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[我曾经失落失望 失掉所有方向]

[直到看见平凡 才是唯一的答案]

I used to conquer mountains and skies,
And pushed past all walks of life.
I used to own all that you see,
Only for it to vanish in the breeze.
I used to lose hope, lose heart, lose sight of what life means.

After 14 years, I now see the answer lies within the ordinary from Lifechanyuan.
Thank the Greatest Creator for saving my life at least three times.
I am grateful for becoming a Chanyuan Celestial and living in the Lifechanyuan International Family Thailand Branch.
Praise the Greatest Creator.


Please read my story about one-year experience in Lifechanyuan Thailand Branch on June 5, 2024 from: https://lifechanyuanvalues.wordpress.com/2024/06/07/lifechanyuan-is-not-an-evil-home-but-a-heavenly-sanctuary-that-saved-me/

May Wisdom, Peace & Love from the Greatest Creator be with you.


Jiejing2022 发表评论于
回复 'chunfengfeng' 的评论 : 你好,谢谢你的高质量评论。让我觉得很开心和感恩。质量的提升,是通过实打实地每天的高强度的脑力劳动和一定的体力劳动达到的;心境的拓展,是经历了太多的大起大落而又必须要坚持和忍耐而成功地获得了;人生的审视,我觉得是经历过了亲人们的生离死别以及对金钱,对人生的困惑而开始进行深层次的感受与思考后不得不自发进行的;归根到底一句话:感恩佛祖上帝的能量加持让我还能活着。
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