Jeffrey Sachs 访谈 - 联盟战争即将来临

Jeffrey Sachs 访谈 - 联盟战争即将来临

Jeffrey Sachs Interviews - A Coalition War Is Drawing Near
Jeffrey Sachs Of Fans

2024年8月24日 UNITED STATES

Jeffrey Sachs Interviews - A Coalition War Is Drawing Near #jeffsachs #jeffreysachs #interview Website:

Jeffrey Sachs 访谈 - 联盟战争即将来临
Jeffrey Sachs 粉丝
这是一场美国和俄罗斯之间的战争,美国人在地面上,美国人提供所谓的情报,虽然情报不是很准确,我们在乌克兰各地都有北约部队,美国人选择目标,管理武器系统,当然不用说,还为战争提供资金,所以这是一场战争,甚至不是代理人战争,有时被称为美国和俄罗斯之间的战争,这是一场美国和俄罗斯之间的战争,乌克兰正在承受死亡的大多数,没有美国的批准或美国的指导,乌克兰什么都不会发生,现在让我们也说,最近入侵 ksk,这是俄罗斯 1991 年前的领土,很可能会被证明是一场灾难,所以这不仅是北约的行动和美国领导的行动,而且是一场这很可能会失败,最有可能失败的原因有两个,一是乌克兰控制了其剩余军事力量的关键部分,包括装备和该地区最重要的旅,从而基本上撤离了接触线其他点的脆弱地区,因此从这个意义上讲,俄罗斯已经在顿巴斯的前线接触线上取得了非常重大的突破,特别是在 pvos 中,从后勤角度来看,这是一个极其重要的地区,因此乌克兰已经夺取了其大部分防御力量,其次,入侵 ksk 本身可能会被证明是有限的,不会产生战略影响,而且很可能会被击败,因此,最终结果可能是加速乌克兰的整体军事失败,但事实上,你有北约部队在地面上进行战斗,进行情报、监视、指导、武器系统管理等,所有这些都没有这很令人惊讶,所有这些都是众所周知的,所以你有美国人大量资助入侵俄罗斯,使用美国设备,美国情报部门,大部分美国设备由美国人操作,可以说美国入侵了俄罗斯吗?B如果同样的事情发生在阿拉斯加,我们会如何反应,美国行为的重点是我们从来没有问过这个问题,我们会如何反应,美国外交政策的重点是这些官员相信我们可以为所欲为,不受任何规范标准或国际法原则投票的约束,联合国安理会条约或任何其他我们认为会限制他人行为的东西,毕竟,最基本的一点是,美国自2011年以来一直表示,自门罗主义向世界其他国家宣布以来,不要干涉西半球,我们认为任何入侵西半球的任何地方,从火地岛的南端到我们附近的任何地方,都是对美国安全的侵犯,但当我们说,当然,我们有权将北约推到俄罗斯边境,在我们想要的任何地方部署导弹系统,呃,将格鲁吉亚作为北大西洋伙伴与高加索地区交战,作为北约的一部分,哦,这是我们的权利,所以美国外交政策的一切都是从头到尾建立在虚伪之上的,然后我们无法理解为什么,这只是让其他人有点恼火,并让我们陷入永久的战争呃,换个话题,我要播放一段国家安全局的剪辑,国家安全部长伊达尔·本·加维尔带领几千名犹太复国主义者进入阿洛阿,莫西停下来,对着镜头说,他说希伯来语,他的话语和翻译都很快,我会尽我所能跟上他们的节奏那些正在收听而不是观看这个节目的人的利益,然后我会问你入侵东耶路撒冷这座清真寺的意义,我们在 TSH 的临时节目中纪念圣殿的毁灭,但我们也必须诚实地承认,这里有改变犹太人祈祷的视线的重要意义,正如我所说,我们的政策是允许祈祷,但我要说的是,我们必须赢得这场胜利,我们必须赢得胜利,不要去开罗的圣殿,打败他们,让他们满足他们的需要,这就是我们可以打败哈马斯的信息,让他们屈服,在这样的时刻,这样的事情是多么适得其反,嗯,这是世界上最敏感的地区之一,对全世界的穆斯林来说,这是穆斯林最神圣的地方之一,呃,这样的入侵绝对应该违反以色列的政策,去年 10 月初的一次入侵就是这样的是 10 月 7 日哈马斯袭击以色列的前奏,这是几乎从未报道过的事情,但这些是贝尼尔的这些步骤,他是令人震惊的粗俗的种族灭绝极端分子,并且永远危险对我们所有人都很危险,当然对巴勒斯坦人来说也很危险,但对以色列的生存也一样,因为他以最鲁莽的方式炫耀极端主义,我相信以色列正在将其生存置于危险之中,哦,他在炫耀他的力量会让他们屈服,但正是这种极端主义和狂热才是对以色列生存的最大威胁,以色列故意将自己与整个世界社会隔离开来,除了拜登白宫和拜登外交政策团队,但我也包括美国人民,他们对以色列的所作所为感到震惊,因为本·加维尔代表和领导的极端主义,所以我以前没有见过这种情况,过去几个小时我一直在意大利开会,但当你把这件事提请我注意时,法官,我感到震惊,因为很难想到更有挑衅性的行为,也许是对这种支持挑衅的行为的回应为了回应以色列谋杀哈马斯首席谈判代表,哈马斯在过去半小时内宣布,它将不再参与停火谈判,因为以色列不断加大反对力度,每次哈马斯同意某事时,以色列都会改变其要求,这会让你感到惊讶吗?没有什么让我感到惊讶的,因为从根本上讲,当你看到冲突时,你必须考虑政治和根本问题,以色列冲突中有一个根本问题,那就是剥夺数百万巴勒斯坦人最基本的政治权利,他们现在被以色列占领或在以色列的轰炸下,在以色列造成的废墟下,在被占领土上非法以色列定居者的杀人行为下,但本质上,以色列建立了一个种族隔离的国家,统治着数百万巴勒斯坦人,当他们抗议或对他们做出反应时,以色列就会杀死他们这种深刻、持续和非法的不公正,这种情况已经持续了几十年,所以我们现在看到的只是一种更加极端和暴力的行为,我想根据国际法,以色列的种族灭绝行为,但这种行为以色列几十年来一直在进行,当你有这种行为时,可以达成什么样的协议,这不是一个政府,我的意思是,内塔尼亚胡政府正在寻求和平,这是一个寻求完全统治数百万人的政府,包括当他们反抗时杀死他们,所以这就是这件事的意义所在,我认为拜登白宫完全参与其中,这是美国外交政策的灾难,让我们明确一点,所有这些都是可以预见的,可以知道的,拜登反过来,国会,如果可以这么说的话,更可耻的是,当内塔尼亚胡获得超过 50 次起立鼓掌时他最近出现在国会面前,是这些大屠杀的帮凶,所以怎么能指望这件事能有什么结果呢?但正如我所说,这严重威胁着以色列自己的生存,因为它是如此鲁莽、如此极端、如此非法,??基于国际法院的一项又一项裁决,以色列发现自己完全孤立于美国外交政策和政治阶层之外,在多大程度上,人们是客人,这是我要直接进入你的驾驶室,现在在这种环境下,外交在多大程度上可以取得成功,或者换句话说,在没有外部力量强加的情况下,是否会有两国解决方案,美国的立场是一个完全虚假的立场,不仅仅是一个失败的立场,而是一个虚假的立场,即双方之间必须达成协议,但这完全是荒谬的,或者因为这意味着以色列可以否决尽管联合国、联合国大会和联合国安全理事会一再呼吁,国际法院也一再裁定,以色列的行为显然是残酷的非法行为,但白宫的立场,以色列游说团体强加的立场,或者它在美国官员口中传达的立场是,我们赞成两国解决方案,但必须由双方同意,这太荒谬了,联合国必须实施,以制止以色列的踢打和尖叫,如果情况就是这样,因为以色列必须遵守国际法,国际法需要由联合国安全理事会执行,国际法院的裁决当然需要现在执行,每次我们说话时,我都强调一个事实,即美国的外交政策是卑鄙和可耻的,拜登就是其中之一历史上最糟糕的总统之一,可耻的谎言,傲慢,呃,什么问题都没解决,我是在含糊其辞,不,不,一点也不,但是你的话是完全可以辩护的,我要说的是,我们知道答案是什么,全世界都知道答案是什么,而且答案可以这样,因为联合国根据《联合国宪章》拥有它需要的所有权力这个解决方案是否到位,它有这种权力,美国仍然是唯一的否决权,不是因为美国人民想要这样,而是因为以色列游说团体能够让美国官员举手多次否决和平,但我认为这是短暂的,让我打断一下,我们正在看呃犹太复国主义者躺在他们的呃肚子上呃阻挡进入阿拉哈马斯的道路呃这是 4 个小时前呃这些视频是的,这一切都是设计好的,似乎是为了挑起最后的战斗,这真的是我们想要的呃这真的是我们在保卫伟大的战争,通过结束世界来结束所有战争,但这些人是疯子,这是他的追随者,他们不仅违反了每一项国际标准和国际法,这也不是我的观点,这是联合国和国际法院一再做出的决定,包括最近的决定,即整个以色列在被占领土上的定居点都是公然和明显的非法的,但它们似乎是设计好的想发动一场所有人反对所有人的战争,这是疯狂的,顺便说一句,我不想??这么说,但在犹太国家的历史上,这种狂热分子已经多次导致国家的毁灭,我的意思是,犹太狂热分子通过这种令人震惊的极端主义,这令人难以置信,内塔尼亚胡显然是极右翼狂热分子的俘虏,也是它的创造者,因为他的政党路德党自成立以来,其基本部分就没有巴勒斯坦国,这意味着没有和平,所以这是他一生的核心政治,但这一切都不可能成功,以色列对国际法、国际规范、自然权利、人道主义权利、基本是非对错、基本善恶的蔑视,如果没有美国的支持,就不会成功,不是一天,不是一天,顺便说一句,我们每天都用库存武装以色列,我们提供目标,我们提供后援,一旦以色列谋杀了哈马斯领导层,就会在塔汉被谋杀伊朗新总统就职典礼,一位温和派,希望与世界实现和平,以色列承诺,我认为我们的国防部长没花五分钟就说我们 100% 支持以色列,因为这就是它的运作方式,两周前,在华盛顿特区,人们为失败的北约联盟举行了盛大的庆祝活动,今天或本周是美国起草的《日内瓦公约》的 75 周年纪念日,请坐好,我将为您宣读布林金国务卿今天关于日内瓦公约的讲话,今天我们纪念 1949 年《日内瓦公约》的 75 周年,美国重申我们坚定不移地遵守国际人道主义法,减轻武装冲突中的痛苦,我们呼吁其他国家也这样做,这可能是他说过的最大的谎言,杰夫,你知道他是一个惊人的失败者,我们每天都看到这些失败,我呃很难想象,因为有那么多灾难性的国务卿,但他肯定是最大的灾难之一. 这些话根本不值得一听,因为我的意思是,当然,这些话根本不值得一听,这些话完全没有意义,它们对美国的实际政策没有任何影响,你对伊朗对塔兰暗杀事件的反应有什么最好的判断,针扎,大规模入侵,伊朗单独行动,还是伊朗与俄罗斯资助的真主党一起行动,只要以色列保持这种可怕的极端主义和这种挑衅性的极端主义表现,当本·盖弗今天走过 Al AXA 清真寺时,我们可以肯定,在某个时候会发生一场大规模的地区战争,因为以色列有意挑起战争,而且我们似乎在美国,我们的政治阶层没有足够的智慧来阻止这种战争,所以我不知道是今天还是本周或者下下周,但我们所面对的是一个完全无法无天、叛逆或流氓的以色列国,而美国时刻与它紧密相连,无论它的行为如何,无论是轰炸和杀害无辜平民,让数十万人饿死,还是暗杀外国首都的和平谈判代表或停火谈判代表,轰炸外交设施,就像以色列在叙利亚大马士革所做的那样,然后美国在安理会站出来阻止任何形式的谴责,顺便说一句,这是日内瓦公约的一部分,不攻击其他外交设施,所以只要这种鲁莽、无法无天和公然吹嘘无限极端主义的行为继续下去,我们就会有一场灾难性的战争,很明显,以色列将继续尽其所能挑起战争,似乎它想把美国拖入这场地区战争,因为伊朗已经它的盟友,俄罗斯、中国和其他国家,可能会演变成世界大战,甚至可能演变成核战争,这是我们每时每刻都应该努力避免的事情,但我们的总统,也许在身体上或精神上,目前还没有能力做到这一点,但即使他展示了他的精神和身体能力,他也没有表现出他的判断力,去做一些不同的事情,我反复说过,美国总统的工作首先是要让美国的战争机器停下来,它总是在运转,现在就在运转,美国总统的工作就是踩下刹车来阻止它,这样我们就不会发生第二次世界大战,这就是我们现在所处的戏剧性局面,因为在乌克兰、加沙和以色列,我们都有第二次世界大战的因素,因为我们有完全鲁莽的国家,鲁莽的政府,他们尽一切可能挑衅,制造一场更广泛的战争,乌克兰在战场上失利,就在过去几年里,它派出了无人机几天之内直接攻击扎皮亚核电站,并点燃一座冷却塔,当然还有一些愚蠢的谎言,但一切都是众所周知的,一切都是可以理解的,但美国在哪里告诉乌克兰不要攻击核电站,你认为布林金在说什么,我看不到美国总统,任何人都不会,因为我们现在连最基本的外交政策理智都没有,战争机器在运转,总统在哪里,谁知道呢,不仅是总统,对萨克斯教授来说,国会也同样可耻,拥抱内塔尼亚胡,我们的朋友斯科特·里特形容他期望观众被收买,但这就是国会的问题,你知道我们使大规模腐败合法化,数十亿美元易手,目的是为了重新选举这些人,他们对我们的安全毫无贡献,但他们有一个自我治理的机器,他们拿钱来做他们的连任,他们给战争机器开了绿灯,这就是我们现在所看到的,非常戏剧化

Jeffrey Sachs 访谈 - 联盟战争即将来临
Jeffrey Sachs 粉丝
这是一场美国和俄罗斯之间的战争,美国人在地面上,美国人提供所谓的情报,虽然情报不是很准确,我们在乌克兰各地都有北约部队,美国人选择目标,管理武器系统,当然不用说,还为战争提供资金,所以这是一场战争,甚至不是代理人战争,有时被称为美国和俄罗斯之间的战争,这是一场美国和俄罗斯之间的战争,乌克兰正在承受死亡的大多数,没有美国的批准或美国的指导,乌克兰什么都不会发生,现在让我们也说,最近入侵 ksk,这是俄罗斯 1991 年前的领土,很可能会被证明是一场灾难,所以这不仅是北约的行动和美国领导的行动,而且是一场这很可能会失败,最有可能失败的原因有两个,一是乌克兰控制了其剩余军事力量的关键部分,包括装备和该地区最重要的旅,从而基本上撤离了接触线其他点的脆弱地区,因此从这个意义上讲,俄罗斯已经在顿巴斯的前线接触线上取得了非常重大的突破,特别是在 pvos 中,从后勤角度来看,这是一个极其重要的地区,因此乌克兰已经夺取了其大部分防御力量,其次,入侵 ksk 本身可能会被证明是有限的,不会产生战略影响,而且很可能会被击败,因此,最终结果可能是加速乌克兰的整体军事失败,但事实上,你有北约部队在地面上进行战斗,进行情报、监视、指导、武器系统管理等,所有这些都没有这很令人惊讶,所有这些都是众所周知的,所以你有美国人大量资助入侵俄罗斯,使用美国设备,美国情报部门,大部分美国设备由美国人操作,可以说美国入侵了俄罗斯吗?B如果同样的事情发生在阿拉斯加,我们会如何反应,美国行为的重点是我们从来没有问过这个问题,我们会如何反应,美国外交政策的重点是这些官员相信我们可以为所欲为,不受任何规范标准或国际法原则投票的约束,联合国安理会条约或任何其他我们认为会限制他人行为的东西,毕竟,最基本的一点是,美国自2011年以来一直表示,自门罗主义向世界其他国家宣布以来,不要干涉西半球,我们认为任何入侵西半球的任何地方,从火地岛的南端到我们附近的任何地方,都是对美国安全的侵犯,但当我们说,当然,我们有权将北约推到俄罗斯边境,在我们想要的任何地方部署导弹系统,呃,将格鲁吉亚作为北大西洋伙伴与高加索地区交战,作为北约的一部分,哦,这是我们的权利,所以美国外交政策的一切都是从头到尾建立在虚伪之上的,然后我们无法理解为什么,这只是让其他人有点恼火,并让我们陷入永久的战争呃,换个话题,我要播放一段国家安全局的剪辑,国家安全部长伊达尔·本·加维尔带领几千名犹太复国主义者进入阿洛阿,莫西停下来,对着镜头说,他说希伯来语,他的话语和翻译都很快,我会尽我所能跟上他们的节奏那些正在收听而不是观看这个节目的人的利益,然后我会问你入侵东耶路撒冷这座清真寺的意义,我们在 TSH 的临时节目中纪念圣殿的毁灭,但我们也必须诚实地承认,这里有改变犹太人祈祷的视线的重要意义,正如我所说,我们的政策是允许祈祷,但我要说的是,我们必须赢得这场胜利,我们必须赢得胜利,不要去开罗的圣殿,打败他们,让他们满足他们的需要,这就是我们可以打败哈马斯的信息,让他们屈服,在这样的时刻,这样的事情是多么适得其反,嗯,这是世界上最敏感的地区之一,对全世界的穆斯林来说,这是穆斯林最神圣的地方之一,呃,这样的入侵绝对应该违反以色列的政策,去年 10 月初的一次入侵就是这样的是 10 月 7 日哈马斯袭击以色列的前奏,这是几乎从未报道过的事情,但这些是贝尼尔的这些步骤,他是令人震惊的粗俗的种族灭绝极端分子,并且永远危险


Jeffrey Sachs Interviews - A Coalition War Is Drawing Near
Jeffrey Sachs Of Fans
this is a war between the United States first and foremost and Russia uh Americans are on the ground uh Americans are uh providing the so-called intelligence though it's not very intelligent uh we have NATO forces throughout Ukraine uh Americans are
picking the targets managing the weapon systems uh of course uh needless to say
financing the war as well so this is a war not even a proxy war is it's sometimes called between the US and Russia this is a war between the United States and Russia in which Ukraine is doing the preponderance of the dying nothing happens in Ukraine without the US approval or the US guidance now let's also say that recent incursion into ksk this is Russian pre-1991 territory is most likely going to prove to be a disaster so this is not only a NATO Le operation and us-led operation but one that is most likely to fail it's most likely to fail for two reasons one is that Ukraine has uh hold key parts of its remaining military forces both equipment and uh the the most important brigades to this area and thereby uh essentially vacated uh vulnerable areas in other points of the contact line so in this sense Russia is already making very
significant very rapid breakthroughs in the preceding contact line in the donbas in pvos in particular uh an area that is uh extremely important from a logistical
point of view uh and so Ukraine has already taken away a a great many of its defenses second the incursion itself
into ksk is likely to prove to be limited uh not to have uh strategic uh effects and is likely to be defeated so
the end result of this is probably to accelerate Ukraine's overall military defeat uh but the fact that uh you have
NATO forces on the ground doing the fighting uh doing the intelligence uh uh the surveillance the guidance the management of the weapon systems and so forth none of that is a surprise all of that is is very well known so you have um an invasion into Russia financed in large aart by Americans using American Equipment American intelligence much of the American Equipment manned by Americans a is it fair to say the United States invaded Russia and B how would we react if the same thing happened up in Alaska the whole point of American
behavior is that um we never ask the question ever how would
we react on the other side the whole
point of American foreign policy is the
belief by these officials that we can do
what we want with impunity uh against
any Norm standard or international law
principle vote of the un uh un Security
Council treaty or anything else
that we would say would limit uh the
behavior of others uh after all the most
basic Point uh that the United States
has said for 2011 years since the uh anunciation of
the Monroe Doctrine to the rest of the
world stay out of the Western Hemisphere
we regard any incursion in the Western
Hemisphere anywhere that could be from
the southern tip of Tiara del Fuego to
our immediate neighborhood as an infringement on US security but when we say but of course we have the right to push NATO right up to Russia's borders
put in missile systems wherever we want
uh engage Georgia in the Caucasus region as
a quote North Atlantic partner as part
of NATO oh that's our right so everything about American foreign policy
is built on hypocrisy from beginning to
end and then we can't understand why
that's just a little bit annoying to
others and gets us into Perpetual War uh Switching gears I'm going to run
a clip of um National Security is reg
national security minister um idar Ben
gavier leading a few thousand zionists into the aloa MOSI stops and
speaks to the camera he speaks in Hebrew
both his words and the translation are
very fast I'm going to do my best to
keep up with them for the benefit of
those who are listening to this program
rather than watching it and then I'll
ask you the significance of the invasion of this
mosque in East Jerusalem we at the temp on
TSH today we commemorate the destruction
of the temple but we must also honestly
acknowledge that there is significant
here regarding change the sight of Jews
praying as I said our policy is to
permit prayer but I'll say something
else we must win this we must win not go to stoms in do
or in Cairo defeat them bring them to their needs
that's the message we can defeat Hamas
bring it to its knes how counterproductive is something
like this at a time like this well this is one of the most
sensitive areas in the world for Muslim populations all over the
world this is one of the holiest sites
for Muslims uh and it is absolutely uh
supposed to be against Israeli policy to
have such incursions it was such an
incursion in early October last year
that was the Prelude to the October 7th
uh attack by Hamas into Israel this is
something almost never reported but
these these steps by benir who is
shockingly vulgar genocidal extremist uh and dangerous for ever

对我们所有人都很危险,当然对巴勒斯坦人来说也很危险,但对以色列的生存也一样,因为他以最鲁莽的方式炫耀极端主义,我相信以色列正在将其生存置于危险之中,哦,他在炫耀他的力量会让他们屈服,但正是这种极端主义和狂热才是对以色列生存的最大威胁,以色列故意将自己与整个世界社会隔离开来,除了拜登白宫和拜登外交政策团队,但我也包括美国人民,他们对以色列的所作所为感到震惊,因为本·加维尔代表和领导的极端主义,所以我以前没有见过这种情况,过去几个小时我一直在意大利开会,但当你把这件事提请我注意时,法官,我感到震惊,因为很难想到更有挑衅性的行为,也许是对这种支持挑衅的行为的回应为了回应以色列谋杀哈马斯首席谈判代表,哈马斯在过去半小时内宣布,它将不再参与停火谈判,因为以色列不断加大反对力度,每次哈马斯同意某事时,以色列都会改变其要求,这会让你感到惊讶吗?没有什么让我感到惊讶的,因为从根本上讲,当你看到冲突时,你必须考虑政治和根本问题,以色列冲突中有一个根本问题,那就是剥夺数百万巴勒斯坦人最基本的政治权利,他们现在被以色列占领或在以色列的轰炸下,在以色列造成的废墟下,在被占领土上非法以色列定居者的杀人行为下,但本质上,以色列建立了一个种族隔离的国家,统治着数百万巴勒斯坦人,当他们抗议或对他们做出反应时,以色列就会杀死他们这种深刻、持续和非法的不公正,这种情况已经持续了几十年,所以我们现在看到的只是一种更加极端和暴力的行为,我想根据国际法,以色列的种族灭绝行为,但这种行为以色列几十年来一直在进行,当你有这种行为时,可以达成什么样的协议,这不是一个政府,我的意思是,内塔尼亚胡政府正在寻求和平,这是一个寻求完全统治数百万人的政府,包括当他们反抗时杀死他们,所以这就是这件事的意义所在,我认为拜登白宫完全参与其中,这是美国外交政策的灾难,让我们明确一点,所有这些都是可以预见的,可以知道的,拜登反过来,国会,如果可以这么说的话,更可耻的是,当内塔尼亚胡获得超过 50 次起立鼓掌时他最近出现在国会面前,是这些大屠杀的帮凶,所以怎么能指望这件事能有什么结果呢?但正如我所说,这严重威胁着以色列自己的生存,因为它是如此鲁莽、如此极端、如此非法,??基于国际法院的一项又一项裁决,以色列发现自己完全孤立于美国外交政策和政治阶层之外,在多大程度上,人们是客人,这是我要直接进入你的驾驶室,现在在这种环境下,外交在多大程度上可以取得成功,或者换句话说,在没有外部力量强加的情况下,是否会有两国解决方案,美国的立场是一个完全虚假的立场,不仅仅是一个失败的立场,而是一个虚假的立场,即双方之间必须达成协议,但这完全是荒谬的,或者因为这意味着以色列可以否决尽管联合国、联合国大会和联合国安全理事会一再呼吁,国际法院也一再裁定,以色列的行为显然是残酷的非法行为,但白宫的立场,以色列游说团体强加的立场,或者它在美国官员口中传达的立场是,我们赞成两国解决方案,但必须由双方同意,这太荒谬了,联合国必须实施,以制止以色列的踢打和尖叫,如果情况就是这样,因为以色列必须遵守国际法,国际法需要由联合国安全理事会执行,国际法院的裁决当然需要现在执行,每次我们说话时,我都强调一个事实,即美国的外交政策是卑鄙和可耻的,拜登就是其中之一历史上最糟糕的总统之一,可耻的谎言,傲慢,呃,什么问题都没解决,我是在含糊其辞,不,不,一点也不,但是你的话是完全可以辩护的,我要说的是,我们知道答案是什么,全世界都知道答案是什么,而且答案可以这样,因为联合国根据《联合国宪章》拥有它需要的所有权力

 dangerous for everybody for us uh for the Palestinians of course but also for Israel survival because he
flaunts extremism in the most Reckless
way and I believe that Israel is putting
its survival at risk oh he's flaunting
his power will bring them to their knees
but it's this kind of extremism and
zealotry that is the biggest threat to
Israel's survival itself Israel has
willfully isolated itself from the
entire world Community other than
perhaps the Biden White House and the
Biden foreign policy team but I include
the American people as well who are a
gast at what Israel is doing because of
the extremism that Ben gavier represents
and leads so I hadn't seen this before
I've been in meetings in in Italy for
the last several hours but when you
brought this to my attention judge I was
shocked because it's hard to think of
more provocative Behavior perhaps in
response to this Pro provocative
Behavior perhaps in response to the
murder of the chief Hamas negotiator by
the Israelis Hamas announced within the
past half hour it will no longer
participate in the ceasefire uh
negotiations the state of purpose is
because Israel keeps upping the anti
every time Hamas agrees to something
Israel changes its demand does that
surprise you nothing surprises me because again fundamentally when you see
a conflict you have to think about politics and the underlying issue there's one underlying issue in the Israeli conflict and that is the denial
of the most basic political rights of
the millions of Palestinians who are now
occupied by Israel or under the bombing
of Israel under the rubble that Israel
has caused under the murderous behavior
of ill legal Israeli settlers in
occupied territories but essentially
Israel has established an apartheid
state where it rules over millions of
Palestinians and uh kills them when they
protest uh or when they react to uh this
profound and continuing and illegal
Injustice uh and that situation has gone
on for decades so what we are seeing now
is just a more extreme and violent and I
would say according to international law
genocidal Behavior by Israel but of a
kind that Israel has been carrying out
for decades when you have that kind of
behavior what kind of agreements can be
reached this is not a government I mean
the Netanyahu government that is looking
for peace this is a government that is
looking for complete domination over
millions of people up to when including
killing them when they resist so uh this
is what this is about and uh I think the
Biden white house is completely
complicit in this this is a disaster of
US foreign policy let's be clear uh all
of this is predictable knowable uh and
Biden at turn and the Congress which is even more
disgraceful if one can say it giving uh
more than 50 standing ovations to
Netanyahu when he appeared before the
Congress recently is a complete uh
accomplice to these massacres so how
could one expect something to come out
of this but as I say it profoundly threatens Israel's own
Survival because it is so reckless so
extreme so illegal uh based on one
ruling after the next of the international court of justice that
Israel finds itself entirely isolated
from all except the US foreign policy
and political class to what extent
people are a guest this this is I'm
going to go right into your wheelhouse
now to what extent can diplomacy be
expected to succeed in this environment
or stated differently will there ever be
a two-state solution without the
imposition of it by an outside
force well the US position which is a
completely phony position not just a
failed position but a phony position is
that there must be an agreement between
the two parties but this is a utterly
absurd or well because it means that Israel can veto
the basic political rights of the
Palestinian people despite the repeated
uh calls by the United Nations both the
general assembly and the UN Security
Council and the repeated decisions of
the international court of justice that
Israel's behavior is plainly flatly
brutally illegal but the White House
position the Israel Lobby imposed
position if you will or the one that it
has delivered into the mouths of
American officials is that oh the two-state solution we're in favor
but it must be agreed by the two parties
that's nonsense it must be put in place by the
United Nations Over The Kicking and
Screaming of Israel if that's how it's
going to be because Israel has to follow
international law and international law
needs to be enforced by the UN Security
Council and the rulings of the international court of justice need to
be enforced now of course every time uh
we speak I emphasize the fact that the
US foreign policy is Despicable and
disgraceful and Biden is one of the
worst Presidents of modern history in
this shameful lying arrogant and uh solving no
problems whatsoever am I am I mincing my
words no no no not at all but but your
words are eminently defensible the the
point I'm making is that we know what
the answer needs to be the whole world
knows what the answer needs to be and it
can be that way because the UN is has
under the UN Charter all of the power
that it needs to pu

这个解决方案是否到位,它有这种权力,美国仍然是唯一的否决权,不是因为美国人民想要这样,而是因为以色列游说团体能够让美国官员举手多次否决和平,但我认为这是短暂的,让我打断一下,我们正在看呃犹太复国主义者躺在他们的呃肚子上呃阻挡进入阿拉哈马斯的道路呃这是 4 个小时前呃这些视频是的,这一切都是设计好的,似乎是为了挑起最后的战斗,这真的是我们想要的呃这真的是我们在保卫伟大的战争,通过结束世界来结束所有战争,但这些人是疯子,这是他的追随者,他们不仅违反了每一项国际标准和国际法,这也不是我的观点,这是联合国和国际法院一再做出的决定,包括最近的决定,即整个以色列在被占领土上的定居点都是公然和明显的非法的,但它们似乎是设计好的想发动一场所有人反对所有人的战争,这是疯狂的,顺便说一句,我不想??这么说,但在犹太国家的历史上,这种狂热分子已经多次导致国家的毁灭,我的意思是,犹太狂热分子通过这种令人震惊的极端主义,这令人难以置信,内塔尼亚胡显然是极右翼狂热分子的俘虏,也是它的创造者,因为他的政党路德党自成立以来,其基本部分就没有巴勒斯坦国,这意味着没有和平,所以这是他一生的核心政治,但这一切都不可能成功,以色列对国际法、国际规范、自然权利、人道主义权利、基本是非对错、基本善恶的蔑视,如果没有美国的支持,就不会成功,不是一天,不是一天,顺便说一句,我们每天都用库存武装以色列,我们提供目标,我们提供后援,一旦以色列谋杀了哈马斯领导层,就会在塔汉被谋杀伊朗新总统就职典礼,一位温和派,希望与世界实现和平,以色列承诺,我认为我们的国防部长没花五分钟就说我们 100% 支持以色列,因为这就是它的运作方式,两周前,在华盛顿特区,人们为失败的北约联盟举行了盛大的庆祝活动,今天或本周是美国起草的《日内瓦公约》的 75 周年纪念日,请坐好,我将为您宣读布林金国务卿今天关于日内瓦公约的讲话,今天我们纪念 1949 年《日内瓦公约》的 75 周年,美国重申我们坚定不移地遵守国际人道主义法,减轻武装冲突中的痛苦,我们呼吁其他国家也这样做,这可能是他说过的最大的谎言,杰夫,你知道他是一个惊人的失败者,我们每天都看到这些失败,我呃很难想象,因为
这些话完全没有意义,它们对美国的实际政策没有任何影响,你对伊朗对塔兰暗杀事件的反应有什么最好的判断,针扎,大规模入侵,伊朗单独行动,还是伊朗与俄罗斯资助的真主党一起行动,只要以色列保持这种可怕的极端主义和这种挑衅性的极端主义表现,当本·盖弗今天走过 Al AXA 清真寺时,我们可以肯定,在某个时候会发生一场大规模的地区战争,因为以色列有意挑起战争,而且我们似乎在美国,我们的政治阶层没有足够的智慧来阻止这种战争,所以我不知道是今天还是本周或者下下周,但我们所面对的是一个完全无法无天、叛逆或流氓的以色列国,而美国时刻与它紧密相连,无论它的行为如何,无论是轰炸和杀害无辜平民,让数十万人饿死,还是暗杀外国首都的和平谈判代表或停火谈判代表,轰炸外交设施,就像以色列在叙利亚大马士革所做的那样,然后美国在安理会站出来阻止任何形式的谴责,顺便说一句,这是日内瓦公约的一部分,不攻击其他外交设施,所以只要这种鲁莽、无法无天和公然吹嘘无限极端主义的行为继续下去,我们就会有一场灾难性的战争,很明显,以色列将继续尽其所能挑起战争,似乎它想把美国拖入这场地区战争,因为伊朗已经

t this solution into place it has that power the United
States Remains the lone veto not because the American people want that but because the Israel Lobby has been able to get American officials to raise their hand to veto peace repeatedly but I believe that this is short let let me just stop you for a second we are looking at uh zionists laying on their uh stomachs uh blocking the path uh the entry into the alaxa musk this is 4 hours old uh these videos yeah th this is all designed it seems to provoke the final battle is is this really what we want uh is this really what we're defending the great war to end all war by ending the world but these are crazy people this benir his followers they're not only violating every International standard and international law and that's again not my opinion that's the decisions repeatedly of the UN and the international court of justice including the recent decisions that the entire Israeli settlements in the occupied territories are blatantly and plainly illegal but they seem to be designed mind to have a a war of all against all and it's insane and by the way I hate to say it but there are repeated times in in in the history of
uh of the Jewish state in this area where zealots have brought about the destruction of the state I mean the
Jewish zealots through this kind of shocking extremism it's it's unbelievable well Netanyahu is obviously a captive of the hard right zealots and a creator of it as well because the fundamental part of his party the lud since its formation has been no Palestinian State and that means no peace so this has been core his politics his entire lifetime but none of this could succeed none of Israel's thumbing its nose at international law international Norms natural rights humanitarian rights basic right and wrong basic good and evil without enabling by the United States agreed not for not for one day not literally for one day by the way we arm Israel out of stockpiles every day we provide the targeting we provide the backup as soon as Israel murdered the Hamas leadership murdered in uh tahan on the occasion of the inauguration of the new Iranian president a moderate who wants to make peace with the world as soon as Israel committed that I don't think it took five minutes for our secretary of defense to say we back Israel 100% because this is how it works two two weeks ago uh in Washington DC there were great celebrations for the failed uh alliance called NATO there were no for the 75th anniversary of it today or this week is the 75th anniversary of the Geneva conventions which the United States authored hang on to your chair I'm going to read to you what secretary blinkin said today about the Geneva conventions today we commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Geneva conventions of 1949 the United States reaffirms our steadfast commitment to respecting International humanitarian law and mitigating suffering in armed conflict we call on others to do the same perhaps the greatest lie he's ever told Jeff you know he's a he's a stunning failure uh and uh we see these failures on display every day I uh it's hard to imagine because
there have been so many disastrous secretaries of state but he certainly ranks among among the biggest disasters
it's not even worth listening to the words uh because I mean of course it's not even close to worth listening to the
words they're they're completely meaningless they have no bearing whatsoever on actual US policy at any moment what is your best judgment as to uh Iran response to the assassination in Taran a pin prick a major uh incursion Iran alone or Iran with Hezbollah financed by Russia as long as Israel maintains this uh grotesque extremism and this provocative show of extremism as Ben gavers walk through Al AXA mosque today we can be sure that at one point or another there will be a massive Regional War because Israel is intent on provoking it uh and uh we don't have it seems in the United States uh the wisdom in our political class to stop this uh so I don't know whether it will be today or this week or next next week but what we have is a completely Lawless and Renegade or Rogue state of Israel uh and the United States bound to the hip at every moment with it no matter what Its Behavior whether it is bombing and killing innocent civilians starving hundreds of thousands to the
point of death uh assassinating uh counterpart peace negotiators or ceasefire negotiators in foreign capitals bombing uh uh diplomatic facilities as Israel did uh in Damascus and then the US stands in the security Council to block any kind of censure which by the way is
a part of Geneva conventions not to attack other diplomatic facilities so as long as this kind of recklessness lawlessness and flagrant uh boasting of uh unlimited extremism goes on we will have a a disastrous War it's clear Israel is going to keep doing whatever
it can to provoke it it seems it wants to draw the us into this Regional War which because uh Iran has 


its allies uh Russia and China and others could turn
into a World War could turn into a nuclear war uh is something that we should be working every moment to avoid but we don't have a president that
perhaps is even physically or mentally
capable of this at this point but even when he showed his uh mental and physical uh capacity he didn't show his judgment uh to do something different I say repeatedly it is the job of the American president first and foremost to put a break on the war machine of the United States which is always revving and it's revving right now now and the job of the president of the United States is to stop it by putting his foot on the breaks so we don't have World War II and this is the drama that we're in right now because we have both in Ukraine and in Gaza and Israel we have the makings of World War II because we have completely Reckless countries Reckless governments that are doing whatever provocation they can to create a wider War Ukraine which is losing on the battlefield sent its drones just in the last couple of days to attack directly the zapia nuclear power plant and and set one one of the cooling towers uh on fire then of course some stupid lies about it but everything is known everything is understood but
where is the United States telling Ukraine don't attack a nuclear power plant you think blinkin is saying this not that I can see the president of the United States anybody no because we don't have the makings of even the most basic sanity of our foreign policy right now the war machine revs and the president is who knows where it's not just the president to Professor Sachs it's the Congress as well look disgraceful Embrace of uh of Netanyahu which our friend Scott Ritter has described as what he expect the audience was bought and paid for but that's the point with the Congress you know we legalized Mass corruption billions and billions billions of dollars changing hands for what purpose to reelect these people who do nothing for our security but they have a a self uh uh governing uh machine they uh take the money uh they use it for their reelection and they give a green light to the War Machine and this is what we have right now it's it's very dramatic
