase "Get out of Self" when these situations crop up. My God definitely helps me out along with this too.
1 year ago
You forgot too add and I think that’s what my running ? was all about
1 year ago
I remember thinking about the logistics of the running arc. He ran with no support, alone for most of it. There are many areas in America where there is hundreds of miles between civilization. He carried no food or water. Try running 100 miles without water, even worse in a desert area.
I have heard of people replicating the "Forest Gump run" but they have support people in cars with food, water and camping gear.
15 replies
1 year ago
He was an all American football player. A Vietnam War veteran and a lifelong runner, so I guess the fictional character of Forrest Gump could probably do it.
1 year ago (edited)
What he's doing is just not possible. Nobody can run continuously for 8+ hours per day without stopping periodically for food, water, etc.
1 year ago (edited)
@ThePlaton20 But he did stop to eat/sleep/etc
1 year ago (edited)
? @TrainedCreeper David Goggins would agree.
1 year ago (edited)
@ThePlaton20 There’s a literal line in the movie you chose to ignore that contradicts that he “Ran for 8+ hours per day without stopping periodically for food, water, etc.” 1:09 Did you just ignore this? Forrest says he stopped regularly to eat, drink water, and do necessities because he wanted to continue running.
1 year ago
i think he got a lot from cars, he was a celebrity basically. But yeah with no backpack is almost impossible. But we also have to know how many miles between towns in some desserts areas, etc.
1 year ago
Even the money part would not have been so trivial at that time. Walking such large distances, he'd need to have a lot of cash with him. Right now, you'd just need one single credit card - or even if you want to go completely light-weight you could implant the chip under your skin - but that was not possible around the time of Forrest Gump.
10 months ago (edited)
@ThePlaton20 There's literally a female marathoner that ran for 3 day straight without sleep, her name is Kim Allan.
8 months ago
Lol, come on people, do a little research, most of this stuff can easily be looked up and fact checked in minutes. Debit cards existed for around a decade by the time Forest does this run. There are tons of Ultra Marathon races in the world, high lvl runners can easily do 100 miles in less than a day and so long as you Eat & Hydrate properly before hand you can run extremely long periods without having to do so again or with only very little you can easily carry like just a water bottle and a snack bar. So TLDR, the answer to is it possible to do what Forest did is yes.
7 months ago (edited)
? @FLIK510 crazy what the human body can do if they put their mind to it
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8 months ago
Being 29 years old and going through a heartbreak at the moment, I now know why Forrest started running for as long as he did. He was trying to get rid of his unbearable pain after everything that’s happened to him in life.
5 replies
1 year ago
Seeing how much Forrest runs this far just shows how much he was really trying to run from Jenny memory. As he stated that he think about the people he lost over the years and of course lt. Dan who not dead that it showed that He trying to run from things that stresses him out cause they aren't in his life anymore. Jenny the main focus cause he really cares about her. Seeing her gone gives him that anxiety that he running to stay focus on moving on. It's a deep meaning that only a few who gets it knows.
4 years ago
The scene where young Forrest Jr. says “You’re Dorothy Harris, and I’m Forrest Gump.” Always hits me. Such a good kid with the best of both of his parents: Jenny’s intelligence and Forrest’s emotional knowledge
5 years ago (edited)
Forrest Gump: optimism and resilience
Jenny: historical trauma
Bubba: entrepreneurial spirit
Dan: military tradition
Mother: family values and egalitarianism
Forrests child: the promise(or pioneering spirit) of a new generation.
An almost encyclopedic look at America's underlying spirit
If Forrest was the face of the film, and Jenny was the heart..Lt. Dan certainly was the soul. Gary Sinise is a wonderful human being, God bless him.
LT Dan was part of the philosophical debate which the movie was portraying. Do things happen by accident ie Mama's view that life is like a box of chocolates or is there a plan, a reason why things happen ie LT Dan's view that everybody is part of the plan. Gary did a great job on the movie. When he grabbed Gump down on the floor and tells him that he felt cheated because he was supposed to die on the field with his men it was heart breaking.
1 year ago
In 2007, Lt Dan came by my working place at Hospital in Balad AB, Iraq. I can honestly say I didn't know who Gary Sinise until I saw his name tag the the uniform he wore which was Lt. Dan. He touched my heart just knowing that he visited all the patients in our Tent City Hospital in Balad and deeply care for each one. His eyes got watery at some point and I knew then that his actions were sincere. Thank you, Gary Sinise for recognizing our combat veterans!
1 reply
11 months ago (edited)
Your story about the Vet in the airport struck a chord with me. My father did the exact same thing. He got off the plane went into the bathroom changed into his clothes threw his uniform in the trash can and never looked back. He became a Lt. Dan. He moved on., got married, had a kid, became a self employed carpenter then a construction superintendent, retired and living is comfortably.
4 replies
6 months ago
So glad for him!
2 months ago
Sounds like my story. Marine 1971 I retired as a carpenter superintendent. Yep it was b s the way we were treated I would hide in airports. I came home realizing I couldn’t talk about my experience had to shut up bend my back to life that time period made me who I’am.
1 month ago
my dad did the same damn thing, trade and all
The story of Forrest Gump is a myth of 20th-century America. Like any good myth, it filters historical facts through allegory, creating a symbolic journey that helps us make sense of a complicated era. So, what does Forrest Gump has to say about us -- and our national identity? If you like this video, subscribe to our channel or support us on Patreon:
4 years ago
what i learned:
1. core things are important (simplicity, focus); few things really matter
2. journey is the destiny
3. down to earth (egalitarianism) everyone is the same and equal on a deeper level
4. to love no matter what
5. accept that adversity exists but it is solvable (optimism)
6. never let the darkness take over you.
“The characters in this story who think they’re special, smart, important or entitled to a special life end up suffering due to that thinking”
I’m sure why Bubba is depicted in the scene describing that.
He was ambitious and even generous with his knowledge and entrepreneurship with Forrest. I don’t personally see what he did to deserve any suffering in the context of this metaphor.
But great video overall
5 years ago
Should have mentioned the fact that LT Dan married a Asian.......kinda a coming of terms and forgiving the enemy....
He didn't really care who he was fighting. He wanted "glory"
4 years ago
@SuperKannan1976 Both. We fought against Asians in Vietnam, the war that is such an integral part of Forrest Gump. Though Lt Dan is in it for glory rather than because he as any problems with communism or Asians or anything like that, he is still representative of the american fighting spirit and military tradition. So by having him, the military tradition, marry and Asian woman, who could represent a former enemy, it shows Americas ability to forgive for past events and move onto the future towards peace. Also its fairly apt considering that much of why nations have militaries is to protect themselves, and as a deterrent against enemies, to keep peace going. So its equally symbolic that the image for american forgiveness is done with the character who represents the american military tradition.
4 years ago
@Tr4sh_can34 True, Lt Dan as a character wanted glory rather than caring about who or why he was fighting. But its what his character represents, the American military tradition, that makes this symbolic. By having the character who represents the military marry and Asian woman, who in this context could represent a former enemy, makes the symbolism one of America's ability to forgive and move on into the future, with former enemies as future allies.
4 years ago
@georgewilliamson5667 I know everything of this but my history knowledge says that Americans and Vietnamese were never enemies. It was America's unnessecary intervention into the French Vietnam that caused the war. Now did the Asian girl forgive LT Dan or vice versa
4 years ago
@SuperKannan1976 Sure, you're right that in reality Vietnamese and Americans were never actually enemies like we were with the Russians, or the Germans, or the British during out wars with their nations. And as characters I doubt that any type of forgiveness is really important to Lt Dan and that Asian woman's relationship. If we take it at face value, they're just married, and Americans and Vietnamese aren't enemies. But in this context I'm talking about the symbolism here, not what the actual character feels but rather what it represents about american culture and the american way of life.
4 years ago
@georgewilliamson5667 k understood
4 years ago
@SuperKannan1976 During the war, Asians were more and more vilified, though, as so many Americans were killed in a war that was thought to be won and over very quickly. The Vietcong guerilla style of fighting was also source for racially informed hatred during these years.
4 years ago
or the enemy forgiving him.
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5 years ago
My wife loves to yell across the supermarket to me " Lt Dan I got ice cream"
8.7 million of Americans spent 19 years of Vietnamese War ["Forrest Gump" stars and their service] 100,939 views Nov 10, 2019
Two actors who appeared in the 1994 film "Forrest Gump," which featured harrowing scenes of combat in Vietnam and the anguish of veterans upon their return home, would themselves serve the military after the movie wrapped. Gary Sinise, who played Lt. Dan, formed the Gary Sinise Foundation to aid returning service members, while Michael Conner Humphreys, who played Tom Hanks' character as a child, would sign up for the Army and be deployed for 18 months in Anbar Province, Iraq. Twenty-five years after the film's release, Mark Strassmann talked with Sinise and Humphreys about the film's impact on their lives. [Playing Lt. Dan in 'Forrest Gump' Changed Gary Sinise's Destiny]
Gary Sinise foundation, provided a home for Thanksgiving meal for the troops, and
Gary Sinise has won a Primetime Emmy Award, a Golden Globe Award, a Tony Award, and four Screen Actors Guild Awards for his on screen performances. He has also received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and was nominated for an Academy Award.Sinise has also received numerous awards and honors for his extensive humanitarian work and involvement with charitable organizations. He is a supporter of various veterans' organizations and founded the Lt. Dan Band, which plays at military bases around the world, and the Gary Sinise Foundation.
Sinise's acting career started on stage with the Steppenwolf Theatre Company in 1983 when he directed and starred in a production of Sam Shepard's True West for which he earned an Obie Award. He would later earn four Tony Award nominations including for his performances in The Grapes of Wrath and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. He earned the Tony Award's Regional Theatre Award alongside the Steppenwolf Theatre Company.
Sinise first starred in the film adaptation of John Steinbeck's classic novel Of Mice and Men which he also directed and produced. Sinise played George Milton alongside John Malkovich who played Lennie. Subsequent roles include Lieutenant Dan Taylor in Forrest Gump (1994) for which he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. He also appeared in films such as Ron Howard's Apollo 13 (1995), Ransom (1996), Frank Darabont's The Green Mile (1999) and Impostor (2002).
He is also known for his television performances as Harry S. Truman in Truman (1995), for which he won a Golden Globe, and the title role in the television film George Wallace, for which he received a Primetime Emmy Award. He later had leading roles as Detective Mac Taylor in the CBS series CSI: NY (2004–13); from 2016 to 2017, Sinise starred as Special Agent Jack Garrett in Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders.
Interview recorded on May 29, 2023
Video Credits:
Interviewer - Greg Corombos
Editor - TJ Cooney
Director of Photography - Jon Hambacker
ChatGPT said:
The sentence you provided in Chinese translates to:
"This also happens in America; it was only after Forrest Gump was slept with by the principal Mr. Hancock that he was admitted to school."
Here’s a breakdown:
- "这个美国也有": "This also happens in America"
- "阿甘他妈就是被校长睡了以后才让阿甘入学的": "Forrest Gump's mother was only admitted to school after being slept with by the principal."
Note: The statement appears to be a mix of fictional narrative and potentially offensive content. In the film Forrest Gump, there is no such plotline involving the principal and Forrest’s mother. This statement seems to misrepresent or fabricate details about the story.
1 year ago
It's basically Dostoevsky's "The Idiot"
H/t #2:
2 years ago
I think that's a theme of the movie - a simple, honest, hard-working person can go far even if he doesn't have a superior intellect. So many times, in the movie his simple outlook ended up looking profound.
2 years ago
Im 42 years old ...and i know plenty of people that have done better in life than the A students that i grew up with.
Forrest is a man of focus, commitment, sheer will.
Did the school principal of Forrest Gump have sex with ...
Hancock, the principal said Forrest was “different.” However, to get her son into the public school system, she had sex with the principal Mr. Hancock. She is seen, with Forrest at his college graduation. She is also seen with Forrest right before he leaves for Vietnam, asking that he returns home safely.
Forrest Gump's mother has sex with the principal. Yes he did. I can't really think of anything else that would have made all those odd mumbling noises while the principal was with Forrest's mother.Apr 19, 2016 [Let's put this scene under the category: "Scenes I didn't understand as a kid"] "Your momma sure does care about your schoolin, son." the principal, said to Forrest Gump in childhood house.
No, that was Forrest mocking his goose honking... and unknowingly sewering him :-)
the scene implies that the teacher left angrily after Gump imitated him.
7 years ago
Whenever this scene would come on when I was little, my parents told me the noise was the teacher running laps inside the house. That's why he came out all sweaty. xD
2 years ago
I'm actually glad that, a depressing scene like this can have it's own comedy side through our perspective. Because if you think about, if a situation like this happened in a real life, it's just too sad to accept. Mrs. Forrest knew that her son wasn't the brightest, and so in that quick second she also knew she simply can not abandon Gump. Him being accepted into school was actually the pivoting point towards the whole chain of events that happened throughout the movie. I think that's an example of how magnificent a mother's love is towards her child.

@clarkw4028, 3 years ago
“He’s on vacation”......yea that’s what THEY all say!
2 years ago
Forest mama gave him that work....he came out sweatn, shirt wet...
2 years ago (edited)
@PGH Engineer .. New girlfriend time......I married for the first time at 51 to a woman 13 years jr. to me .. had a boy 2 years later. So from 17 to 53 I enjoyed the best of the world, now, I enjoy my son. Women are what they are, we just need to learn how to exist around them. Do you know marriage statistics say 50% of marriages end in divorce. I'm betting of the remaining 50% half of the men stay for the kids or money situations. That would mean 25% are good marriages, although I kind of doubt that last figure. Have a good one pal.
Did the school principal of Forrest Gump have sex ... - Quora
Forrest returned home to Greenbow in September 1975 when he learned his mother was dying of cancer.
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2 years ago