这次辩论后民主党觉得他们赢“麻“了,各种民调领先满天飞,殊不知那种极左的专横跋扈,my way or high way 之 approach 早已将中间选民弄了个透心凉,如果民主党换个偏中间的候选人他们肯定弃川普而去,但并非这个中国人称之“见人说人话见鬼说鬼话”的哈里斯。看看她过去在加州的所作所为,看看今天旧金山的乌烟瘴气,以美国人民的智慧,他们能让哈里斯入主白宫?民调说哈里斯赢了,而决定此次大选的中间选民说:"Don't give a dime!”
Mina63 发表评论于
工人 发表评论于
风语空灵 发表评论于
回复 'xyz66' 的评论 :
谢谢 xyz66朋友的“拔刀相助”,不胜感激!
“ A small-town bakery in a key swing state is using cookies to add extra sweetness and competition to the upcoming presidential election.?
Lochel's Bakery in Hatboro, Pa., is tracking the sales of their red Trump cookies and blue Harris cookies as customers from across the country are placing orders to show support for their candidate.
As of Friday morning, the shop has sold a whopping 5,200 Trump cookies vs. 500 Harris cookies.?”
不知道你说的实质性论点是什么,倒有个简单的问题,博主如何知道"中间选民对辩论输赢 don't give a dime"?
文中没有任何说明,博主就替"中间选民"作了主,让显得越俎代庖的结论难以令人置信。辩论胜利是否能转化为更多选票,是个无人能回答的问题。博主"don't give a dime"的回答,因毫无依据让肯定的语气显得非常单薄,因为只是一个猜测。
除非授权,否则,在美国/西方人们回答对某个问题的看法/感受时,几乎有一个标准模式: I don't know about others, but I think/believe...(我不知道别人怎么样,但我认为/相信...)。与中国大陆不同,在西方/美国随便与他人作主,是冒犯人的不礼貌行为。
xyz66 发表评论于
楼下的Shalako 网民,你得向博主学习,说点实质性的论点,纠结于“dime” or “damn” 有意思吗? 显摆你英文造诣深厚? 别忘了,这是在海外,英文是主流语言。文学城卧龙藏虎,秀这点雕虫小技,贻笑大方罢了。
也许博主只不过是为了避免触发“profanity” censorship 才用了dime. Who knows? Who cares?
ShalakoW 发表评论于
电影"随风而去/Gone with the Wind"的结尾,当深爱Scarlett O'Hara 的 Rhett Butler 再也无法忍受 Scarlett冷漠与自私,决定离家出走时,Scarlett 在房门处拦住Rhett,恳请他不要走:
Scarlett: Rhett, if you go, where shall I go? What shall I do?
Rhett: Franky my dear, I don't give a damn.
如果按你的意思,I don't give a dime 与 I don't give a damn 没有区别,Rhett回应道,"Frankly my dear, I don't give a dime", 且不说电影是否能成经典,观众或都会要求退票,哪怕当时的票价只是 a dime.
回复 'Contenta' 的评论 : 赞!把你的正贴提上来
“So, I think you’ve heard tonight two very different visions for our country, one that is focused on the future, and the other that is focused on the past and an attempt to take us backward. But we’re not going back, and I do believe that the American people know we all have so much more in common than what separates us, and we can chart a new way forward, and a vision of that includes having a plan, understanding the aspirations, the dreams, the hopes, the ambition of the American people. Which is why I intend to create an opportunity economy, investing in small businesses, in new families, and what we can do around protecting seniors, what we can do that is about giving hardworking folks a break and bringing down the cost of living. I believe in what we can do together that is about sustaining America’s standing in the world and ensuring that we have the respect that we so rightly deserve, including respecting our military and ensuring we have the most lethal fighting force in the world.
I will be a president that will protect our fundamental rights and freedoms, including the right of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do. I’ll tell you, I started my career as a prosecutor. I was a DA, I was an attorney general, United States Senator and now vice president. I’ve only had one client, the people. And I’ll tell you, as a prosecutor, I never asked a victim or witness, ‘Are you a Republican or a Democrat?’ The only thing I ever asked them was, ‘are you OK’? And that’s the kind of president we need right now, someone who cares about you and is not putting themselves first.I intend to be a president for all Americans and focus on what we can do over the next 10 and 20 years to build back up our country by investing right now in you, the American people.
So she just started by saying she’s going to do this, she’s going to do that. She’s going to do all these wonderful things.Why hasn’t she done it? She’s been there for three and a half years.They’ve had three and a half years to fix the border. They’ve had three and a half years to create jobs and all the things we talked about. Why hasn’t she done it?
She should leave right now, go down to that beautiful White House, go to the Capitol, get everyone together and do the things you want to do.
But you haven’t done it, and you won’t do it because you believe in things that the American people don’t believe in. You believe in things like we’re not going to frack, we’re not going to take fossil fuel, we’re not going to do things that are going to be strong, whether you like it or not.
Germany tried that, and within one year, they were back to building normal energy plants … We can’t sacrifice our country for the sake of bad vision.
But I just ask one simple question, why didn’t she? We’re a failing nation. We’re a nation that’s in serious decline. We’re being laughed at all over the world, all over the world. They laughed. I know the leaders very well. They’re coming to see me. They call me. We’re laughed at all over the world. They don’t understand what happened to us as a nation. We’re not a leader. We don’t have any idea what’s going on. We have wars going on in the Middle East. We have wars going on with Russia and Ukraine. We’re going to end up in a third World War, and it will be a war like no other, because of nuclear weapons, the power of weaponry. I rebuilt our entire military. She gave a lot of it away to the Taliban. She gave it to Afghanistan. What these people have done to our country, and maybe toughest of all, is allowing millions of people to come into our country. Many of them are criminals, and they’re destroying our country. The worst president, the worst vice president in the history of our country.”
晒就是分享 发表评论于
晒就是分享 发表评论于
楼主的意思是 The undecided voters are not convinced by the poll. They couldn't care less. The so-called "win" does not shift their votes.
上世纪美国大萧条时,歌手 Bing Crosby 有一首很有名的歌,Brother, can you spare a dime (伙计,能施舍一毛钱么?),说的是大萧条给美国各行各业的人造成的经济打击。结尾的歌词是,
...Oh say, don't you remember? I am your pal,
Buddy, can you spare a dime.
ShalakoW 发表评论于
Thank you.
且不说他如何知道"中间选民"怎么想的,他想说明的是"美国中间选民"的思维活动。With this in mind,
从语言逻辑上说,英文是"Don't give a damn",是表明自己不在乎, 而"Don't give a dime"表明"一文不值"。
"一文不值"是大陆国人思维方式,否定对方来强调自己正确; "与我无关"是美国人的思维习惯,只强调自己的意见,不评判他人(结论)是否正确。
美国政坛割裂,左右相互否定,对方"一文不值(Don't give a dime)",而"中间选民"的特点就是不参与左右谁对谁错之争(Don't give a damn)", 只在意自己的判断。
Contenta 发表评论于
川普的closing argument 痛打三笑七寸,让她毫无还手之力。赢麻了?还是被打”麻“了?
“So, I think you’ve heard tonight two very different visions for our country, one that is focused on the future, and the other that is focused on the past and an attempt to take us backward. But we’re not going back, and I do believe that the American people know we all have so much more in common than what separates us, and we can chart a new way forward, and a vision of that includes having a plan, understanding the aspirations, the dreams, the hopes, the ambition of the American people. Which is why I intend to create an opportunity economy, investing in small businesses, in new families, and what we can do around protecting seniors, what we can do that is about giving hardworking folks a break and bringing down the cost of living. I believe in what we can do together that is about sustaining America’s standing in the world and ensuring that we have the respect that we so rightly deserve, including respecting our military and ensuring we have the most lethal fighting force in the world.
I will be a president that will protect our fundamental rights and freedoms, including the right of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do. I’ll tell you, I started my career as a prosecutor. I was a DA, I was an attorney general, United States Senator and now vice president. I’ve only had one client, the people. And I’ll tell you, as a prosecutor, I never asked a victim or witness, ‘Are you a Republican or a Democrat?’ The only thing I ever asked them was, ‘are you OK’? And that’s the kind of president we need right now, someone who cares about you and is not putting themselves first.I intend to be a president for all Americans and focus on what we can do over the next 10 and 20 years to build back up our country by investing right now in you, the American people.
So she just started by saying she’s going to do this, she’s going to do that. She’s going to do all these wonderful things.Why hasn’t she done it? She’s been there for three and a half years.They’ve had three and a half years to fix the border. They’ve had three and a half years to create jobs and all the things we talked about. Why hasn’t she done it?
She should leave right now, go down to that beautiful White House, go to the Capitol, get everyone together and do the things you want to do.
But you haven’t done it, and you won’t do it because you believe in things that the American people don’t believe in. You believe in things like we’re not going to frack, we’re not going to take fossil fuel, we’re not going to do things that are going to be strong, whether you like it or not.
Germany tried that, and within one year, they were back to building normal energy plants … We can’t sacrifice our country for the sake of bad vision.
But I just ask one simple question, why didn’t she? We’re a failing nation. We’re a nation that’s in serious decline. We’re being laughed at all over the world, all over the world. They laughed. I know the leaders very well. They’re coming to see me. They call me. We’re laughed at all over the world. They don’t understand what happened to us as a nation. We’re not a leader. We don’t have any idea what’s going on. We have wars going on in the Middle East. We have wars going on with Russia and Ukraine. We’re going to end up in a third World War, and it will be a war like no other, because of nuclear weapons, the power of weaponry. I rebuilt our entire military. She gave a lot of it away to the Taliban. She gave it to Afghanistan. What these people have done to our country, and maybe toughest of all, is allowing millions of people to come into our country. Many of them are criminals, and they’re destroying our country. The worst president, the worst vice president in the history of our country.”
镜子里的猴儿 发表评论于
回复 '海河垂钓叟' 的评论 : 只见过 " I would not give you a dime...." 或者 " you would not get a dime..." , 没见过人说 " don't give a dime", 只有一个例外. 有一首歌名叫做 "don'i give a dime."
海河垂钓叟 发表评论于
两种说法都对,don't give me dime 的意思是 what you said is worthless to me.
ShalakoW 发表评论于 2024-09-13 07:20:11
博主,正确的说法是,Don't give a damn,