针对文章 “川普已近崩溃 狂看自己遇刺视频 或将退出竞选?” 的评论

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针对文章 “川普已近崩溃 狂看自己遇刺视频 或将退出竞选?” 的评论 

原文发在 https://www.wenxuecity.com/news/2024/08/18/125729771.html,下面做了整理:

我想知道这种说 Trump 坏话的报道是不是来源于“左派”媒体,所以去 google 搜了下 “Trump PDST” (PDST = 创伤后应激障碍),结果发现既有“左派”媒体Newsweek 的文章(见下面索引 1),  也有“右派”媒体Daily Mail 的文章 (见下面索引 2) . 至于上面报道里面提到的 《名利场》杂志 (Vanity Fair),则是左右派文章都登的 (见下面索引 3).

1) Donald Trump May 'Legit Have PTSD' Over Shooting: Report ,  https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-ptsd-rally-shooting-thomas-matthew-crooks-pennsylvania-1939560 ;

2) Donald Trump allies fear he is sabotaging his presidential campaign since Joe Biden dropped out of the race amid worries he has PTSD after assassination bid ,  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13745823/donald-trump-allies-sabotaging-presidential-campaign-ptsd-assassination-bid.html ;

3) Trump Allies Fear He's Sabotaging His Own Campaign ,  https://www.vanityfair.com/news/story/trump-allies-fear-sabotaging-campaign 

charley-ca 发表评论于
我在Google 上搜的结果 Daily Mial 是偏 Coversative 的:

Is the Daily Mail conservative?

Politically the Daily Mail is right-wing. It has endorsed the Conservative Party at every UK general election since 1945, apart from one election in 1974.
花刺猬 发表评论于
Daily Mail 应该是左媒。