前言:“神秘博士”(Doctor Who)是由英国广播公司(BBC)制作的经典科幻电视剧,首播于1963年。更多关于这部剧的简介,请参阅第一篇剧评的前言:‘Who Fans’俱乐部。这个剧评是我和水儿的小园地 – 只有两个成员的俱乐部。 英文是水儿写的,我用AI翻译成中文,稍加修饰。放在括号里的斜体字,是我的插入语剧评和中文版才有的“剧情简介”。
“太空婴儿”和“恶魔的弦” (Space Babies and The Devil’s Chord)
“太空婴儿”紧接着2023圣诞特辑的剧情展开,前几分钟主要重新介绍了新任“博士”(the Doctor)和他的同伴“鲁比”(Ruby Sunday)。
演员Ncuti Gatwa(饰演博士)已经展现出了绝对的魅力,他为这个角色带来了难以置信的能量和深度。他与Millie Gibson(饰演鲁比)的搭配也非常精彩。Gibson自己也很出色,为角色和整集添加了很多色彩。
(剧情简介:故事讲述了博士和鲁比穿越时空去到1963年,去看那时候的英国摇滚乐队‘甲壳虫’,却发现世界对音乐失去了兴趣,甲壳虫乐队的那些成员也如此。据片头介绍,在1925年,一位钢琴老师向他的学生展示了“魔鬼和弦”,召唤出Maestro,Maestro吞噬了老师的音乐精华,并杀死了他。忧虑世界对音乐失去了兴趣并怀疑是Maestro作祟,博士让鲁比演奏钢琴,召唤出Maestro (Jinkx Monsoon 饰),发现他的笑声极像这一季第一集中出现过的Toymaker。逃离Maestro的袭击后,他们回到2024年,发现伦敦成为核冬天中的废墟。Maestro出现,揭示他们是Toymaker的孩子,计划消灭宇宙中的所有生命。Maestro声称,要击败他们,博士需要找到正确的和弦来驱逐他们,他觉得博士做不到。博士和鲁比再次穿越到1963年,遭到Maestro的攻击,但《钟声颂歌》"Carol of the Bells"响起、、、最终甲壳虫乐队的Lennon和McCartney完成了和弦,将Maestro拖入钢琴中,释放了博士和鲁比。剧终时,音乐恢复,音乐表演继续、、、)
看完这两集,感觉这一季的总体故事也非常引人入胜。设定了许多谜团,从鲁比的出生到Susan Twist的存在,再到“the one who waits”,我非常期待看到这一切是如何展开和解答的。
Space Babies and The Devil’s Chord
The new 2024 season of Doctor Who opened with the release of two episodes on the same day, and I am very glad they did.
Space Babies picks up where the Christmas special left off, and spends its first few minutes reintroducing the audience to the new Doctor and his companion Ruby Sunday. Ncuti Gatwa (the Doctor) is already absolutely electric in the role, bringing an incredible energy and depth to the character. He plays off Millie Gibson(Ruby) fantastically. Gibson herself is also spectacular, adding so much to the role and the overall episode.
These first few minutes are lightning fast, moving through the key concepts of Doctor Who quickly so the episode can really begin. Unfortunately, that point is also where the episode falls apart. The rest of the episode is somewhat poorly paced, with strange CGI making the babies look uncannily weird. The portrayal of the babies themselves strays more towards cringe than cute, but the episode was still saveable until the climax of the story. (I quite like those babies. I think they are really cute. Think about it: the babies can talk and can manage the spaceship…).
The jovial, jokey scene where the nature of the Bogeyman is revealed is then suddenly followed by a scene where we, the audience, are seriously meant to believe that the Bogeyman’s existence should hold as much value as the babies themselves. This could have been a well-done message, but the episode itself does nothing to justify this scene and there is no reason to feel sympathy for this monster made of snot. Overall, a very poor start to the series saved by perfect casting and phenomenal acting.
The Devil’s Chord on the other hand, is a wonderfully fun and campy episode with a lot to like. The whole concept of it, from the over-the-top Maestro, to the presence of the Beatles in the 1960s, to the musical number at the end, could have been handled very poorly, but the writers fully commit to the campiness and weirdness of the episode, creating a genuine gem of an episode. (I totally agree. I have always liked historical episodes of Doctor Who anyway. It is nice to see the famous zebra crossing on Abbey Road in London).
Maestro is a fantastic villain who manages to walk the line between ridiculous and intimidating very well. Gatwa and Gibson are once again incredible, and their chemistry is genuinely one of the best in a long time.
This episode is where we really begin to see Gatwa shine as the Doctor. He brings a marvellous energy and wonder to the character while still retaining the seriousness and darkness of the role where necessary. This feels like a fresh Doctor, one who has worked through the traumas of his past and has accepted them, but without ignoring them. While the resolution of the episode is a little contrived and convenient, it is still a fantastic episode that combines silly fun with high stakes, fantastic performances and emotional depth.
The overarching story of the season is also very intriguing after these two episodes. There are so many mysteries that have been set up, from the circumstances of Ruby’s birth to the presence of Susan Twist, to the one who waits, I’m very much looking forward to seeing how it all resolves.