I must boggle down on "FUZ懂就是懂,不懂就不多说,不会不懂装懂" for blog rules! why?
The phrase "FUZ懂就是懂,不懂就不多说,不会不懂装懂" can be translated to something like, "If you understand, you understand; if you don't, don't say too much. Don’t pretend to understand what you don’t." It's a concise way to emphasize honesty and humility in communication, especially in contexts where knowledge and understanding are important, such as in blogging or sharing information online.
Why It’s Important for Blog Rules:
Authenticity: This phrase encourages bloggers to be authentic and honest. If you understand a topic, share your knowledge confidently. If you don't, it's better to stay silent or admit your lack of understanding rather than pretending to know.
Credibility: Pretending to understand a topic when you don't can damage your credibility. Readers value transparency and are more likely to trust a blogger who is honest about their knowledge and expertise.
Respect for Audience: By not pretending to know something you don't, you're respecting your audience. You're not misleading them with false information or half-truths, which could potentially harm their understanding of the topic.
Encouraging Learning: This approach fosters a culture of learning and curiosity. Admitting when you don't know something can lead to further research, discussion, and growth, both for the blogger and the audience.
Application in Blog Rules:
- Be Honest: Only write about what you truly understand. If you're unsure, do the research first or consider bringing in an expert.
- Don’t Overextend: Avoid making statements that go beyond your knowledge. Stick to what you know and be upfront about any gaps in your understanding.
- Encourage Dialogue: Invite readers to share their thoughts or correct you if necessary. This creates a more engaging and educational environment.
Incorporating this principle into blog rules helps maintain the integrity of the content and builds a trusting relationship with the audience.
** H/t:
第一,我的发在WXC的帖子属于POLITICALLY INCORRECT的风格,不时出现COARSE LANGUAGE, 达不到WXC高大上的审核标准,已经被删。这个截图是别的网页转载的我的帖子的原始内容和跟帖内容。

• 看到归兮,悲伤,但我 in deny, 不肯说再见,Fuz 一路走好 -hz82000-
(237 bytes) (326 reads) 08/26/2024 postreply 09:06:37
• 这是真正的喜悦, 我们都会经历. -幕鼓晨钟-
(0 bytes) (14 reads) 08/26/2024 postreply 10:57:00
• “生也死之徒,死也生之始”“人之生,气之聚也。聚则为生,散则为死。若死生为徒,吾又何患!故万物一也。” -hz82000-
(442 bytes) (86 reads) 08/26/2024 postreply 11:11:38
• I didn’t read just wan to say Life goes on-Leo5568-
(171 bytes) (197 reads) 08/26/2024 postreply 09:19:55
• “健康无定数,养生无止境。” --- fuz兄的十个字,涵意深厚。 -Shubin-
(0 bytes) (11 reads) 08/26/2024 postreply 09:32:52
• 是啊,懂就是懂,不懂就是不懂,别装懂胡说。对人命关天的确实得管住嘴,需有老李这样的时时提醒扎扎针哈。
就说吃萝卜那事,也得有依据得知道其适用条件和范围,任何东西包括食品/药物都一样,不能乱用啊,更不能道听途说,某某人吃了萝卜就怎样怎样,身体情况一样吗? 首先得分清状况,不能见人就说吃萝卜唉。若这人体质较强属实热性便秘腹胀,小便黄的那类倒可以试试。但对癌症晚期病人身体就很虚弱,兼胸痛胸水腹胀腹水的,怎么可以吃萝卜?
-pickshell- (759 bytes) (174 reads) 08/26/2024 postreply 10:01:14
• 凡是无害的食品或肢体动作建议其实无所谓,病患想试试也不会有伤害,说不定还有心理安慰的作用。凡事自己定夺,责任自负。 -AprilMei-
(0 bytes) (11 reads) 08/26/2024 postreply 10:21:57
• 这一点其实很重要. 因为我们不理解自己的身体和意识 -幕鼓晨钟-
(0 bytes) (7 reads) 08/26/2024 postreply 10:54:00
• I remember I read your post at the time. -HenryLi-
(453 bytes) (323 reads) 08/26/2024 postreply 10:48:03
• 著名的两种人,一种受了伤后拿自己血淋淋的伤口示人,换取廉价的同情和悲悯;一种暗自疗伤,永远以最好的状态出现在众人面前,甚至还给别人以帮助,fuz大哥就是这样。这些年只看他帮助人,根本不知道他经历了疾病和家庭变故多年,真正硬汉子。。。 -红石榴花-
(469 bytes) (130 reads) 08/26/2024 postreply 12:41:56
• FUZ的女儿前些年的病逝,对他打击一定很大,没有了孩子和后人的FUZ, 决定把自己的骨灰洒进大江大海,以后朋友们想去给FUZ,想 -DANIU_S- (0 bytes) (108 reads) 08/26/2024 postreply 12:33:00
可以采用一种变通服务,直接把骨灰埋在种满鲜花的园子, 没有名字,没有墓碑。一段时间后,骨灰与大地融为一体, 不污染海水, 不占用资源, 无需后代牵挂。
走了便走了, 白茫茫大地真干净!
-Charlotte100- (433 bytes) (71 reads) 08/26/2024 postreply 13:13:59
• 我还曾以为他癌症得以控制了……… -CharlotteCh- (0 bytes) (7 reads) 08/26/2024 postreply 13:44:12
和朋友爬山的时候,我发现我hiking 的时候左膝几乎都是疼的,因为是有比较陡的上坡和下坡。开始做点简单的拉伸,平时就在公园走路了,已经三个礼拜,平时走路已不疼,但如果跑的稍快,膝盖就会觉得疼。三个礼拜前膝关节,尤其前侧偏内是有明显的按压疼的,已经感觉不到。
• 查下使用说明书。。 -种西瓜- (245 bytes) (193 reads) 05/02/2024 postreply 20:06:53
• 据说使用年限为120。 -CharlotteCh- (0 bytes) (5 reads) 05/02/2024 postreply 23:09:19
• LOL -TJWang-
(0 bytes) (0 reads) 05/04/2024 postreply 08:57:34
• 觉得应该是关节周围韧带损伤,最好静养,药贴辅助。必须时服止痛药,如ibuprofens -fuz-
(0 bytes) (26 reads) 05/02/2024 postreply 20:48:02
• 药贴( 热帖),打算去搞一些,Costco 见过。 -CharlotteCh- (0 bytes) (14 reads) 05/02/2024 postreply 23:05:47
• 可以检查一下,是否有骨质疏松 -yfbook33-
(0 bytes) (4 reads) 05/03/2024 postreply 00:22:15
• 我从来没有听说过骨质疏松会在没有骨折的情况下造成疼痛的。有根据吗?我洗耳恭听。 -TexasLM- (0 bytes) (6 reads) 05/03/2024 postreply 06:13:29
• 膝盖处的骨质疏松会引起局部关节疼痛。 -北美金花-
(0 bytes) (5 reads) 05/03/2024 postreply 10:42:10
• 请给个链接好吗? -r41866- (0 bytes) (0 reads) 05/03/2024 postreply 11:33:38
• 登山最好用登山杖,特别是下山,膝盖负担重,容易受伤。 -原上草2017-
(0 bytes) (3 reads) 05/03/2024 postreply 07:05:08
• 对,Hiking我 是用登山杖的。但是还是出问题了。 -CharlotteCh- (0 bytes) (1 reads) 05/03/2024 postreply 07:45:31
• 有两个筋需要拉伸,这两个筋不拉很容易造成膝盖痛 -r41866- (195 bytes) (273 reads) 05/03/2024 postreply 07:53:02
• 膝盖后面的筋拉伸一会的确很有改善,我倒没有想到脚踝后面的,会试试,还有Backbend 感觉对膝盖也好。 -CharlotteCh- (0 bytes) (12 reads) 05/03/2024 postreply 08:24:13
• 拉伸时你要这么做 -r41866- (363 bytes) (235 reads) 05/03/2024 postreply 09:12:15
• 好,谢谢。一会我就去锻炼,会试试。 -CharlotteCh- (0 bytes) (6 reads) 05/03/2024 postreply 09:48:34
• 我在悉尼的时候开始膝关节疼,走路太多,穿的鞋不对,为臭美底太厚。 -tiger00-
(231 bytes) (98 reads) 05/03/2024 postreply 12:00:47
• 我休息了半年才慢慢开始走平路,后来做半蹲加强膝盖肌肉,现在基本正常了。 -6thsense- (0 bytes) (11 reads) 05/03/2024 postreply 18:52:25