

在西方世界,“个人主义”长期以来被认为是给个人赋能的源泉,是社会财富增长的动力。从尼采开始,到上世纪的艾茵·兰德(Ayn Rand)、弗里德里希·哈耶克和米尔顿·弗里德曼等思想家都把个人自主、自我利益和自由市场作为优先考虑,成为个人主义哲学的倡导者。里根和撒切尔夫人则作为政府领袖把这种哲学运用到政府运作上,通过私有化让企业和社会更有活力。在这一范式中,任何偏离个体主义的观点都被视为低劣的,还会被贴上社会主义、集体主义或群体思维的标签。这一叙事渗透到文化和政治话语中,塑造了西方现代社会价值观和期望。








“Privileged” Individualism

In the Western world, individualism has long been celebrated as a hallmark of progress and a source of personal empowerment. Thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Ayn Rand, Friedrich Hayek, and Milton Friedman have risen to prominence as advocates of a philosophy that prioritizes personal autonomy, self-interest, and the free market. Within this paradigm, any deviation from individualism is often dismissed as inferior, labeled socialist, collective, or indicative of a herd mentality. This narrative has permeated cultural and political discourse, shaping societal values and expectations. However, while individualism carries substantial merits, it is essential to recognize that this worldview is ultimately a "privileged" one—sustainable only within a societal framework that supports it. In times of collective discontent, as seen in countries like Cuba and the former Soviet Union, this framework can be challenged or dismantled.

The philosophical foundations of individualism celebrate the notion of the self-made person, positing that individuals can rise through effort, ingenuity, and determination. This concept has undeniably inspired countless individuals and fostered innovation and economic growth. However, like any theory, individualism has its limits. In Western societies, it operates on the assumption that all members subscribe to the norms and values that underpin it.

It's also crucial to acknowledge that the ideal of individualism is never divorced from personal interest. For instance, impoverished individuals in the Rust Belt often claim they've lost freedom from government overreach. However, the reality is that many desire government intervention to mitigate the effects of globalization, which has transferred jobs to Asia in the name of free-market ideals. Personal wealth remains the dominant consideration for any group. Historically, significant wealth disparities have fueled revolutions, as seen in the French Revolution, where inequities in France surpassed those in contemporary Britain. Similarly, communism took root in Russia and China largely due to widespread poverty.

Consequently, unchecked individualism, coupled with vast wealth disparities, undermines the environment necessary for individualism to thrive. To maintain and protect this ideal, continuous improvement in welfare systems is essential. This welfare framework should not be viewed as a concession to socialism or collectivism; rather, it is a crucial foundation for privileged individualism.

Democratic processes can facilitate group negotiations, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility that ensures all members of society consent to the pro-individualism framework.

In conclusion, while individualism is often hailed as a superior truth, it is vital to recognize its "privileged" nature. It flourishes only when supported by societal consensus and welfare. Welfare is not an obstacle but a negotiated necessity—a cold, scientific fact that underpins the sustainability of individualism.
