What Jean Chrétien has done to Canada on the Meng Wanzhou case
特里·格拉文 2019 年 6 月 19 日
孟晚舟-华为 01
孟晚舟于 2019 年 1 月初获保释,此后一直被监视在温哥华的一所房屋中。 (摄影:Jimmy Jeong)
自去年 12 月华为首席财务官孟晚舟在温哥华被美国司法部拘捕后,北京方面勃然大怒。自那以后,贾斯汀·特鲁多政府一直试图解释自 1970 年首次交换大使以来加中外交关系最严重的破裂,但解释却前后矛盾。
上周,克里斯蒂亚·弗里兰驳斥了自由党元老让·克雷蒂安向中国屈服的方案,但她无法坦率地透露幕后发生了很多事情。这个方案很简单。1. 放弃加拿大-美国引渡条约,让孟晚舟自由行走。2. 要求北京对我们好一点。3. 看看会发生什么。
克雷蒂安确实知道如何对付寄生的共产党精英,他们最近决定破坏全球秩序中任何抵制北京按照自己的形象和风格重塑世界的机构。克雷蒂安为中国和加拿大企业服务了 15 年,担任说客、顾问、交易撮合者、咨询师和跑腿,而这 15 年的职业生涯是在他 2003 年辞去总理职务几天后正式开始的,他当时已经任职十年。
但弗里兰无法大声说出来的是,派遣克雷蒂安及其加中贸易理事会的亲信作为特使前往北京,就等于将加拿大的外交政策拱手让给了自由党老派,而正是他们为北京对加拿大采取军事行动扫清了道路。她也不能透露,自从去年 12 月事态爆发以来,特鲁多政府一直受到幕后威逼,被迫采取克雷蒂安建议的路线。
就在一周多前,前保守党总理布赖恩·马尔罗尼在信息控制和提议的双重压力下,公开直言不讳。 事情是这样的:渥太华派克雷蒂安前往北京,他的女婿、鲍尔公司继承人、加中贸易理事会名誉主席安德烈·德马雷也随行。两人率领一个代表团提出投降条件,即克雷蒂安自去年 12 月以来一直游说渥太华接受的条件——释放孟晚舟。 北京同意了,并提出从加拿大的脖子上放开靴子——特鲁多如果拒绝,一定会被诅咒。
这是因为自去年 12 月以来,北京一直在大声、清晰和一致地听到这些,因为这就是克雷蒂安、前副总理约翰·曼利、可靠的亲北京智库蒋文然和其他许多人从一开始就大声、清晰和一致地说的话。事实是这样的:特鲁多只需说一句话,加拿大和美国之间的引渡条约就可以被无视,这是该条约存在 48 年来第一次。
“我认为他们不知道或不在乎他们对这个国家造成了什么样的损害,”特鲁多团队的一位资深内部人士前几天对我说。 “鉴于他们所做的一切,中国没有理由认真对待我们的抗议。”
不仅仅是中国在要求加拿大收拾残局,重新建立加拿大与北京卑躬屈膝的关系。“我们希望加拿大认真对待我们的严重关切,立即释放孟晚舟女士,并积极采取实质性措施,尽快推动中加关系重回正轨。” 这可能是让·克雷蒂安或约翰·曼利说的。上周,中国外交部发言人耿爽也这么说过。
美国总统唐纳德·特朗普暗示,如果对美方在与中国的贸易谈判中有利,他可以以某种方式操纵司法部对孟晚舟的指控,但这并没有起到什么帮助作用。孟晚舟是华为首席执行官任正非的女儿,去年 8 月美国司法部发出通缉令,指控她涉嫌 13 项银行欺诈、电信欺诈和共谋罪名,均与一项长达八年的调查有关,该调查针对华为涉嫌逃避伊朗制裁的诈骗。
特朗普的愚蠢言论无疑将成为特鲁多本周在华盛顿会晤时讨论的话题,他必须对此保持谨慎。特鲁多希望在即将在日本举行的 G20 峰会上争取特朗普帮助习近平。
保守党人马尔罗尼负责公布克雷蒂安-德马雷代表团的计划,这应该不足为奇。马尔罗尼可能是已故鲍尔公司元老、CCBC 创始主席保罗·德马雷 (Paul Desmarais Sr.) 最杰出的门徒。
2016 年,约翰·曼利 (John Manley) 担任加拿大首席执行官委员会主席,当时这个蓝丝带机构与 CCBC 联合制作了一份报告,严厉警告加拿大顺从北京的自由贸易协定愿望,这将是 G7 国家中的第一个。CCBC 中到处都是自由党大人物,CCBC 前主席彼得·哈德 (Peter Harder) 现在领导参议院的政府方面,他在 2015 年大选后被从 CCBC 中提拔为贾斯汀·特鲁多 (Justin Trudeau) 过渡团队的负责人。
克雷蒂安和特鲁多出席庆祝克雷蒂安首次担任总理 25 周年的招待会 (Fred Chartrand/CP)
去年 12 月孟晚舟被捕后不到一周,克雷蒂安就打电话给总理办公室,向任何愿意听的人大声疾呼,要求当时的司法部长兼司法部长乔迪·威尔逊-雷布尔德取消对孟晚舟的引渡程序。但自那时以来,即使可以通过巧妙解读加拿大与美国的引渡条约,推断出孟晚舟如此前所未有、公然的政治劫持司法机构的合理性,特鲁多也为他的办公室向威尔逊-雷布尔德施压,要求他代表该公司介入 SNC-Lavalin 腐败案付出了惨痛代价。
去年 12 月,曼利将雷布尔德列为孟晚舟困境背后的顽固罪魁祸首。去年 12 月,曼利告诉加拿大广播公司:“如果说有一位政客应该为此负责,那就是司法部长乔迪·威尔逊-雷布尔德。”雷布尔德没有回应麦克林的置评请求。
特鲁多对克雷蒂安团队的想法反应含糊其辞。弗里兰是唯一一个毫不含糊的人。弗里兰上周告诉记者:“在孟晚舟问题上,没有政治干预。” “这完全是官员们根据加拿大的承诺做出的决定,这是引渡请求的正确方式。”至于克雷蒂安的干预以及所有可能发生的事情,这是特鲁多的决定,弗里兰补充道。
对不起北京,SNC-Lavalin 事件不是你在孟案中的王牌
What Jean Chrétien has done to Canada on the Meng Wanzhou case
Terry Glavin: Why does Beijing think the Trudeau government can simply shuck off the U.S. and free the Huawei exec? Because a certain former PM keeps saying so.
Well, now we know why.
There was a lot going on in the background that Chrystia Freeland could not candidly reveal last week when she dismissed Liberal Party patriarch Jean Chrétien’s formula for capitulating to China. The formula is simple. 1. Abdicate from the Canada-U.S. extradition treaty and let Meng walk free. 2. Ask Beijing to be nice to us. 3. See what happens.
Freeland quite sensibly noted that this would be a “dangerous precedent.” No kidding.
It’s quite true that Chrétien knows his way around the parasitical Communist Party elites that have lately decided to scuttle any of the institutions of the global order that would resist Beijing’s efforts to reshape the world in its own image and likeness. Chrétien’s 15 years of service to Chinese and Canadian corporations as a lobbyist, adviser, deal-maker, consultant and errand runner began officially only days after he resigned as Prime Minister after a decade in office in 2003.
RELATED: Huawei’s Meng Wanzhou: The world’s most wanted woman
But what Freeland could not say out loud was that sending Chrétien and his cronies from the Canada-China Business Council as envoys to Beijing would be to surrender Canada’s foreign policy to the same Liberal Party old guard that cleared the way for Beijing to put the boots to Canada in the first place. Neither could she disclose that the Trudeau government has been subjected to sustained backroom browbeating to take the course Chrétien is counselling ever since things blew up last December.
It was only little more than a week ago that the former Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, in a move heavily freighted by message control and the floating of propositions, came straight out with it, publicly. It would run like this: Ottawa sends Chrétien to Beijing, accompanied by his son-in-law André Desmarais, the Power Corporation heir and honorary chairman of the Canada-China Business Council. The pair leads a delegation to propose a surrender on the terms Chrétien has been lobbying Ottawa to take ever since last December—release Meng Wanzhou. Beijing agrees and offers to lift its boot from Canada’s neck— an offer Trudeau would be damned if he refused.
This has all been far too awkward for the Trudeau government to come clean about. So instead, we’re expected to believe the cover story, the one about how the problem with Beijing’s various shouting ministers and emissaries is that they just don’t understand how Canada’s legal system works. The one about how they simply can’t get their heads around the idea that Trudeau can’t just call up a judge and clear the way for an otherwise untouchable member of the Red Royalty to board an airplane at Vancouver International Airport and fly away home to Shenzhen.
But whatever would have made them think such a thing was possible in the first place?
RELATED: Can Trump really intervene in the Meng Wanzhou case?
It’s because of what Beijing has been hearing loudly, clearly and consistently since last December, because that’s what Chrétien, former deputy prime minister John Manley, the dependably pro-Beijing think-tanker Wenran Jiang and quite a few others from that crowd have been saying, loudly, clearly and consistently, from the beginning. It’s this: All Trudeau has to do is say the word and for the first time in its 48 years of existence, the extradition treaty between Canada and the United States can simply be ignored, just like that.
And Canada would be welcomed into China’s camp, and turned against the United States at last, just as Beijing has been hoping for all along.
“I don’t think they know or care what kind of damage they’re doing to this country,” is the way a senior Team Trudeau insider put it to me the other day. “With what they’ve done, there’s no reason for China to take our protestations seriously.”
Chrétien has not responded to Maclean’s’ request for a response.
It’s no wonder that Xi Jinping and his ministers are furious that Trudeau hasn’t played along. It’s no wonder that Chrystia Freeland can’t get Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi to return her calls.
It’s not just China that’s putting the onus on Canada to pick up the pieces and re-assemble Canada’s obsequious, kowtowing relationship with Beijing. “We hope that Canada will take seriously our severe concerns and immediately release Ms. Meng Wanzhou and actively take substantial measures to push China-Canada relations back on track as soon as possible.” That could have been Jean Chretien talking, or John Manley. It was Geng Shuang, China’s foreign ministry spokesman, just last week.
It didn’t help matters when U.S. president Donald Trump intimated that he could somehow monkey with the Justice Department charges against Meng if it suited the American side in trade talks with China. The daughter of Huawei CEO Ren Zhengfei, Meng is wanted on a U.S. Justice Department warrant from last August, containing 13 counts of bank fraud, wire fraud and conspiracy, all related to an investigation going back eight years into Huawei’s alleged sanctions-evading racket in Iran.
Trump’s stupid remark will no doubt be the thing Trudeau will be dancing around in his meetings in Washington this week, and he’ll have to be ginger about it. Trudeau is hoping to enlist Trump’s help with Xi at the upcoming G20 summit in Japan.
But more importantly, it hasn’t helped that by long and lucrative acquaintance, Beijing has come to see the Liberal Party of Canada as the political wing of the Canada-China Business Council. It’s why Beijing has been expecting that sooner or later, a Liberal government in Ottawa will do as Chretien and the Liberal old guard are advising and resume its customary, slavish behaviour.
It should have come as no surprise that it was the Conservative Mulroney who was tasked with the job of going public with the plan for the Chrétien-Desmarais delegation. Mulroney is perhaps the most illustrious protégé of the late Power Corporation elder Paul Desmarais Sr., the CCBC’s founding chairman.
John Manley was head of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives in 2016 when that blue-ribbon body co-produced a report with the CCBC sternly warning Canada to acquiesce to Beijing’s wishes for a free trade deal, which would have been the first for a G7 country. The CCBC is strewn with Liberal Party grandees, and Peter Harder, the CCBC’s former president, now leads the government side in the Senate, after having been plucked from the CCBC to head Justin Trudeau’s transition team following the 2015 election.
Chrétien and Trudeau at a reception celebrating 25 years since Chrétien’s first term as PM (Fred Chartrand/CP)
It’s no wonder that Beijing has calculated that by the steady application of gangland-style persuasion— the kidnapping of diplomat-on-leave Michael Kovrig and entrepreneur Michael Spavor, the embargo on Canadian canola imports, and so on—the Trudeau government will be gifted with the political excuse to accede to whatever surrender terms Chrétien and his friends in Beijing might dictate.
That it would come to this was only a matter of time.
Within a week of Meng’s arrest last December, Chrétien was on the phone to the Prime Minister’s Office haranguing anyone who would listen that Jody Wilson-Raybould, the attorney-general and justice minister at the time, should be instructed to cancel the extradition proceedings against Meng. But since that time, even if a justification for such an unprecedented and brazenly political hijacking of the judiciary on Meng’s behalf could be divined from some clever reading of the Canada-U.S. extradition treaty, Trudeau has paid a brutal price for the pressure his office applied to Wilson-Raybould to intervene in the SNC-Lavalin corruption case on the company’s behalf.
It was Raybould who Manley singled out last December as the stubborn culprit behind Meng’s predicament. “If there’s a politician that’s on the hook on this,” Manley told CBC last December, “it’s the attorney general, Jody Wilson-Raybould.” Raybould did not respond to Maclean’s’ request for comment.
It was Manley, too, who blasted the Trudeau government for not having dodged the whole rule-of-law thing to begin with by employing what he called a bit of “creative incompetence.” The idea there was that Canada should have deliberately allowed Meng to quietly slip back into Canada, or otherwise just pretend we’d lost the extradition warrant in the mailroom.
Meng was detained on the warrant during a layover on a flight to Mexico when she checked into customs at Vancouver International Airport, explaining that she wanted to pop into one of the mansions she owns in town. Of course, someone in Canada tipping off Meng would have pleased Beijing tremendously. It would also have been what you could call an act of obstruction in the years-long U.S. Justice Department investigation into Huawei’s dealings in Iran that resulted in the charges against Meng.
Manley has dismissed the case against Meng as “an attempt to get China to buy more soybeans from the mid-western United States.” Chrétien has explained the warrant along similar lines: the Americans had tricked us into detaining her.
RELATED: The lies and insults that China has pointed at Canada
The final decision in Meng’s extradition case, which is expected to take two years to wind its way through the courts, now falls to David Lametti, who is widely seen as far more compliant than his predecessor in matters of judicial independence. Wilson-Raybould, as is well known, was shuffled out of her post in what became a scandalous upheaval, and she ultimately resigned in despair from Trudeau’s cabinet over the very concept that we’ve all been led to believe Xi Jinping is somehow incapable of grasping: judicial independence.
It’s here, too, that the cover story falls apart. President Xi is not ill-informed on the subject, and he doesn’t need a briefing by Canadian officials about what judicial independence is all about. Xi has been very clear that he knows exactly what an independent judiciary is.
Just this past February, Xi wrote a 5,000-word essay in the Chinese Communist Party’s main theoretical journal, headlined “Strengthening the Party’s Leadership over the Overall Rule of Law,” in which he makes it plain as day that he fully understands judicial independence to be the bedrock of “western constitutionalism.” It’s a defining feature of civilized countries that he insists his state-capitalist regime must never tolerate.
Trudeau has been wishy-washy in his responses to the Team Chrétien ideas. Freeland stands alone in being unequivocal. “When it comes to Ms. Meng, there has been no political interference,” Freeland told reporters last week. “This has been entirely about officials taking decisions according to Canada’s commitments, and that is the right way for extradition requests to proceed.” As for Chrétien’s interventions and the way all that could play out, it’s Trudeau’s call, Freeland added.
RELATED: Who lost China? And how was Canada supposed to win it?
But there is one person who could fix the whole thing in an instant, and it’s not Xi, or Trump, or Trudeau, or Chrétien, or Desmarais, or Freeland. It’s Meng Wanzhou.
Meng claims to be innocent on all counts, and Meng’s boss, which is to say her father, Huawei CEO Ren Zhenfei, says the same, and has gone further about Meng’s prospects: “We will count on the law to address these issues. We believe U.S. laws are open, transparent, fair, and just.” This is obviously disingenuous, but it’s also one of the only unambiguously true things that can be said about this whole mess.
Instead of tying up Canadian and U.S. courts with comical lawsuits claiming her various constitutional rights have been stepped upon, all Meng has to do is call up the Canadian Border Services Agency and tell them to come and collect her from her mansion in Vancouver’s swank Shaughnessy neighbourhood, and take her to the Canada-U.S. border so she can turn herself in.
If Chrétien and Desmarais and the rest are so good at making things happen in the Canada-China relationship, maybe they might think about figuring out how to get Meng Wanzhou to do just that.
Trudeau’s unrequited love for China
China’s offensive on Canada, in plain sight
Why Canada isn’t fighting China over canola
Sorry Beijing, the SNC-Lavalin affair is not your ace card in the Meng case