enjoy solitude more than company

宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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It's tradition in the family: We have the duty to lead!


Caroline: I enjoy solitude more than company, reading books, novels, poems, and philosophy. 

Mr. Fox (politician): You got an unusual taste of life.


The Aristocrats BBC 1999 Episode One of Six - Full Complete Series

8.32K subscribers
1,099,344 views Feb 23, 2013
This is the Irish and BBC Production from 1999. Lavishly correct ladies gowns and headdresses and hairstyles and mens suits and hairstyles from the era of 1740's to 1800. Love the antique Chippendale 3 seater furniture in the interior shots. The huge mansion in Ireland of Lord Kildare is now a golf course. Whoever wrote this took from lives from real people as Charles Fox and sons DID exist as of course the main characters of this story. If you ever wonder just how it would be living back in the 1700's just immerse yourself in this story and you will know.. BTW these characters are contemporaries of Georgina Duchess of Devonshire (The book The Duchess and they are mentioned by name in the book) and accurately portray daily life and mores of the era. I attribute all rights to the BBC for this production. I will be uploading the entire 6 Episodes complete so you can enjoy without switching to another video every 10 minutes. I have finally finished uploading all six episodes so you may watch them in their entirety and view the complete series all at once if you wish. I was able to convert and squeeze all six episodes on one DVD disc so I could watch it uninterrupted. I used the AVS video converter set on DVD long play to achieve this. I have left the video in the avi format so it is easier to convert.