1) WW2: Suite Française (2015) (Kristen Thomas)
"je suis saisie par la ressemble de "Suite Française" et "Le silence de la mer" écrites en même temps par des écrivains qui ne se connaissaient pas !!! c'est saisissant ! les deux romans sont de 1941 !!! je recommande de voir le film Le silence de la mer , pour comparer ! ce film est très beau et très bien joué !" [對《法蘭西組曲》和《大海的沉默》的相似之處感到驚訝,這兩部作品是由互不相識的作家同時寫成的!太引人注目了!這兩本小說都是 1941 年的!我推薦看電影《大海的沉默》,進行比較! 這部電影非常好看,演技也非常好!]
Hardly a word of our true feelings had ever been spoken. 'Not a single word about love.
'After the war I heard that Bruno had died. 'But maybe he just disappeared,
'like me.
'I drove Benoit to a farmhouse and a week later we made it to Paris.
'We fought for what we believed in and four years later France was free.
'Over time I tried to forget the people I lost, 'but the music always carries me back... to him.'
Subtitling by Motion Picture Solutions
2) Deep in the Woods (2010) or Au Fond des Bois (2010)
3) MARQUISE <<Marquis: The Mistress of Louis XIV>>
Sophie Marceau. MARQUISE https://youtu.be/aCunsFXZY_g?si=a2Nv1rET3pccsLWA
From a Street Dancer to the King Louis XIV's Favorite Woman #shorts 2/3

Movie title: <<Marquis: The Mistress of Louis XIV>>Sophie Marceau
https://youtu.be/Zfatclq1qRw?si=Uyh4LTI0e3x5HMGN //The work of the French goddess Sophie Marceau, breaking the scale! Playing out the chaotic life of the French royal family, full of the smell of hormones. 電影名<<瑪奇絲: 路易十四的情婦>>Sophie Marceau
1 year ago (edited)
@weixin9270 拉辛尚未出軌背叛,檔期在即,另找人上去演,還好也成功了,但是劇情無法演出人之間相處的細節,像是拉辛是否花心、是否是容易移情別戀的人、女僕是否有野心會為求成功勾引別人老公等等。
4 months ago (edited)
@weixin9270 其實若以現實世界來說,女主就是一個精神非常脆弱的,甚至有點認知能力不足或有偏差的人,
4) Jessica Alba/Hugh Darcy "The sleeping dictionary" 2003 [Jessica was cast to play Selima, a native Iban woman. She received wide attention when became famous in Dark Angel.]https://youtu.be/MYWgh7L9aiw?si=ZHKQOOnfQE0-qM2e? European colonizers ( the Brits and Dutch) "French-Danish, Mexican-Indian and Spanish lineage Jesica Alba played British-Malaysian women, a bit weird combination!" Hugh Dancy played the character John Truscott in the film.
She is a latina girl, as an asian girl
Face, figure, style...in 2003 Jessica Alba was a perfect 10.
SARAWAK. The film's production team actually built an entire village set in Malaysia: Malaysian iBan, Sibu, Sarawak, to bring the colonial backdrop to life. The attention to detail really transported me back in time!
She can leave whenever she wants. She has enough money to attract a very wealthy man. Smart, beautiful, and classy women tend to marry up.
Music used - Journey to Toucan Isle by Vadim Krakhmal and Sneaky Adventure by Kelvin Macleod.
Note - Some video clips are used in the making of this video for educational purpose, which is allowed under section 107 of the copyright act, no copyright for such clips is intended, special thanks to respective video owners.