I'm joined here at the DNC in Chicago with Governor Gavin Newsom from my home state of California. Governor Newsom, thanks for joining us.
Newsom: Good to be with you, thank you so much.
Interviewer: So, we have seen Donald Trump dissemble over the last few weeks. A big part of what he's trying to do by maintaining this strongman persona is to show himself as stronger than all the Democrats. But we've only seen that kind of fall by the wayside, and him continue to dissemble and throw these desperate punches left and right. Do you think there's a way for him to come back from this, especially in light of what we're seeing here at the DNC?
Newsom: Well, you can never, as a political animal, underestimate him. That said, he's a T-Rex within the Republican Party—he'll kill you or mate with you. Outside of the Republican Party, he's a completely different thing, and right now he's weakness masquerading as strength. He has completely fallen flat; he's lost his bearings, and it's not only obvious in terms of the derivative nature of his performances—which are getting duller and duller—but also the fact that so many members of his team and inner circle are starting to express doubt and concern as well.
Interviewer: Let's talk about his favorite topic, crowd size, for just a moment. We have seen the crowds get a little thin at his recent rallies, and yet we're here in Chicago at the DNC, and this arena is packed night after night. We're also seeing rallies happening simultaneously where Kamala Harris is showing up, and those are packed as well. How do you think that's going to land with him?
Newsom: I mean, it's all about aesthetics; it's all about the style. It's never been about substance. So, if that's what you score, if that's what you consider as your reflection of value and self-worth, then it has a devastating psychological impact on him and makes him more unhinged, more incapable of delivering a consistent and cogent message. And look, at the end of the day, he needs to get back on track, and very quickly. Our job is to make sure he doesn't get back on track, which means we've got to maintain vigilance and momentum moving forward.
You mentioned that he's getting more and more unhinged. Ultimately, I think if he looks back at 2016, when he was able to consolidate all of the attention onto himself, he's conditioned himself into believing that that's what it takes to win. That's what won him the election in 2016. We were focused on empty podiums as far as he was concerned, and so he's doing the same thing. He knows if he can say something loud or obnoxious enough, all the eyeballs will go back onto him, and then he'll win the election magically, just like he did back then. Do you think that strategy is going to prove successful for him?
No, you're 100% right. He didn't care if he was the heel or the hero, as long as he was the star, right? That's always been what he sells. As long as he's the center of attention... But that's what radically changed. There's nothing about Kamala Harris they were prepared for. They never saw this coming. They underestimated her, they undervalued her, and they never imagined the Democratic Party would unify, and unify so quickly. They're completely flat-footed. As a consequence, the focus is now on the new energy of the Democratic Party, and at the end of the day, where the energy goes, momentum flows. We're moving that momentum in the right direction, at a time when he's losing momentum, and that's going to ultimately be decisive.
You know, I remember just a few years back when it felt like Democrats had no bench, basically. And now you look at the young stars that make up the bench of the Democratic Party and how deep that bench is, yourself included. Can you speak on that and what you look forward to in terms of not just this election, but future election cycles?
Look, obviously, we have some remarkable people at the federal level—senators and Congressional leaders—but the quality of these Democratic Governors is next level. I mean, you're going to see it showcased with Wes and Josh, and obviously with Gretchen. You saw that in terms of the VP stakes. I mean, it was just like...
Interviewer: And you won't say it, but you were very much on that list as well.
Newsom: No, hardly, but I appreciate it. But it is an extraordinary thing because you're exactly right. It wasn't that many years ago when people were like, 'What the hell's going on with the Democratic Party?' Look back to the 2016 election—it very much felt like, okay, this is going to be Hillary Clinton because, who else is there? The bench wasn't deep enough to have the depth of talent that we have now.
Interviewer: Right.
And I think what's remarkable about the quality of this bench is the diversity. And not just ideological diversity. It's usually been about which wing of the Democratic Party you belong to—are you a DLC Democrat, or are you a progressive, more liberal Bernie side, or the other? This is more nuanced. The party now is more geographically diverse. There’s obviously a racial, ethnic component, and a gender component. But it's also a quality of imagination across a spectrum of unique and distinctive talents that make this a special group.
And that's an especially potent point here, because as we look at somebody like Tim Walz, who—you look at that guy, and you don't exactly... he doesn't exactly scream 'flaming liberal,' right? This isn't your communist, leftist, Marxist Democrat that they're warning about. The guy is wearing camo, he comes from the Midwest, he is a rural American high school coach, a union guy. And that happens at the same time that we're seeing chants of 'USA, USA, USA' at Democratic rallies, which is something you wouldn't see before. We need to bring patriotism back to this damn party. Can you talk about Democrats reclaiming a lot of the ideals that Republicans have been able to co-opt for so long?
It's been a source of so much frustration for me—the idea that we were losing the freedom band while these guys are banning books, banning speech, engaging in a cultural purge, rewriting history, and censoring historical facts.
But this notion of patriotism is incredibly important. I think as a party, one of the key things we need to focus more on is not, as Bill Clinton would say, all our interesting differences, but the things that bind us together—that web of mutuality Dr. King talked about—and focus more on those unifying themes.
And one of them is that we are all proud that we’re Americans. A deep pride, not just as Democrats. We all want to be safe, we all want to be protected, connected, and respected. And Tim Walz is one of those guys—he'll never talk down to someone, he'll never talk past someone. And you feel that, and that's a universal value. I think it makes him universally appealing and profoundly potent as a VP candidate.
Interviewer: Universally appealing as a VP candidate, in stark contrast to what we're seeing from JD Vance right now. Can you talk about the authenticity of JD Vance?
Newsom: Anyone that calls Trump "American Hitler," that builds his career on actually calling balls and strikes, and then completely reverses and flips—that’s no character. You can't trust a thing that guy says. And that follows suit, doesn't it? What a perfect choice for Donald Trump because that's the one damn thing they have in common, besides perverted points of view.
Interviewer: In fact, I think even to a degree, Donald Trump started to see what an anchor around his neck, JD, has been, because the first opportunity he had to either hug him or run away from him, he chose the latter. I think it was at the National Association of Black Journalists where he was asked whether JD Vance would be ready for day one, and rather than saying yes, of course, that's why I chose him as my VP pick, he instead said, "Well, you know, he's never going to be president anyway; it's just going to be all about me, all about me."
He immediately regretted the choice. And of course, how did he kick off after his convention? It was a week of stories about some of the asinine and absurd things JD Vance has said about women, children... I mean, it's absurd. And so, it’s been to our benefit. Momentum's now in our camp; we no longer have headwinds, we've got tailwinds. But again, we do it at our peril if we underestimate Donald Trump's figuring it out. As he's flailing now, that doesn't necessarily predict the future.
Interviewer: Right. Talk about California for a second, because California is really surging into the spotlight here in terms of the people that have come out of it. Kamala Harris is, you know, obviously the former Attorney General of California, U.S. Senator from California, and Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, from California. What is it like for you to come from this state that was largely unrepresented on the national stage, and now it's the spotlight?
Newsom: I know. I mean, the talent pool... and coming out of the Bay Area as well. I mean, L.A., we've got some... you’re doing fine. You've got two great U.S. Senators from L.A.; Kamala is now a Los Angeles resident.
Commentators (S.E. Cupp, lady; Van Jones, the cover, an African-American): DJT must stay on messages and focus on issues of ordinary folks and voters concerned (grocery), not personal attacks. Rambling on and headlights on me, me, me, so great. Feeling entitled to grab women's genitals, pussycat.
8 days ago
For a guy who doesn't trust the media and calls it "Fake News", Trump sure likes to have a lot of "emergency" press conferences.
10 days ago
Why the heck is a felony to run for the highest office in U.S.A.
Kamala Harris Full Interview on 'Ellen'
[Aired: April 5, 2018] Ellen sits down with Kamala Harris to talk about her distinctive career journey and whether she plans to run for president.
2 days ago
Yes it really shows her authenticity. The same passion, love of country, patriotism and service to the people. She is amazing.
1 day ago
A joyful candidate is giving hope and happiness to millions of Americans.
2 days ago
So prophetic. She has not changed. Same values and Ellen you're good.
2 days ago
Bringing so much joy into our lives Thank You, yes This Is The Next President 7 years on, stayed her real, true, beautiful self.
3 days ago
Make America laugh again!