The more common pronunciation is Sear-Sha not "Sur-sha". The word Saoirse is our word for freedom coming from the word "Saor" for free, which we pronounce as "sear." Then adding the "se" on the end has the sound "sha". Saoirse Ronan herself has acknowledged that the way she pronounces her name (Sur-Sha) is uncommon in Ireland (its mostly used by people in Dublin because of their thick accents).
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No it’s no SaoOOOOoorse 

My name is literally saoirse
Correct. Finally.
My besties name is saoirse 

It can be seersha but, more closely, it's sare-sha.
8 replies
nope. that would be if it was saorse. the presence of the i lightens the vowel sound, making it seersha
@feidhlimharrington2275 Saoirse is never spelled saorse. As Saoirse Ronan has said, "It's Saoirse, like inertia."
@karlronan7244 i know its never spelled saorse. i was saying IF it was spelled saorse you would be correct, but seeing as it isnt, you're wrong. saoirse ronan also just says it really fucking weirdly and has ruined a generation of americans who now think they know how to pronounce saoirse but get it wrong.
Show less @feidhlimharrington2275 I'm afraid I must disagree with your last statement there. If she decides how her name should be pronounced then there it is. We cannot dispute it.
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@karlronan7244 that's just not true. she can call herself sursha all she wants but that doesnt mean "saoirse" the name itself should now be pronounced like that
@feidhlimharrington2275 But she doesn't call herself Sursha. It's inertia, not inursha. I stand by my initial claim. The pronunciation is closer to sare than seer. And at this stage in our quirky debate, which I am enjoying, with a smile, as I hope you are too, I would dearly love another Saoirse to help us out here.
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@karlronan7244 idk i could ask my cousin saoirse but im not gonna drag her onto a yt comment section
@feidhlimharrington2275 Sure thing, and understood. I've enjoyed the wee debate but I reckon there we must leave it. A pleasure talking to you, and all the best! 
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Saoirse is my name
I got a good one for you, Siobhan
That's my name!!
2 replies

I pronounce my name sersha But spell it Saoirse My friends try to spell it always ends up being searsha But sometimes soairse Very slight chance they spell it Saoirse
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2 replies
Translate to Chinese (Taiwan)Ever since watching “Hanna” the movie I learned how to pronounce Saoirse: // Seer-shuh //. Soairse Ronan played the lead character so well, I had to respect her unique talents by at least knowing her name.
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That's my name

The one person I know with this name doesn't pronounce it this way, they pronounce it "Sh-air-sha"
1 reply
Yh it’s my bffs name (not saoirse Roman)
2 replies
it is my nane
1 reply
but where is the H?!?
2 replies
So the word Sir William Wallace yelled in that Mel Gibson movie was "Saoirse!" ?
It’s pronounced Circe if you want the incorrect one…..