Food & Nutrient--Vitamin D and Calcium--有关维生素D 和钙有关的食物以及营养吸收

三言两语, 五湖四海, 七七八八, 几个知己
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In general, both men and women need about 1,000 milligrams (mg) of calcium per day. Women should up their intake to 1,200 mg at about 51 years old. This is because bone breakdown in postmenopausal women is greater than the amount of bone formation. Men should up their intake to 1,200 mg at about 71 years old (ref1).

Vitamin D helps body to absorb calcium. So to help the body to absorb supplemental calcium, it is best to take vitamin D with it.

Human body can make Vitamin D, but not A, B & C, which has to come from food or food supplements.

An conclusion might be made from the table that Calcium Phosphate is the best calcium supplier, since adequate phosphate is needed for bone health (ref1). However, study has shown that excess phosphate might result in osteoporosis and problems with kidney function (ref1 and ref2). Keep in mind, most people get enough phosphorus in the average American diet.

Foods which are excellent sources of calcium: Milk, Tofu, Seaweed, Potato, Spinach, Beans, Chinese Cabbage, fish with bone, Sesame seeds.


