
 威权主义是美国资本主义“自由民主”的核心(与历史学家 Aaron Good 合著)



2022 年 10 月 23 日

这是《帝国与深层国家》系列的第 11 部分,Multipolarista 编辑 Ben Norton 与历史学家 Aaron Good 和《美国例外》播客的制作人 Seamus McGuinness 共同主持。



Authoritarianism is at heart of US capitalist 'liberal democracy' (with historian Aaron Good)

Geopolitical Economy Report
An analysis of undemocratic dark power and how liberal capitalism and authoritarianism are not opposites; they are inextricably linked together.

This is PART 11 of the Empire and the Deep State series Multipolarista editor Ben Norton is co-hosting with historian Aaron Good and producer Seamus McGuinness of the American Exception podcast.


We saw in the previous chapter that the meaning of democracy is contested, and that democracies come in different types. In much the same fashion, the meaning of authoritarianism is also contested, and there is no single model of an authoritarian regime. In studying them, we should avoid falling into the trap of associating them too readily with despotism and rule through fear and surveillance; the nuances of authoritarian rule are often difficult to capture and identify. Furthermore, the two types of political system – democracy and authoritarianism – are not clearly distinct from one another, because the former contain elements of the latter, and vice versa. Authoritarian rulers operate within unspoken limits. Just as democratic leaders need to retain the support of voters, so authoritarian rulers need to retain the support of their allies.

Authoritarian rule is often associated with a single dominant leader, but also often revolves around an elite group within which there is considerable internal jockeying for power. Rulers seek to maintain their control (and increase their wealth) by limiting mass participation, rather than by mobilizing the population. Ordinary people are unlikely to experience a knock on the door at midnight as long as they keep their distance from politics. In such a situation, governance is an uneasy combination of unlimited authority and political vulnerability.
