Pray for Israel day 2

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With every prayer and request, pray at all times in the Spirit, and stay alert in this, with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints.

                                  Ephesians 6:18

My beloved, my fingers with liquid myrrh

My beloved, my heart with broken Nardos

My beloved, my mouth with spiritual tongue and songs

For Your kingdom is coming

All the clouds of saints are waiting

All the hosts of angels are watching

Holy Spirit pounding and wondering

Your love never fail

My faith never subdue

Your justice and hope brilliant on Your lip


For your creation, salvation and battle for righteousness is my ROCK

Sharpen my ears , LORD

Your name is Faithful and True

And in righteousness You judge and make war

The war between Your Word and the world!

Sharpen my ears , LORD

You are the victory, You are the prince of all Goodnesses, your are the LORD of breakthrough,

As all the waters flow under Your Holy names , Your children of Israel will humble, repent, hunger and hidden under Your Word .

In Yeshua’s name, I pray , Amen!
